What Is The Soul According To The Bible

What is the soul according to the Bible? This question has captivated the minds of theologians, philosophers and spiritual seekers throughout the centuries. The Bible doesn’t provide a precise definition of the soul but it does provide insight and teachings on its nature, relationship to the body, and its destiny.
The Bible reveals that the soul consists of more than just a physical body. While the physical body is composed of matter, the soul consists of an intangible, spiritual essence. It is this which gives humans the ability to think, feel and reason—qualities which do not exist in any other animal species. While the physical body disintegrates at death, the soul lives on. As Ecclesiastes 12:7 famously states, “ The spirit will return to God who gave it.”
The soul is not only eternal, but it is also the very essence of the human being. In Genesis 2:7 we learn that humans are created out of dust and breathed into by God, a gifting of life and soul that was not granted to any other creature. Furthermore, when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, it was their soul that took responsibility for the act and not just their body.
The relationship between the soul and body is both intimate and integral. The soul and body frame the human life experience and its journey through time and eternity. While the soul is indestructible, the body is a transient vessel which the physical faculties of the soul must inhabit while on earth. In the Bible, it is through the body that the soul experiences pleasure and pain, relationships, joy and sorrow. It is only when we accept and appreciate the interrelatedness of the soul and body that we can make sense of the Bible’s teachings on the value of life here on earth.
The Bible offers comfort to those who may find the thought of an eternal soul daunting. In fact, the Bible gives great hope for the future of the soul. While death may separate the soul and body on earth, the Bible depicts a heavenly reunion in which the soul and body will come together once again, in perfect harmony. Biblical passages like ‘Revelation 21:2-6’ envision a new earth in which the soul and body exist in perfect harmony and wholeness, forever.
The salvation of the soul is ultimately in the hands of the believer. The Bible encourages us to take full control over our spiritual destiny by choosing to follow Christ. It is only through faith in the redeeming power of Jesus’ death and resurrection that we are saved from the consequences of our sins and guaranteed a place in the heavenly Kingdom.

Purposes of the Soul

The Bible emphasizes the importance of the soul and its purpose in the big cosmic plan. In the book of Genesis, God creates humankind and tasks us with the purpose of bearing His image and exemplifying His divine nature. This creates an obligation for humans to love and serve God, and each other with the whole of their heart, mind, and soul. The Bible also encourages humans to congregate and pass on knowledge to each other while strengthening bonds of cooperation, mutual love, understanding and appreciation.
Throughout the Bible, God outlines specific requirements to achieve true inner peace and security. Guidance is given in regards to developing a healthy relationship with the self, others, and God. To achieve salvation, it is essential that individuals come to the realization of God’s love and the power of His grace. Only then, can our soul offer us the assurance that regardless of the trials and tribulations that life brings, our ultimate hope and security is in heavenly salvation.

Restoration of the Soul

The Bible alludes to the potential of the soul to be restored. Throughout the book of Proverbs, readers learn about the importance of having patience, peacefulness and humility. These are all virtues that that lead to trust in God and an understanding of our true purpose. True restoration of the soul occurs when we grow closer to God. We learn to see His will, not just through the scriptures, but instead in actions and reactions, insights and divine moments that guide us throughout our lives.
The soul can sin and produce evil within us, however, the Bible gives us assurance that God is a forgiving God. Through prayers and hard work, we can attain a restored state of soul that is based on holiness and righteousness. We can achieve a spiritual life in which we imitate the examples of Christ’s love, joy and peace.

The Resurrected Soul

A cornerstone of Christian faith is the belief in the resurrrection of the body and the soul, which takes place at the time of Jesus’ second coming. In the Bible, we are told that Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection reunited His body, soul and spirit creating a perfect union. This is the same union we can look forward to, as righteousness and holiness are restored to the believer.
In the book of First Corinthians, we learn about the ultimate reunification of the body, soul and spirit upon resurrection. While the body that dies is deemed earthly and corruptible, the reunion of these elements will produce one glorious and incorruptible being. The state of resurrection of the soul conveys an immense hope for the sinner, who can now look forward to meeting their maker in the heavenly Kingdom.

Living for the Soul

The Bible emphasises the importance of living for the soul. In First Thessalonians 5:23, believers are encouraged to maintain sound mental and physical health as a way of giving glory to God. Becoming aware of the soul enables individuals to develop true spiritual growth and maturity. Taking the time to feed and nourish the soul involves a change in lifestyle. It includes releasing bad spiritual habits and when possible, surrounding oneself with uplifting people, places and environments.
God reveals himself through the Bible and uses daily life experiences to communicate His purpose and divine will. We are given the tools to unlock the mysteries of salvation, along with the freedoms to serve Him or to turn away. To truly unlock the power of the soul and succeed in the journey of life, God bids us to self-control, developing a strong spiritual resolve and committing to a life of faith.

The New Earth

One of the most prominent themes in the Bible is that of a new earth. Following the death and resurrection of Jesus, believers can look forward to a new earth in which death and despair no longer exist. Heaven is symbolized as a place of perfect peace, pleasure, and joy—a place where believers will live eternally in the presence of God.
In the Book of Revelation, the Bible provides a glimpse into the grand paradise that awaits God’s faithful in the afterlife. We learn of a heavenly city adorned with jewels and shimmering with glory, reflecting the perfect harmony of the new earth. God’s heavenly kingdom will bring about perfect unity, free from any animosity and resentment. The world of believers will be joined as one in a collective effort to honor and love God.


The Bible offers intricate insight on the spiritual make-up of humans and the power of the soul. It reveals that the soul is eternal and offers us a glimpse into the future of our soul’s destiny. In recognizing that the path to salvation lies in faith and obedience, we have the opportunity to unlock the power of the soul and prepare for our journey towards the heavenly Kingdom.

Hilda Scott is an avid explorer of the Bible and inteprator of its gospel. She is passionate about researching and uncovering the mysteries that lie in this sacred book. She hopes to use her knowledge and expertise to bring faith and God closer to people all around the world.

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