How Does The Bible End

The Bible Ends with a Vision of Hope

The Bible concludes with a vision of hope and inspiration, depicting a world that is in harmony with the will of God. In Revelation 21–22, John the Apostle is given a glimpse of the new heavens and new earth, many centuries after the end of human history as we know it.

John is shown a holy city, which is described as having a wall with twelve gates, each with an individual angel. The vision of a city built on heavenly measurements, with walls and gates of solid jasper, and streets of pure gold, speaks of a beauty and peace inaccessible in this life.

The Bible also speaks of God’s glory filling the city in a new way, drawing humanity into a relationship with Him. This indicates a restored relationship between creation and Creator, one far better than mankind has ever known.

Furthermore, God promises that He will wipe away every tear and bring healing to the nations, a hope which is echoed in the Old Testament. This indicates His acceptance and intimacy, as mere friendship from God overcomes the distress of the world.

The vision of the new city also points to the new belongings of God’s heavenly family and the abundant blessings that He has for His people. God’s promise to bring joy to His people without end ensures that followers of Him can look forward to a truly perfect place, in which life is truly complete.

Finally, the vision of the new city clarifies the existence of a new heart, soul, and life. When God creates the new heavens and earth, the old creation of fallen mankind fades away. This is replaced with a new humanity made in His own image and likeness, which will live forever in the presence of God, who “will dwell with them and they shall be His people… and God himself will be with them and be their God.”

The Need for Redemption

The need for the Bible’s conclusion to include the promise of redemption speaks to the broken state of the world. According to scripture, when sin entered the world by Adam and Eve, all of creation was marred. Mankind was then cut off from the presence and blessing of God, and has since lived in conflict with him.

The promise of redemption found in the Bible offers a solution to the brokenness of the world. This comes in the form of reconciliation, renewal and healing. God promises the restoration of mankind to a right relationship with Him and the remaking of all that was destroyed by the fall, including a new humanity at the end of times.

In addition, the promise of redemption speaks not only of an end, but also of a beginning. As God recreates the heavens and the earth, and His people are brought into a new relationship with Him, mankind can look forward to a clean slate. No longer bound by sin and death, mankind is set to embark on a new era of life in the presence of God and all of His blessings.

The hope of redemption lifts mankind from the depths of brokenness, with the promise of hope. Finally fulfilling the longing of Adam and Eve for a perfect union with the Creator, victory is declared over the enemy and sin is no more.

Love and Judgment

Love and judgement are intertwined in the Bible’s conclusion. This is evident in the many finales contained within scripture, which often depict a part of judgement and a part of mercy.

One example of this comes in the book of Matthew. As Jesus departs Earth, he orders his disciples to evangelise the world and preach the gospel to all nations. This is followed by a judgement day in which those who have accepted Him will be granted eternal life, and those who have rejected Him will be condemned to eternal punishment.

This revelation of God’s love and judgement is echoed in the Bible’s conclusion. According to Revelation, those who turn away from God will not be able to dwell in the new city or partake of eternal life. On the other hand, those who accept the offer of reconciliation will dwell in the new city and share in its glory forever.

Therefore, the Bible’s conclusion stresses how consequences follow from choices and how the world will be judged based on one’s actions and responses. In doing so, it proclaims that love and judgement are intrinsically linked, and sets believers apart as sharing in the glory of God’s (often stern) decision-making.

Good Over Evil

God’s promise to renew the heavens and the earth also speaks of the triumph of good over evil. According to the Bible, evil makes three major arguments against the goodness of God. It claims that God is not sovereign; He is weak; and evil is unstoppable.

The Bible’s conclusion shows God’s sovereignty and power to overcome the schemes of the enemy. Furthermore, it shows how He will not only restore His people through redemption but also bring healing to the nations. This indicates that although much evil will occur, good will ultimately prevail.

In conclusion, the Bible’s conclusion serves as both an inspiration and reminder of how God will eventually overcome evil. It provides believers with assurance that the Good will overcome the Bad, so that righteousness and justice can finally reign over all.

Future Hope

The conclusion of the Bible gives readers a hope for the future, providing a vision of what life may be like after the restoration of all things to God. As stated earlier, John’s vision of the new city speaks of a beauty and peace inaccessible in this life.

Apart from the physical attributes of the new city, there is also a promise of a spiritual renewal. God promises that He will bring healing to the nations and restore the relationship between mankind and Himself. This is the ultimate end of the Bible, which is to reunite mankind to the God who created us and loves us.

Finally, the Bible’s conclusion speaks of the promise of eternity. According to the Bible, eternal life awaits believers who accept the offer of reconciliation. This life in the presence of God is the ultimate goal, offering a hope and joy that will carry on long after the end of human history.

Divine Intervention

As the Bible comes to a close, it speaks of God’s divine intervention in the world. This comes in the form of a new heaven and a new earth, where all things are made new and a perfect peace exists. As stated earlier, the vision of a city with jasper walls, twelve gates and streets of pure gold speaks of a beauty and peace inaccessible in this life.

In addition, the Bible speaks of God’s glory filling the city in a new way, drawing humanity into a relationship with Him. This indicates a restored relationship between creation and Creator, one far better than mankind has ever known.

Finally, God promises to lead mankind through a new era of life, one in which all needs are met and no tears will be shed. In doing so, He intervenes in the broken world, providing a glimpse of the future, when peace will reign and mankind will be reunited with its Creator.

The Power of Faith

The Bible’s conclusion also speaks of the power of faith. Believing in the promise of redemption entails more than just intellectual agreement; by faith, one puts trust in God and His promises of restoration.

Ultimately, to accept the promise of redemption is to trust in the loving care of God, who promises a restoration of His people to right relationship with Him. As God’s people walk in obedience and faith, they are also called to proclaim His Word, inviting all nations to receive His magnificent gift of salvation.

Therefore, the Bible’s conclusion stands as a reminder to those in faith about the incredible power of believing in the promise of God. As the world awaits its fulfilment, believers are strengthened by the hope of what will be, having committed their hope to the loving grace of the Lord.

The People’s Hope

Finally, the Bible’s conclusion also speaks to mankind’s innermost longing for a place of hope and completeness. According to the Bible, this hope is found in the restoration of mankind to a right relationship with its Creator. This results in a deep peace and abiding joy, unbroken by sin and death.

In addition, this hope speaks of a new humanity made in the image of God, which will live forever in His presence. This affirms the reality that although death currently holds reign, a new and better life awaits those who accept the offer of redemption.

In conclusion, the Bible’s conclusion is a reminder to mankind’s longing for its place of completeness. It speaks of the beauty of a life restored and renewed, and the joy that accompanies its discovery. In doing so, the Bible inspires its readers to embrace the peace of the world to come, and to make the most of the life they have now.

Marcos Reyna is a Christian author and speaker. He is dedicated to helping create disciples of Christ through spreading the power of the gospel to others. He has written several books and articles on a variety of theological topics, including matters of faith, worship, biblical studies, practical ethics, and social justice. A trained theologian and devotee of spiritual writing, Marcos has a mission to spread Christian love everywhere. He lives with his family in Nashville, TN where he spends his days encouraging others to seek Christ's grace in all things.

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