Tithing is an ancient practice of giving to God, often within religious settings and specifically in the Bible. It involves donating a tenth or a portion of one’s income in service of God. In the Bible, tithing is mentioned more than twenty times.
Tithing is first introduced in the Old Testament book of Genesis 14:18-20. Abraham, the first person to tithe, gave ten percent of all that he had as an offering to Melchizedek. This action can be seen as an example of his gratitude and faith in God, as well as a protection from poverty. Tithing is mentioned again in different books of the Bible, such as Deuteronomy, Leviticus, and Numbers. All of these passages repeat the idea of giving ten percent of one’s earnings to God as a religious offering.
For many in the faith of Christianity, tithing is seen as a way to express oneself and display thankfulness to God. The Bible speaks of giving to God out of gratitude, joy, and love, rather than generosity or obligation. As followers of Christ, tithing shows that people care enough to donate a portion of their hard-earned money as an expression of their faith.
In modern times, tithing remains a strong but controversial practice. Some critics claim that the gospel is not about money, but rather about love and charity. Others have argued that tithing is not explicitly stated in the New Testament, therefore its basis for acceptance is up for debate.
In opposition to these views, some argue that tithing is important as it connects people to their faith, and provides an opportunity for people to express themselves in new ways. Notably, tithing does not always have to involve money. Studies have shown that ample time, energy, and goods or services can also be offered as a Tithe.
Tithing is, if taken in the right spirit and with honest intention, an act of worship and is a vital part of many faiths. It continues to be a central theme in the Bible, providing a frequent reminder of God’s provision and generosity. Tithing is unique in that it is an opportunity to lay aside one’s own desires and goals and instead offer them up to the will of God no matter what the cost. In this way tithing serves as a reminder that if one follows God’s will, true joy and blessings can arise from even the simplest of offerings.
Various views on tithing
The topic of tithing remains quite controversial among theologians and can be approached from multiple perspectives. Generally there are four different views on tithing in the Bible, including the traditional view, the reformed view, the Wesleyan view, and the progressive dispensational view.
The traditional view of tithing follows the tithe commandment as outlined in the Old Testament texts. Along this view, Old Testament law is applicable to Christians today and is therefore to be followed. This view explicitly recognizes the importance of tithing 10% of one’s income to the church for the support of its mission and to honor God.
In comparison, the Wesleyan view is focused more on the spirit of tithing instead of the amount that is contributed. John Wesley taught that “all who desire the prosperity of Zion must do their part”, emphasizing the importance of offering whatever one can rather than focusing on a set amount.
The reformed view of tithing emphasizes the idea that one should “give generously” rather than giving a tenth of their earnings. In this view tithing is seen as inward giving, or as a response to God’s mercy, rather than outward giving. The reformed view argued that “living generously should manifest itself in many ways, not just financially”.
The progressive dispensational view of tithing states that only those living under Old Testament law were required to tithe, and that with the introduction of Jesus’ New Covenant, tithing is no longer mandatory. As The New Covenant supersedes the Old, this view applies to those whose faith is rooted in the New Testament.
Should Christians practice tithing?
The ultimate response to this question lies in individual beliefs; however, many Christians have found great value in the act of tithing. For these people, tithing is a crucial aspect of their faith and allows for tangible expressions of their innermost dedication to their spiritual beliefs.
For some, tithing is seen as a sacred act – an act of release. This concept of “letting go” of one’s finances to God helps individuals to focus on the spiritual aspects of their faith and to trust God to provide. Additionally, it allows individuals to be open to the path God sets out for them, no matter what it might be.
For others emphasis is placed on the act of tithing as a way to stay in touch with their faith and with its teachings. Through tithing, individuals are able to reconnect with God and remind themselves of their reliance on the grace and mercy of God.
The practice of tithing begins with an individual’s relationship with God, and is an outward expression of this bond. Additionally, tithing is a reminder of various Biblical teachings, such as that of gratitude, thankfulness and ‘placing God first’.
The impact of tithing
Tithing has had a significant impact on the church, and the practice of tithing economically enriches the church, allowing it to stay open for future generations. Financially speaking, churches rely heavily on tithing donations and other forms of donation to stay afloat. They depend on these donations to support their staff, maintain their buildings, and bring in new members.
Beyond financial implications, the impact of tithing has reached far and wide, extending beyond the walls of churches around the world. Tithing helps to support individuals and families in need – many churches and groups use these tithes to fund protection, education, and health programs, giving those who are less fortunate new opportunities.
Tithing also helps to establish and strengthen relationships between individuals and between churches and communities. As tithing is derived directly from personal finances and many look to their religious beliefs for guidance, tithing has the power to bring people closer to their faith and to other believers.
Moreover, it encourages real life application and personal growth for believers. Tithing highlights the importance of generosity and can serve as a call to action for those who seek to commit their lives to God’s work.
Motivations for tithing
One of the strongest and most common motivations for tithing is to express one’s love for God. By giving of one’s time, energy, and finances to the church and to God, individuals show their commitment and appreciation for God’s guidance and teachings.
Another motivation is found in the concept of reciprocity. Just as individuals are encouraged to give to God, they can also expect to receive in return. In the Bible, God promises to “pour out a blessing” upon individuals that give, as well as reward them “in kind”. This, along with several accounts of God’s provision in the Bible, encourages individuals to have faith in God and trust that He will take care of their needs in time.
Finally, for many individuals tithing is an act of repentance. In admitting wrong-doings, or failure to follow God’s will, giving to God can help to show dedication and dedication to His teachings, and respect for the power of His word.
Pros and cons of tithing
When considering the practice of tithing, there are both pros and cons to consider before making a decision. Tithing is said to give one the power to take “full control of your own money”, and is seen as a form of helpful guidance when it comes to budgeting. Additionally, some suggest tithing as an opportunity to “increase your faithfulness” financially.
On the flip side, some suggest that tithing can be viewed as an excuse to ‘pad’ one’s pocket, or as a form of debt repayment. Others have raised concerns about churches having too much money, whether it is a valid excuse for failing to fulfill one’s own financial responsibilities, and whether it is a form of ‘tax evasion’.
Ultimately, it is important to recognize the nuances of this practice, recognize the personal freedoms that come interconnected with it, and to remember that the decision to tithe or not solely lies in the hands of each individual. As such, it is important to take the time to reflect and carefully consider the pros and cons in the context of one’s own faith, beliefs and convictions.