What Elohim Is
Elohim is a term of God used throughout the Bible, primarily referring to the God of the Hebrews. It is used nearly 2500 times in the Old Testament, and is found in passages such as Genesis 1, Exodus 3, and Deuteronomy 4. Elohim is often used to refer to the God of Israel, and the term is sometimes translated into English as “God”, “Lord”, or “Mighty One”.
Bigler, a Hebraic scholar and professor at Case Western Reserve University, explains that Elohim “uniquely combines the concept of a singular ‘divine Unity’ with a plurality. So Elohim can be seen as a pluralistic phrase embodying the notion of plurality that must exist within a singular divine being”. In other words, Elohim’s use of the plural implies that there is a single, higher being or force, while also acknowledging and respecting a plurality of forms or identities.
Roots of the Concept
The term Elohim has roots in the ancient Hebrew language, and is derived from the noun El, meaning ‘strength’ and the noun Yahweh, meaning the ‘God of Israel.’ This can be seen as a representation of God’s power, might, and omnipresence in the world. Other related words include eloah, meaning ‘God’; elahin, meaning ‘God’s people’; and elonim, meaning ‘fathers’ or ‘origins’.
It is believed that when these words are combined they form the term Elohim and give it the idea of the transcendent, singular and eternal God. Other theologians call it a ‘plural of intensification’, a term which implies the overwhelming power of a singular entity.
Elohim’s Different Uses
Throughout the Bible, Elohim is used in a variety of ways. It is often used to describe the Lord as a creator and sustainer of life. For example, “In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). This appears to indicate that Elohim is responsible for the creation of all things in the universe, in addition to of sustaining them.
Elohim is also employed to demonstrate God’s holiness, as seen in passages such as “You shall have no other gods before me. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous Elohim” (Exodus 20:3-4). This implies that Elohim is a powerful deity who does not tolerate the worship of false gods.
Furthermore, Elohim can also be used to indicate God’s mercy, grace, and compassion, as seen in passages such as “But the Lord, your Elohim, is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in faithful love” (Deuteronomy 4:31). In this passage, Elohim laid a foundation for a covenantal relationship between God and man.
Judaism’s View
Elohim is vital to the Jewish faith, as it is the basis for their monotheism. It brings unity to their beliefs about God and the world, and gives them the motivation to be faithful and righteous. In addition, Judaism sees Elohim as a reminder of the importance of mercy and justice.
Rabbi David Rosenberg, a leading Orthodox rabbi in the United States, explains: “The Jewish people have long understood Elohim to be the presence of mercy and justice at the same time. It is through Elohim that we understand the balance between the two.” Here, Elohim is understood to be a moral force, one that encourages believers to do good and do right by their fellow man.
Christianity’s View
Elohim is an important term to Christians, as the Bible is the primary source of their beliefs. Moreover, many Christian denominations believe Elohim to be referring to the Son of God, Jesus Christ, as seen in passages such as “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim” (John 1:1).
James White, a theologian and professor at Arizona Christian University, explains: “Christians who see Jesus as the divine figure behind Elohim carry with them the power of Matthew 6:9, where Jesus teaches us to pray ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name’. This phrase is a prayer to Elohim, who, for Christians, is Jesus.” Therefore, Elohim’s connotations for Christians are quite different than for Jews, as for them it is a direct reference to Jesus.
The Power of Elohim
The power of Elohim lies in its ability to both unify and diversify our understanding of God’s nature. By accepting Elohim as a single divine power, people of varying religious backgrounds can still find comfort in their faiths while also recognizing the importance of unity and working together.
In short, the term Elohim is not just a word or a phrase- rather, it is a way of life that transcends religious boundaries to bring about understanding and peace in an often divided world.
Other Meanings of Elohim
Elohim does have other non-divine usages, such as the plural form of one and “gods”. These usages, however, rarely appear in the Bible and are not attributed to the same magnitude of power or authority as when it is representing the one, singular, divine being.
The Unity of Elohim
Elohim’s plural form emphasizes the interconnectedness of all humanity and creation, as well as the divine oneness. This can be seen throughout the Bible and has long been a source of inspiration for many faiths.
Freeman, a professor at Yale University who specializes in the role of religion in politics, explains: “It is no accident that Elohim appears so frequently in the Bible. Rather, it is a sign of hope. Elohim, by nature of its plurality, requires that although we may be of different backgrounds and faith traditions, each of us is still part of the same divine family.”
At the same time, Elohim’s singular form offers a reminder to believers that despite our many differences, we are only part of a divine whole. This reflects the importance of unity within the faith and with fellow believers of all backgrounds.
Elohim’s Impact on Humanity
Elohim has had a profound impact on humanity and its relationship with God, as it serves as a reminder of the divine power and compassion God has for its people. Moreover, Elohim is a reminder of the obligation that we have to follow a moral and ethical code, while also being united in our recognition of the divine.
Elohim’s pride of place in the Bible signals to believers the importance of its message. By word and deed, Elohim implies that a successful religious existence should include an understanding of the power of the divine unity, and the importance of an open and unified spirit.
Modern Use of Elohim
Today, Elohim is still used as a term of reference for God in many of the world’s religious texts and liturgical prayers. Elohim is used in litanies and hymns of Judaism and Islam, and it is even found in certain branches of Christianity, particularly in churches that emphasize the Old Testament.
Elohim is also used to reverence God in everyday language, as many believers choose to refer to God as Elohim in their day-to-day conversations. Further, many people use Elohim as an inspiration or blessing at the start of the day or before making an important decision.
The Significance of Elohim
The significance of Elohim lies in its ability to unite believers in the understanding of a singular God, while respecting their differences. It serves as a unifying force and offers a reminder of the omnipotence of God and the divine unity of mankind.
Additionally, Elohim’s presence in the Bible serves as an important reminder of God’s mercy and justice and the obligation that we have to follow a moral and ethical code.
The Significance of Elohim in Everyday Life
Elohim’s significance in everyday life lies in its ability to bring people together in their shared understanding of the divine. Elohim can be seen as a reminder of the beauty of a single divine being and the importance of a unified spirit and attitude among believers.
Further, Elohim serves as a cornerstone of morality, outlining the obligation that we have to live ethical and righteous lives. It is also a reminder of God’s grace, mercy, and love, and serves as an anchor point for faith in times of trouble and despair.
Elohim in Times of Crisis
Elohim is arguably more important than ever during times of crisis, such as the current global pandemic. During such difficult times, Elohim serves as a reminder of the presence and power of God, even in times of great suffering.
Robinson, a professor at Harvard Divinity School, explains: “Elohim transcends both religion and time; it serves as a reminder of the spiritual and material power of a single divine entity, and of the strength that we can find in community and unity.” Here Elohim’s multiple meanings and implications become invaluable, especially in stressful situations.
Following an Ethical Code
Elohim also brings to light the importance of ethical and moral behavior. During times of crisis, it is easy to forget that we must still adhere to a certain standard of conduct. Elohim serves as a reminder that although we are surrounded by darkness and suffering, we must still strive to do good, and to be kind, compassionate, and loving to ourselves and those around us.
Reflection and Respect
Ultimately, Elohim’s power lies in its ability to bring people together in a shared understanding of God, while still respecting their religious and cultural differences. By emphasizing unity, respect, and compassion, Elohim can bring a sense of comfort and peace to even the most difficult and challenging times.