In the Christian religion, the number 4 carries tremendous significance. While only 4 numbers are mentioned in the Bible in various contexts, the significance of 4 is much deeper than that. Perhaps the most well-known reference to the number 4 is recorded in Revelation 4:7: “And when He had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints”. In this sense, 4 is seen as a symbol of the absolute wholeness and perfection of God.
The symbolic meaning of the number 4 is intimately connected to the four cardinal directions – North, South, East, and West – and is associated with the four seasons of the year, which are a natural cycle of change. In the Bible, the number 4 can be seen as a universal representation of order and stability, a perfection of nature. In this sense, 4 also points to the ultimate perfect being: God.
To understand the deeper symbolism of 4 in the Bible, we need to consider some passages from the Old and New Testaments. In Genesis 1:2-3, we read “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light”. Here, the four words ‘Let there be light” symbolize the creativeness of God, His power, and His very essence.
The four Gospels in the New Testament – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – also emphasize the four-fold nature of Jesus Christ and tell the story of God’s great love for mankind. The four evangelists together form a unity and speak with one voice, symbolizing the perfect nature of Jesus. By the same token, the four Gospels also represent the four streams of the Divine Wisdom that were revealed to mankind through the incarnation of Jesus.
In the Ten Commandments, we also find four distinct sets of instructions that God gave to the Israelites to guide their spiritual and moral development. The four commandments of ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ and ‘Do not bear false witness against your neighbor’, for instance, highlight the importance of living in harmony and respecting the rights of others.
These examples highlight the power and beauty of 4 in the Bible, and there are many more instances where the number 4 is seen to represent perfect unity and order. The Bible’s underlying message is that 4 symbolises the perfect creative and spiritual energies of the Divine, and that when we embrace these energies, we can experience a sense of wholeness, peace, and balance in our lives.
The number 4 is often used in the Bible to denote praise for God and His glory. For example, in Psalm 148:1, we read: “Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord from the heavens: praise Him in the heights”. Here, the four words “Praise ye the Lord” indicate the enormity of adoration and respect that is due to God and His greatness.
Moreover, Jesus himself used the number 4 when talking to his disciples, saying: “Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit”. Here again, we see the powerful significance that 4 can have, with Jesus teaching his followers to spread the message of the Holy Trinity to all parts of the world.
When we offer praises to God, it is important to use the number 4 to honour the significance of the Holy Trinity, who is made up of three persons (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) yet is one in unity and love. This indication of four is a powerful reminder that God is all-powerful and loves us unconditionally, and encourages us to reach for higher levels of spiritual growth.
The number four is also used to indicate the great number of miracles that have been performed in the Bible. From the first recorded miracle of Jesus – the turning of water into wine – to the multiplying of the fishes and loaves, the miracles of Jesus demonstrate the power of faith and the greatness of God’s provision. As the Gospels in the New Testament each record different miracles, we can see how the number four suggests a faith-filled attitude that can lead to the blessing of miracles.
Additionally, the four rivers in the Garden of Eden (Gihon, Pishon, Tigris and Euphrates) suggest the wonders of an abundant life when we live in harmony with God and His will. In the same way, the four living creatures mentioned in Ezekiel 1–3 that encircled the throne of God each had four wings, implying that the presence of God and His Kingdom can be experienced no matter where we are.
It is clear that the number 4 holds a special significance in the Bible, from the four seasons and cardinal directions to the four Gospels, rivers, and living creatures. By understanding the deeper significance of the number 4, we can better appreciate the meaning of God’s miraculous works and gain a greater understanding of the importance of living a life of praise.
According to the Bible, the number 4 also has great significance when it comes to justice and righteousness. In Proverbs 28:16, we read: “The prince that wanteth understanding is also a great oppressor: but he that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days”. Here, four words (“He that hateth covetousness”) can be seen as a sign of God’s righteousness and justice, implying that those who keep His commands and observe His statutes will be blessed with a long life.
Moreover, when we look closely at the four parables that Jesus shared during his ministry, we can yet again discern the power of the number 4. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, for instance, four characters are mentioned (the traveller, the priest, the Levite, and the Samaritan), each of whom represents a specific aspect of God’s justice: compassion, mercy, and love for our neighbours. This is particularly poignant when considering the fifth commandment of ‘Love thy neighbour as thyself.’
Indeed, when it comes to justice and righteousness, there appears to be a strong connection between the four cardinal directions and the four seasons of the year. Combining these ideas, we can understand that justice is not only relevant to humans, but that the natural world is also balanced and interdependent. Thus, the number 4 serves to remind us to always strive to maintain justice and righteousness in all of our actions.
The significance of 4 in the Bible is also linked to fulfilment and completeness. In the book of Genesis, we read how God created the world and how, when He was finished, He looked at his work and declared it to be good. In this sense, the number 4 can be seen to represent the idea of fullness or completion.
Additionally, when we consider the four promises of God that are mentioned throughout the Bible, it is easy to understand the power of 4 in this context. From Abraham’s promise of a multitude of descendants from Israel to Jesus’ promise of eternal life through Him, these four promises demonstrate the intimate relationship that God has with His people. They also point to the fullness and completeness of the Divine offer of salvation.
The power of 4 in the Bible is not only connected to justice, praise, and miracles, but also to the completed and perfect state that we can reach as individuals and communities when we follow God’s will. By understanding the deeper symbolism of the number 4, we can find the inspiration required to strive for fulfilment in our own lives, and to abide in harmony with the Divine.
The power of the number 4 in the Bible is further enhanced by its symbolic meaning, which is closely connected to the idea of the four elements – air, earth, fire, and water. Representing the cycle of life and the rhythms of nature, these four elements are also seen to mirror the four phases of an individual’s spiritual journey: disenchantment, growth, awakening, and enlightenment.
This idea of four being a sacred number is captured in the four cardinal virtues that are widely recognised in the Christian faith: faith, hope, love, and justice. The implication of these virtues is that each one is essential to a fulfilled and meaningful life. Thus, the number 4 can be seen as a reminder to us of the importance of seeking out the truth, developing faith, cultivating love, and striving for justice.
In addition, the number 4 is also used throughout the Bible to denote strength and stability. We see this in the four pillars of the Jewish faith (Torah, Prayer, Commandments, and Repentance) and in the four cornerstones of Christian faith (God, Jesus, Church, and Sacraments). Through the representation of 4, we can better understand the power of standing firm in our faith and of living a life of integrity and courage in the face of difficulty.
Ultimately, the number 4 holds a deep and profound meaning in the Bible, from the four words used to create the world to the four Gospels that tell the story of Jesus Christ. Through its symbolism, 4 speaks to us of God’s power, faith, justice, and blessing, as well as the importance of keeping our promises, honouring the Divine, and striving for fulfilment in our lives.