What Is A Unicorn In The Bible

The unicorn is a mythical creature found in many cultures and stories around the world. Most people are familiar with the modern-day depiction of the creature: a horse with a single, large horn protruding from its forehead. But what is a unicorn in the Bible?

The Bible does not give us a concrete description of what a unicorn is, and the word is certainly not used to refer to the horse-like creature that modern cultures recognize. Instead, the Bible mentions unicorns in a much more general sense. In the King James Version of the Bible, the word “unicorn” (or “unicornes”) was a translation of the Hebrew word re’em or rim’, which was used to refer to an ungulate — an herbivorous animal with hooves. This could refer to an ox, aurochs, or a wild bull or just a large, strong and wild animal in general.

Though the Bible mentions the unicorns, we do not have a detailed description of what this creature looks like. It is possible that it was an animal that has since gone extinct, or it could be that the Bible simply was not specific about the physical features of this animal and left it to the readers to interpret. Some scholars believe that the unicorn could be a reference to certain species of ancient goats, or an extinct species of large deer.

Whatever the Bible describes as a “unicorn”, it was clearly a powerful creature and endowed with strength, as it is referenced several times in Psalms and Job. In fact, in Psalm 22, the Lord is described as being more powerful than a charging unicorn.

In terms of its symbolic meaning, the unicorn is noted by many scripture scholars as a symbol of Christ. Just as the single horn on a unicorn can tear down walls, so does the power of Christ penetrate walls and divisions. The idea that Christ is represented in the unicorn is also seen in Scripture for Jesus’ strength, divine power, and the protection he promises his followers.

The symbolism of the unicorn in the Bible goes even deeper. The unicorn stands for purity and righteousness, which was seen as an embodiment of God’s grace and mercy. This is seen in multiple passages of the Bible and was also reflected in the artwork of the medieval era, where the unicorn was often used in Christian artwork as a symbol of Christ’s power and love.

The unicorn is also seen in the Bible as a representation of completeness and was even used to symbolize the union of male and female in marriage. This is seen in Song of Solomon, where the female is likened to a unicorn. While the female is a symbol of power, strength, and purity, the unicorn is seen as the perfect companion for her.

Unicorn in Mythology

Though the Bible does not give us a clear description of what exactly a unicorn is, we do know one thing: its presence has been felt in many cultures and stories around the world. In Greek mythology, the unicorn is associated with innocence, purity and grace. In Hindu culture, the unicorn is seen as a symbol of intelligence, power and wisdom. In Chinese folklore, the unicorn is seen as a protector of those with spiritual power.

These mythical creatures have been featured in artwork throughout the ages, often being depicted as white horses with a single horn. This image of the unicorn has been used in poetry, stories and other works of art and is still used as a symbol of innocence and grace today.

Though the unicorn is not mentioned specifically in the Bible, the word “unicorn” is used to describe a powerful and wild animal that is associated with strength and protection. It is a symbol of God’s grace and mercy and a representation of purity and righteousness.

Unicorn in Science

The unicorn is also a popular subject of scientific study. Scientists have been studying the possibility that the mythical creature could have existed in the past. Evidence of a certain species of now-extinct deer has been found in fossil records, and researchers theorize that this could be what the unicorn was.

The scientific study of unicorns has also been used to explore the possibility of extinct animals that lived in the past. There have been reports of creatures with single horns being sighted in Africa and South America, though these sightings are often dismissed as mythical creatures, rather than scientific fact.

The scientific study of unicorns has also been used to explore the possibility of species-level evolutionary changes. There have been reports of animals with short horns being observed in the wild and these reports have generated speculation that this could be the result of a species-level evolutionary change, suggesting it is possible that some species of animal have undergone significant changes in the past.

In addition to the study of the mythical unicorn, scientists have also studied the possibility that certain species of wild animals have undergone a physical change in the past, bestowing them with a single horn. While these studies are still relatively new, the idea of a species undergoing physical change is a fascinating one, with the potential to unlock new mysteries about the past.

Modern Culture

The unicorn is an iconic creature within modern culture, due to its strong presence in folklores and myths around the world. It has been featured in countless works of literature, art and popular culture, from books and movies to video games and toys.

Many businesses have also capitalized on the popularity of the legendary creature, selling unicorn-themed items and products. These products have become so popular that they have been able to differentiate themselves in the marketplace and have become a major part of the retail industry.

The unicorn has also become a popular symbol in recent years, as it poetically represents strength, nobility and grace. This has been seen across many cultures, from both religious and modern contexts, making it a symbol that resonates with many people from all walks of life.

In recent years, the unicorn has also become a major part of pop culture and even been given its own genre – “Unicorn Pop Culture”. This genre of art has been created in response to the growing popularity of unicorns in modern culture and includes movies, books, music, art and even clothing. It has become a major part of popular culture and its influence can be seen in many aspects of our lives today.


Though the Bible does not provide us with a detailed description of what a unicorn is or looks like, it does reference a powerful and wild animal that is associated with strength and protection. This creature has been part of many cultures and folklore since ancient times, and its symbolism of purity, grace, and love has been used to represent the power of God for centuries. In today’s world, the unicorn is no longer just a mythical creature but has become a symbol of modern culture, with its presence in fashion, art, and popular culture. No matter what culture or religion you come from, the unicorn is sure to be a creature of power and majesty for generations to come.

Marcos Reyna is a Christian author and speaker. He is dedicated to helping create disciples of Christ through spreading the power of the gospel to others. He has written several books and articles on a variety of theological topics, including matters of faith, worship, biblical studies, practical ethics, and social justice. A trained theologian and devotee of spiritual writing, Marcos has a mission to spread Christian love everywhere. He lives with his family in Nashville, TN where he spends his days encouraging others to seek Christ's grace in all things.

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