Where In The Bible Does It Talk About Gays

The Leviticus’ Commands Against Homosexuality

When talking about homosexuality and the Bible, one of the first books that most people turn to is Leviticus. The book of Leviticus contains some very specific laws, and it is these laws that are often used to cite passages that claim to forbid homosexuality. According to these laws, any man who lies with another man as with a woman commits an “abomination.”

The precise meaning of the term “abomination” in these passages is often misunderstood. The Hebrew word translated as “abomination” carries with it the notion of something being taboo or shocking. It does not necessarily mean that the act itself is considered to be morally wrong.

Some scholars have argued that the ‘abomination’ refers to the act of a man lying with a man as he does with a woman, or possibly to the mixtures of men and women in an orgiastic cult. Others have suggested that the ‘abomination’ refers to homosexual acts which were contrary to the social or religious customs of the time.

In any case, the texts are clear in their condemnation of the act. This condemnation is often seen as proof that the Bible considers homosexuality to be a sin. However, it should be noted that the Bible also contains laws that forbid other behaviors, such as eating pork, wearing clothing made of two different fabrics, and eating blood – none of which are necessarily seen as immoral today. Therefore, it is important to consider the specific context of the Leviticus passage before drawing conclusions about its messages.

Paul’s Letters to the Romans and Corinthians

In addition to the Leviticus passages, the other most commonly cited Biblical passages concerning homosexuality are Romans 1:26-27 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. In both passages, the Apostle Paul condemns certain types of behavior as “contrary to nature.”

The phrase “contrary to nature” is often taken to mean that any same-sex acts are automatically considered sinful. However, it should be noted that Paul uses the phrase “contrary to nature” in other contexts, such as when speaking of greed or violence toward slaves. Therefore, it is important to consider the specific context of the passage, as well as its implications for today’s society.

Strict literal interpretations of these texts suggest that any same-sex relationships are automatically sinful and therefore, should be forbidden. However, historians and biblical scholars have suggested that Paul’s words may have been directed at Greek and Roman pagans who were routinely engaging in extreme and often violent homosexual acts.

A more liberal interpretation of Paul’s words takes into account the setting in which Paul was writing and suggests that Paul was simply condemning the specific context of the cultures in which he was writing. He may not have been necessarily condemning same-sex relationships modern society has come to understand and accept.

Instead, Paul was condemning particular doctrines of excess, lust and violence which had become commonplace in Greco-Roman culture. This interpretation acknowledges the diversity of human experience and allows room for more “modern” interpretations of same-sex relationships.

The Acceptance of Homosexuality in Other Bible Texts

Apart from the Leviticus and Pauline passages, there are some texts in the Bible that suggest a more accepting attitude towards same-sex relationships. For example, the book of Genesis contains a story about the relationship between two angels, one of whom is described as being “the most beautiful.” This is often seen as an example of the acceptance of homosexuality in the Bible.

Likewise, Jesus does not mention homosexuality anywhere in the Bible, emphasis instead on loving one’s neighbor and being kind to everyone. This has been interpreted by some as a sign of Jesus’ acceptance of people’s rights to love who they choose.

Finally, there are many Old Testament texts which can be interpreted as a condemnation of certain homosexual acts, but which make no direct mention of same-sex relationships. These texts focus mainly on issues such as adultery and inappropriate behavior, rather than on the subject of homosexuality itself.

The lack of a clear condemnation of homosexuality in the Bible leaves open the possibility that same-sex relationships can be seen as acceptable in the eyes of God.

The Context of The Bible

One of the most important things to remember when considering the issue of homosexuality and the Bible is that the Bible was written in a time and culture that is vastly different from our own. It is important to keep this in mind when attempting to draw conclusions about the Bible’s stance on homosexuality.

In the centuries since the Bible’s writing, attitudes towards homosexuality have changed dramatically. As society’s views have changed, so too have the understandings of Biblical passages. Thus, it is important to consider the context of the Bible when attempting to interpret passages related to homosexuality.

It is also important to consider the context of the original audiences who were listening to the Biblical writers. After all, the original readers of the Bible were living in a much different time, and the relevant social, economic, and religious issues were likely very different from the ones we face today.

Finally, it is important to remember that the Bible is not meant to be a set of strict rules, but rather a guide for living a righteous life. It is up to us, as readers and interpreters, to take the Bible’s words and apply them to our own lives and contexts in a way that reflects our modern understanding of love, compassion, and acceptance.

LGBTQ Biblical Interpretations

In recent years, scholars, theologians, and members of the LGBTQ community have put forth new interpretations of Biblical passages that take into account the changing social and cultural contexts in which the Bible was written. These interpretations differ from traditional understandings of the passages in that they often focus on how the Bible speaks of love, acceptance, and unity between all people, regardless of their sexual orientation.

The LGBTQ interpretation of the Bible often focuses on the idea of respect and understanding for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation. This interpretation suggests that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality and that same-sex relationships should be accepted and respected, just as any other type of relationships.

For example, the book of Ruth, which tells the story of the love between two women, is seen by many as an example of God’s acceptance of same-sex relationships. Other texts, such as the parable of the Good Samaritan and the story of Jesus’ conversation with the woman at the well, are also seen as examples of God’s unconditional acceptance of all forms of love.

In addition to the changing interpretations of the Bible, members of the LGBTQ community have also turned to other spiritual texts and teachings, such as the teachings of the Buddha and the Tao, for insight and guidance on this issue. These texts often speak of love, acceptance, and unity, and they provide a broader, more inclusive understanding of relationships, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.


Ultimately, any discussion of homosexuality and the Bible must take into account not only the changing social and cultural contexts, but also the evolving interpretations of the Bible. Only then can we begin to understand the various ways in which the Bible speaks to this issue. For some, the Bible speaks of condemnation and sin, while for others, it speaks of love, acceptance and unity.

Hilda Scott is an avid explorer of the Bible and inteprator of its gospel. She is passionate about researching and uncovering the mysteries that lie in this sacred book. She hopes to use her knowledge and expertise to bring faith and God closer to people all around the world.

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