What is a Pharisee in the Bible?
A Pharisee is a formal member of a Jewish religious party that flourished in the intertestamental period from the 2nd century BC to the 1st Century AD. They were especially active during the time of Christ. At the time, many Jews were struggling under the shadow of Roman rule and the influence of Herodian semi-Hellenistic ideals. In response, a stricter, more conservative interpretation of the Law started to emerge. This group of Jews called themselves Pharisees, which means “separated”.
The Pharisees strictly adhered to the oral traditions that had been passed down by Jewish elders. They compounded their strict interpretation of the law with a host of commentary and commentary-based regulations. Nevertheless, they were held in high esteem by other Jews, as they had no formal authority except to teach and preach.
Pharisees in the Gospels
In the four gospels of the New Testament, the Pharisees are described as a group of religious leaders whose austerity and rigidity of religious law is in great contrast to the more leniency preached by Jesus. For example, when Jesus tolerated a woman caught in adultery and then forgave her, the Pharisees were deeply angered and argued that she should be judged and condemned in accordance with the Law.
The Pharisees, despite Jesus’ refusal to conform to their standards, quickly became the primary voice of Judaism. They gained power by appealing to the masses of people who were seeking to be more religious and righteous.
Jesus and the Pharisees
Jesus often found himself in conflict with the Pharisees. His teachings challenged their interpretations of the Law, particularly regarding their rigid observance of religious customs, and their lack of mercy and compassion for the poor, the sick, and those who sinned.
There are numerous examples in the gospels of the Pharisees and scribes engaging Jesus in long debates and even mock trials, in an attempt to discredit his ministry and teachings. However, Jesus never lost his composure or faith in spite of their best efforts, and he was never fazed by their questioning.
Conclusion of the Pharisees
The Pharisees were influential religious leaders during Jesus’ time, and their attitudes and teachings still linger today. The Pharisees find themselves the subject of intense scrutiny and criticism for their legalism and lack of mercy, but a closer look reveals that, despite their apparent harshness, they believed that the Law should be followed for its own sake: for the laws of God, not simply to support their own power.
The Influence of the Pharisees
Despite their spiritual shortcomings, the Pharisees still had a significant role in Jewish history. In the centuries following Jesus’ time, Jewish scholars modeled many of their interpretations of Scripture and traditions on the work of the Pharisees. Elements of Pharisaic interpretation are still visible today in modern Judaism.
The difficult teaching of Jesus against the Pharisees has also had a lasting impact on Christian thought. Christians are reminded by Jesus’ teachings not to become consumed with the details of religious observance at the expense of being compassionate and loving to one another.
The Influence on Jewish Law
The Pharisees were also influential in developing Jewish law and helping to codify it. Several key written works that are still relied upon by Jews today were developed by heavily Pharisee-influenced Jewish scholars. These include the Mishnah, the Jerusalem Talmud, and the Babylonian Talmud. All of these works are used to this day in the interpretation of Jewish law and the construction of halacha, or Jewish law.
Beliefs of the Pharisees
The Pharisees were distinguished by their highly legalistic approach to religious observance. They believed in the literal interpretation of the Torah, meaning the five books of Moses, and would go to great lengths to ensure their own and others’ obedience to the letter of the law. The Pharisees also held a belief in the resurrection of the dead, and in the existence of an afterlife – something that was largely not accepted or discussed in pre-Christian Judaism.
The Impact of the Pharisees Today
Though the Pharisees no longer exist as a distinct group, their impact on Jewish and Christian religion is still felt today. The strictness with which they sought to obey the Law reminds us of the importance of obedience to God’s commands. The debates between Jesus and the Pharisees also remind us of the importance of discerning the Spirit of the Law from the letter of the Law when interpreting the scriptures. Last but not least, the Pharisees’ advocacy of resurrection and their belief in an afterlife serve to remind us of the great hope we have of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
The Pharisees in Jewish Tradition
The Pharisees have been remembered in Jewish tradition as the pious forefathers of their faith. While the teachings of Jesus and the Pharisees sometimes conflicted, the rabbis throughout history praised the Pharisees for their great dedication to religious observance and for their deep knowledge of the scriptures. In the end, this interpretation of the Pharisees has both preserved the unique flavor of their teachings, and sought to strike a balance between loyalty to the Law, and the mercy and compassion of Christ.
Legacy of the Pharisees
Though the Pharisees were a highly influential religious movement, their ultimate legacy is debated. On one hand, the Pharisees’ strict adherence to the Law can be seen as an example of fidelity and commitment to the scriptures. On the other hand, their legalism and lack of mercy can also be seen as a cautionary tale of religious extremism. In the end, it is up to each person to discern how to properly obey the law with mercy, grace, and conviction.
The Pharisees and Politics
The Pharisees also had a significant impact on the political landscape of their time. In spite of their strict religious observance, they were known to be pragmatic and even willing to compromise with Roman authorities in order to reduce restrictions on the Jewish people and maintain the peace. In some cases, they even went so far as to work with the Roman authorities, in order to ensure the welfare of their fellow Jews.
Pharisees and the Economy
The Pharisees were also very involved in the economy of their time. They actively sought to reduce poverty by promoting charitable giving and advocating for economic opportunities for the poor. The Pharisees believed that socioeconomic justice was essential for the health of their society and that the wealthy should assist the poor – a message that is still relevant to this day.
The Hope of an Afterlife
The Pharisees also held a strong belief in the afterlife, believing in the resurrection of the dead and in the existence of a heavenly realm. This belief was largely absent from pre-Christian Judaism, and it is credited as one of the reasons why the Pharisees were able to remain steadfast in their commitment to their faith, even in the midst of political oppression. The hope of an afterlife is still a strong foundation of the Jewish faith – and an important part of the legacy of the Pharisees.