What Does Four Score Mean In The Bible

Four score is a numerical expression that is often used in the Bible and may cause confusion to some readers. It originates from a phrase that was first used in the Bible to describe a time period of eighty years. The phrase comes from Psalm 90:10, which reads, “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.”

The phrase ’fourscore years’ has been used in the context of various events throughout the Bible. In the book of Genesis, Abraham, who is considered the father of all believers, is said to have died after a full life, at ’fourscore and seven years’, or 87 years. Similarly, Moses is said to have died ’fourscore and eight years old’, when he was 88 years old. Jesus is said to have been 30 years old when he started preaching and his life ended after the same number of years.

In the New Testament, the phrase is also used to refer to a different type of time period. A common interpretation of the phrase is that it suggests a spiritual experience or transformation. In John 17:8, Jesus is recorded as praying, ’Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.’ This can be interpreted as Jesus beginning a ’fourscore transformation’, which was the spiritual transformation of his disciples.

While the phrase ’fourscore years’ may seem confusing to some readers, it is an important and oft-used phrase in the Bible. As a general rule, it can be interpreted to mean either a physical age of eighty years or a spiritual transformation that is as powerful as a lifetime of eighty years.

What Does The Bible Tell Us About Four Score?

The Bible has much to say on the topic of fourscore years. Psalm 90:10, often referred to as the fourthmost popular psalm, is an example of a scripture passage that speaks of fourscore as a time span. It states that the a human life may be fulfilled in fourscore years. When used in this context, fourscore implies a life that is full and meaningful, which results in a sense of accomplishment.

The fourth book of the New Testament, John 17:8, is another passage of scripture that mentions fourscore. In this instance, fourscore is used to signify the spiritual transformation of Jesus’ disciples. Jesus’ prayer to the Father is thought to indicate the commencement of a transformation that Jesus hoped his disciples would each experience.

Philippians 4:13 is yet another example in which fourscore is used in the Bible. Here, it suggests that we should strive for spiritual renewal by clinging to our faith. By engaging with the spiritual transformation that fourscore suggests, we can gain a renewed sense of faith and the courage to press on in the face of adversity.

The Bible also speaks of the importance of using fourscore as a navigational tool in our daily lives. Ecclesiastes 3:11 suggests that there is a right time for every action. By being conscious of the time frame that fourscore implies, we can be mindful of our actions and seek to shape our lives in a way that brings us closer to our spiritual goals.

The Meaning Of Four Score In Contemporary Society

Although the phrase ’fourscore years’ originated in the Bible, it has retained its relevance in contemporary society. The phrase is now commonly used to describe any long period of time or an event that marks a major transition or milestone. For example, a company may refer to its 80 year anniversary as “fourscore years of success”. Similarly, a person may use the phrase to describe an experience that marked a turning point in their life.

The phrase can also be used in a more poetic or spiritual sense. A person who has gone through a major transformation may refer to it as a ’fourscore transformation’, referring to the spiritual transformation that Jesus experienced during his lifetime. Additionally, a person may describe the feeling of being ’fourscore renewed’ when they are feeling particularly energized and focused after a time of spiritual renewal and contemplation.

Overall, the phrase ’fourscore years’ has become so entrenched in our language and culture, that we often forget its biblical origins. Despite its evolution in contemporary society, it is important to remember the biblical context in which the phrase was originally used and the power that it has to signify a meaningful transformation.

Why Is It Important To Study Four Score?

Studying the phrase ’fourscore years’ is important because it helps us to understand the richness and power of our Christian faith. By delving into the Bible and examining the phrase in its original context, we can gain a greater understanding of the spiritual transformation that Jesus experienced. Through this knowledge, we can also gain a deeper comprehension of the spiritual transformation that we ourselves can experience through engaging with our own faith.

The phrase ’fourscore years’ is also useful in terms of life principles. The numerical expression provides us with a useful framework to reflect upon our life experiences and goals. By considering the implications of fourscore and the length of time it suggests, we can come to realize the importance of living intentionally and in a meaningful way.

Further, by understanding fourscore in both the Bible and contemporary context, we can gain perspective and insight into our own lives. The phrase can serve as a reminder that we can shape our lives and go through a transformative experience no matter our age or circumstances. As is written in 2 Corinthians 4:16, “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

How Can Christians Use Four Score To Enrich Their Lives?

As Christians, the phrase fourscore can be a powerful tool to enrich our lives if we take the time to really consider its implications. As mentioned before, fourscore can be used to gain a greater understanding of our own spiritual transformation. By reflecting upon the lifetime transformation that Jesus experienced, we can be inspired to make spiritual changes in our own lives as well.

The phrase can also be used as a reminder to live life meaningfully. By understanding the length of time that fourscore implies, we can be motivated to make the most of the time we have here on earth. Further, we can be inspired to create and cherish meaningful memories with our loved ones, to take risks and find joy in what we do.

Finally, by engaging with the spiritual transformation that fourscore suggests, we can strive to be conscious of the decisions we make and to find the courage to pursue our goals. In this way, fourscore can serve as a reminder for us to fully engage in our lives and strive for spiritual renewal each and every day.


In conclusion, fourscore is an important phrase that is used in the Bible and has retained its relevance in both spiritual and everyday life. It originates from a phrase used in Psalm 90:10 to refer to a time span of eighty years and can be used to refer to either a physical age or a spiritual transformation. In the New Testament, fourscore is used to refer to the spiritual transformation of Jesus’ disciples.

In contemporary society, fourscore is used to describe any long period of time or an event that marks a major transition or milestone. It can also be used to refer to a spiritual transformation or renewal. The phrase is important to study because it helps us to better understand our Christian faith and motivate us to live life meaningfully.

Marcos Reyna is a Christian author and speaker. He is dedicated to helping create disciples of Christ through spreading the power of the gospel to others. He has written several books and articles on a variety of theological topics, including matters of faith, worship, biblical studies, practical ethics, and social justice. A trained theologian and devotee of spiritual writing, Marcos has a mission to spread Christian love everywhere. He lives with his family in Nashville, TN where he spends his days encouraging others to seek Christ's grace in all things.

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