Introduction to the Book of Enoch
The Book of Enoch is an ancient, pseudepigraphical text, thought to have been written around 300BC by an unknown author. It is divided into five books, and contains descriptions, messages, and visions of events to come, related to topics such as astrology, the origin of angels and demons, the fate of the wicked, and events leading up to the end of the world. It also includes a description of the purpose of the heavenly temple and a repeating reference to the actual name of God in each chapter. The Book of Enoch has not been accepted as part of the canon of biblical literature, but it has been influential in certain Christian circles and has been the subject of much scholarly debate over the centuries.
Why Was The Book of Enoch Removed From The Bible?
The reasons for the exclusion of the Book of Enoch from the biblical canon are manifold. Firstly, it is not found in the original Hebrew, which was later translated into Greek and Latin. Additionally, and most likely of greater relevance, the literature of the time was much less mature than today’s body of accepted scriptural texts. Consequently, works such as the Book of Enoch, which contained a variety of mythological imagery, allegorical stories, and various cultic practices, simply did not meet the standards expected of biblical literature.
Another reason the Book of Enoch was excluded from the Bible is the perceived conflict between its contents and the canonical literature of the Old Testament. Particularly, the references to fallen angels, which were popularized in the popular culture of the time, is considered too alien from the beliefs contained in the scriptures of Judaism and Christianity. Similarly, the idea of God having a unique name is considered strange, as the scriptures normally refer to God as Elohim or other accents up to him.
Finally, the eschatology contained in the Book of Enoch provided a new order for coming about the end of times, and did not conform with the traditional view of the end of times contained within the Bible.
Scholarly Debate
As expected, debates have raged over time whether or not the Book of Enoch should or should not have been included into the Biblical canon. On one side, there are those who argue that the Book of Enoch should have been included, due to its significant antiquity, with some even suggesting that it could be seen as being akin to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Another argument relates to its potential for textual criticism and analysis, which could provide a valuable insight into the development of both the Bible and other ancient literature.
On the other side of the argument, there are those who believe that its exclusion from the Bible was correct. According to them, the inclusion of the Book of Enoch could have damaged the standing of the Bible by supplying unnecessary information, as well as contradicting accepted beliefs regarding the end of times. Additionally, the pseudepigraphical elements contained within it would have confused the theologians of the day, who were relying on the absence of such elements in traditional Jewish literature.
The Content of the Book of Enoch
The Book of Enoch contains a wealth of information, relating to a variety of topics. Firstly, it relates to the descendents of angels, known as the Nephilim, who were said to roam the earth before the flood. Additionally, it contains details of how their production of offspring was viewed as an abomination in the sight of GOD, and how he sent a legion of angels to bind them into Tartarus for all eternity.
The Book of Enoch also highlights the forbidden practice of astrology, as well as detailing some of the beliefs surrounding it and the gods of the astral plane. Lastly, it contains a great deal of information surrounding the fate of the wicked, which is seen as being a reminder for man to repent for his sins and stay away from transgression.
The Influence of the Book of Enoch
The Book of Enoch has been a source of fascination and debate since its original publication. It was taken to be true by some early Christian writers and used as a reference in their works, while others viewed it with suspicion, or even outright disbelief. Most recently, the Book of Enoch has been referenced many times in popular culture, with authors such as J. K. Rowling citing it as an influence in her Harry Potter series.
The Role of the Church
The church has played a key role in the exclusion of the Book of Enoch from the biblical canon. As with many works of this period, the church was the ultimate arbiter in the acceptance or rejection of scriptures and other religious works, and their decision factored heavily in this decision.
It is widely accepted that the church believed that any works which hinted of new forms of divinity, alternative religious practices, or which that proposed any form of heresy was unacceptable. In the case of the Book of Enoch, the church rejected it due to its suggestion that there were Gods bearing the same name, which flew in the face of the accepted monotheism of the time.
The Influence of the Church
The church has long sought to control the interpretation of religious doctrine and scripture, particularly in regards to controverted topics such as the fallen angels mentioned in the Book of Enoch. To this end, they have gone to great lengths to ensure that books such as the Book of Enoch will not be taken as truth or gain widespread acceptance.
In addition to their own efforts to shape the narrative, the church has also sought to influence wider society. To do this, they have often reached out to various media outlets, with the aim of dissuading them from discussing topics such as the Book of Enoch and any topics associated with it. This has led to a general avoidance of these topics in the public sphere and beyond, and has done much to dampen public interest in other pseudepigraphical works.
Conclusion of The Book of Enoch
Today, the Book of Enoch remains a widely debated topic among theologians, scholars, and the public alike. Its omission from the bible has done much to cast doubt on its legitimacy as scripture, however, its influence in other areas, such as popular culture, has meant that its ideas and traditions have been passed down through the ages up to the present day. Though it will likely never be part of the Biblical canon, the Book of Enoch continues to fascinate many, and will likely remain a source of discussion and debate for generations to come.