Palm Sunday is a special Christian holiday that marks Jesus’s triumphant return to the city of Jerusalem. It is mentioned in all four gospels of the Bible, and is one of the most significant days in the Christian calendar. Each year on Palm Sunday, Christians around the world commemorate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem as recorded in the four gospels of the Bible. It marks the beginning of Passion Week which follows the Easter season and culminates with Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
The first mention of Palm Sunday is in the Gospel of Matthew, where Jesus arrives in Jerusalem riding a colt and is greeted with fanfare and the waving of palm branches. In Luke’s gospel, Jesus is praised with the words ‘Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.’ In John’s gospel, Jesus’ entry is met with singing and praise. All four gospels note that the people of Jerusalem greeted Jesus with palm branches.
“Palm Sunday is a significant Christianity moment in which Jesus completed his journey from Galilee to Jerusalem,” says Dr. Giovanni Boccaccio (PhD), an associate professor of theology at Harvard University. “He is met with great joy and celebration by the people of Jerusalem and there is a sense of the fulfillment of God’s promise of the coming of the messiah.”
The use of palm branches is important in Palm Sunday as they have long been symbols of joy and victory. It is believed to originate from the ancient Israelites, who waved palm branches in celebration when they entered in the Promised Land. The waving of palm branches also symbolizes full submission to God’s will as described in Psalm 118: “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Palm Sunday is traditionally celebrated with a mass or church service. The church is often decorated with palm branches or fronds. Many churches also have processions, during which the congregation walks around the church carrying palm branches. This procession is meant to symbolize the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem.
Every year, Christians around the world commemorate this significant moment of Jesus’ journey. It is also an opportunity to communal involve in the Passion narrative and to reflect on the power of grace and forgiveness.
Dimensions of Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday contains multidimensional aspects that have enriched its celebrations over time. Rev. Dr. Jennifer Liewer (PhD), a clergy member of the United Church of Christ, explains how this is the case: “Palm Sunday invites us to celebrate not just the triumphant entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem but also Jesus entering into death. He understood he was entering into a situation for which the cross was the only outcome. Thus, Palm Sunday celebrates the paradox of joy in suffering: the joy of witnessing his presence mixed with sorrow for his ultimate fate. It is always meaningful to remember, especially in a pandemic year.”
Palm Sunday Prayer
Prayers are commonly included in Palm Sunday services. People may sing traditional hymns of praise or recite Scripture. Various prayer formats may be used, such as litanies or responsive readings. A prayer of intercession may be said in the middle of the service, and the Lord’s Prayer can conclude the service.
“Palm Sunday is an invitation to have a conversation with God– to speak to Him and listen to Him, whatever one’s faith,” shares Rev. Benjamin Soloway, an Episcopal pastor in Northern Virginia. “Prayers can include both thanksgiving and lament, joy and sorrow– just like life.”,” After the service, people often take the blessed palm branches home to place in places of honor.
Grief on Palm Sunday
In difficult years, Palm Sunday can become a reminder of sorrow and loss. But Rev. Dr. Rebecca Kirkpatrick (PhD), an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church, explains how it can also be a time of hope: “For me, Palm Sunday has always held a special power in the face of grieving, especially in this pandemic world. Even when there is pain and sorrow, even when we don’t understand why things are the way they are, Palm Sunday reminds us that God is with us and that death is not the last word. There will be life the other side, even in the midst of our pain and sorrow.”
Palm Sunday offers hope to a world in need of it. As Dr. Boccaccio puts forth, “Palm Sunday brings the promise of new life, of hope and redemption, and of the victory over death and evil. It is no wonder that this event is remembered and celebrated by millions of believers and by millions of people of various beliefs, creeds, and cultures.”
Palm Sunday Symbolism
The symbolism of Palm Sunday is tied to the imagery of Jesus portrayed in the gospel narratives. Symbols such as the donkey, palm branches, and even the hosannas of the crowds illustrate Jesus’s mission as a humble king riding into Jerusalem as the Savior of the world. As he rides, the crowds wave palm branches to signify victory and lay down their cloaks on the ground in an act of honor and respect.
The use of palm branches at the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem reminds us of the importance of victory and of giving all glory to God. As it is written in Psalm 118, “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.” It is a reminder of the power of the triumphant. It is a reminder that, even in darkness, there are moments to be celebrated and of hope.
It is also a reminder that God is faithful and that victory comes with humble submission and faithful service. Rev. Dr. Andrew Sundberg (PhD), a Lutheran pastor in Iowa, affirms this: “God’s love is unending and offers us the chance to be like Jesus said in the gospel: To accept the overwhelming goodness of God and be blessed by it – to ride into Jerusalem on a donkey and shout ‘hosanna’ in the face of death, because that is where we should look for our joy and peace.”
Palm Sunday as a Community Event
Palm Sunday is meant to be a communal event where believers come together to joyfully recognize Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem. As people cannot join together for in-person services this year, believers will have to find innovative ways to keep the spirit of the day alive. For example, churches could consider streaming special worships, delivering palm branches to members, or organizing online video processions.
Some churches offer Palm Sunday baskets or bags filled with various items, such as prayer cards, candles, incense, prayer rope, and other items. And faith groups could consider creating digital spaces where people can share stories, prayers, and other meaningful experiences from the week. What’s important is to recognize the importance of the day and celebrating it in meaningful and creative ways.
Modern Significance of Palm Sunday
The immense significance of Palm Sunday is highlighted in a world of struggle and suffering– not only because of the current health crisis, but because of the various forms of injustice and oppression that have long existed. Dr. Boccaccio highlights this perspective: “Palm Sunday marks a reminder of the way of the cross– not just the victory of Jesus in entering Jerusalem but ultimately the importance of suffering, the struggle of life, and the hope of death and resurrection.”
In this way, Palm Sunday can remind us of our collective journey of hardship and hope. As Jesus enters Jerusalem, he ushers in a message of humility, of love, and of justice. Palm Sunday can help us remember Jesus’s mission and faithfulness in a world where despair and anxiety can often be overwhelming. It is an invitation to follow the way of Jesus and to find hope in the midst of confusion, loss, and grief.