God’s Promise to Edom
The Bible contains many references to Edom, a nation that descended from the biblical patriarch Esau, near the modern city of Petra, in southern Jordan. Edom was a powerful kingdom during the Iron Age and is frequently mentioned in the biblical texts both in terms of its political and religious importance. According to the Bible, God promised the Edomites land, children and a nation.
The biblical record shows that in the beginning, God gave Edom a place among He’s chosen nations and promised them a glorious future full of power and wealth. God promised his blessing to Edom’s descendants through indefinite generations, confirming that Edomites would possess a vast inheritance that extended from the Mediterranean to the region of the Dead Sea. He also promised Edom extensive external boundaries, mentioning specifically Sela and Teman, which are regions within the Edomite border.
The book of Numbers details God’s promise to the Edomites that they would inhabit the land that He had promised to them, as long as they obey His commands and remain faithful to him. In this text, God also renews His commitment to keep His promise to Edom and reaffirms Edom’s claim to the Promised Land. According to this passage, the Edomites should remain in the land and their people would be under the protection of God.
God’s Judgment on Edom
Despite God’s promise to Edom, the Bible reveals that Edom would ultimately suffer for their rebellious nature and lack of faith in God. The prophet Isaiah predicted God’s severe judgment on Edom for their deep-rooted hatred of the Jews, who were God’s chosen people. Isaiah also declared that God would punish the Edomites for their indifference toward His chosen people and would inflict great wrath upon them.
In the book of Jeremiah, the Lord warns that he is coming to take revenge on Edom, claiming that Edom has committed “acts of violence” against their mother, Israel. And, in the book of Obadiah, the Lord speaks of the destruction and desolation that is yet to come for the Edomites because of their rebellion against Him.
The Bible also offers warnings of destruction stirred up by the Lord against Edom’s great wealth, their valley of salt and the city of Petra, where they had built their homes. This destruction ultimately resulted in Edom becoming a mere shadow of its former self as its cities were destroyed, its people driven out and its lands abandoned.
Edom’s Relation to Israel
The Bible shows that the relationship between Edom and the Israelites was tumultuous and strained at best. In the books of the Bible written during the Iron Age, the Edomites are described as hostile and unwilling to assist the Israelites. The Edomites refused to let the Israelites pass through their territory on their way to the Promised Land, and were unwilling to share their goods with their so-called “brothers”.
In the book of Deuteronomy, God orders the total destruction of Edom for siding with the enemies of His people. He warns that the Edomites will suffer for their alliance with the foreign nations and for their aversion to their own relatives and that the people of Edom will strongly oppose the invaders but will ultimately be defeated.
The Bible goes on to explain how the people of Edom rejected and attacked the Jews many times, causing the Lord to call for punishments. The Lord condemns Edom’s show of aggression towards the Jews and recommends that the Edomites give them safe passage and provision, in exchange for the protection that Edom would receive from Israel.
The Fall of Edom
The Bible shows that Edom eventually fell after centuries of strife, due to their refusal to heed the Lord’s call to repent and their determination to follow their own paths. In the book of Obadiah, the Lord warns the Edomites of their impending doom, calling them to turn away from their wickedness and to be restored to their former state redeemed by the grace of God.
The book of Malachi reveals further warnings of destruction for Edom, saying that Edom will be burned until only its foundation stones remain. Nevertheless, God offered a way of deliverance for Edom, as He had done for His other fallen nations.
God also proposed a way for the Edomites to come back to Him, the same way He had done with the Israelites after they had sinned and been punished by His judgment. In Deuteronomy, God spoke of a way of restoration that included turning back to Him and listening to His Word.
Edom’s Legacy in Modern Times
The Edomites were a powerful nation that had a great influence on the Bible, as evidenced by its numerous references to them. Today, there is very little physical evidence left of the once powerful Edomite kingdom but there are still traces of Edom’s legacy in the form of some remaining ruins in contemporary Petra and surrounding villages.
Remnants of the Edomite culture, such as the ancient fortresses, caves, and canals, can still be seen in Petra, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1985. In addition, artifacts such as coins, jars, and seals have been found that are believed to have belonged to the Edomites.
These artifacts have been used by experts to give further insight into the Edomite culture and history. It has been confirmed that the Edomites had a hieroglyphic writing system and primarily worshiped their own gods and goddesses. In addition, it has been theorized that the Edomites had a great influence on the region’s climate, as they had developed sophisticated irrigation systems, allowing them to create fertile land that sustained their citizens.
Edom’s Significance in Christianity
In the New Testament, Edom, or Idumea, is referenced as a region to be avoided, because of its lack of religious importance. This is in contrast with the Old Testament, in which Edom was a great nation of power and wealth, including spiritual significance for the people of Israel. This contrast is likely due to the fact that Edom had forsaken its earlier spiritual traditions and beliefs and had adopted idols, sacrifices and other pagan religious customs.
Edom is mentioned throughout the New Testament as an example of a people who were cursed by God and have no hope of ever finding redemption in Him. In the Bible, Jesus is referred to as “the lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David”, which references the Edomites as God’s chosen nation through whom he grants salvation.
Edom is also referenced in relation to the return of Christ, as a place where a wealthy king will join with forces from the East to come and fight against Judaea, which is described as the believers in Jesus, who will come and destroy the refuges of Edom. Despite this, the significance and legacy of Edom’s religious and spiritual importance have continued to be relevant in the Christian faith, ranging from its referenced in the New Testament to its history of spiritual practice and worship.
Edom’s Relationship With the Jews of the Current Age
Despite the many conflicts between the Edomites and the Jews in the biblical era, Edom is still firmly rooted in the Jewish faith today. The Edomites, who are considered to be the descendants of Esau, have been accepted into the Jewish faith in modern times. In fact, recent genetic studies have revealed a certain degree of genetic similarity between modern Jews and Edomites.
This suggests that there has been a degree of intermixing over the centuries, leading to an even closer relationship between the two peoples. Although the Edomites are no longer an independent nation, their descendants still exist in the region and their presence is still a constant reminder of Edom’s past.
Edom also continues to have religious and cultural significance for the Jewish faith, both in terms of its connection to the biblical histories and for its continued spiritual relevance. Like all religions, the Jewish faith emphasizes the importance of humility and faith in the one God, and Edom continues to serve as an example of a nation that disobeyed God and instead followed its own paths.
The Important Message of Edom
The ancient story of Edom is a reminder of the consequences of disobeying God’s commands and neglecting His will. It is a story of a nation that was once great, before it fell due to its ignorance and refusal to abide by the Lord’s orders. The Bible is full of examples of nations and people who experience the consequences of their disobedience and Edom is among them.
The tale of Edom is also a reminder to always trust in the Lord’s power and never forget His greatness. Its enduring message is one of faith and redemption, a reminder that God’s mercy and grace are ultimate and that no matter how deep a nation may have gone into sin, it is never too far from His redeeming love.