Matthew is one of the four Gospels of the Bible, and it is the first book of the New Testament. It is attributed to the Apostle Matthew. The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes the fulfillment of the ancient prophecies, the fulfillments of Jesus’ mission, and the importance of faith and obedience to the teachings of Jesus. In the Gospel, Matthew presents Jesus as the Messiah who came to fulfill ancient prophecies. Through His life and teachings, Jesus was communicating and demonstrating that He was the Messiah that God had promised to send.
Matthew’s account of the life and ministry of Jesus is known as the “Synoptic Gospels.” Synoptic means “seeing with the same eye.” This is because the Gospel of Matthew shares many stories with the Gospel of Mark and Luke. The Gospel of John, however, has a different focus. Matthew’s account of Jesus’s life and teachings is written in a vivid and captivating style. It is filled with parables, miracles, and other stories designed to educate and engage the reader. Many Biblical scholars believe that the Gospel of Matthew was the main source for Mark and Luke’s Gospels, due to the similarity in the content and order of events.
The Gospel of Matthew was probably written around A.D. 60-70. Scholars believe that Matthew was likely writing for a Christian audience. The use of stories, some adapted from the Old Testament, and other language employed, such as Matthew’s use of the phrase “King of the Jews” (Matt. 2:2), suggests that he was writing with a Jewish audience in mind. This is evidenced in the use of the phrase “Kingdom of Heaven”, which Matthew frequently uses instead of “Kingdom of God”, likely to communicate the same concept in a way that was more acceptable to a Jewish audience.
The Gospel of Matthew contains 28 chapters that narrate Jesus’s life from His miraculous conception to His ascension. It opens with Jesus’s ancestry from Abraham and King David and then follows His birth, early life, ministry, teaching, miracles, death, and resurrection. It also includes several discourses made by Jesus, such as the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24-25). Matthew uses vivid language and imagery to illustrate Jesus’s ministry, and he also described Jesus’s sufferings in detail, providing insight on His suffering and death.
The Gospel of Matthew focuses on Jesus’s teaching and demonstrating that He was the promised Messiah. Jesus spoke of the importance of righteousness and of trusting God. He taught people to love one another, to practice forgiveness, and do good works. He explained that He was the fulfillment of scripture and demonstrated His authority by performing miracles and showing a message of hope and salvation. He also emphasized the need for faith and obedience to His teachings. He also gave his followers authority to share the gospel with others.
Luke’s Perspective on Matthew
In the Gospel of Luke (21:20-21), it is recorded that Jesus said: “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has come near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, and let those who are inside the city depart, and let not those who are out in the country enter it.” Many scholars believe this to be a prediction regarding the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., which occurred shortly after the Gospel of Matthew was written.
Luke also provides additional information about Jesus that isn’t present in Matthew’s account. For example, Luke’s Gospel gives an account of the Annunciation (1:26-27), which is not present in Matthew, providing crucial insight into Jesus’s role in God’s plan. Luke also presents additional parables, discourses, and teachings of Jesus (e.g. The Parable of the Good Samaritan, The parable of the Prodigal Son, The ‘Lord’s Prayer’, and The Beatitudes), which were not evident in the Gospel of Matthew.
The Significance of Matthew
The Gospel of Matthew is significant for several reasons. It provides a unique and vivid look at Jesus’s life and ministry. It is filled with interesting stories, quotes, and parables, and it emphasizes the importance of trusting and clinging to the teachings of Jesus. It also shows the fulfillment of ancient prophecies and emphasizes the call to Jesus’s followers to proclaim the kingdom of God and live according to His teachings.
Matthew’s Gospel also reaffirms the importance of faith and obedience, and it shows the authority of Christ that He passed on to His followers. Its significance lies in the way it reveals the significance of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
How Has Matthew Influenced Society And Christianity?
The Gospel of Matthew has had a profound influence on both society and Christianity. Perhaps the most significant influence is that it helps to define Christianity. Through Matthew’s account of Jesus as the Messiah, it provided a foundation of belief for much of the world’s 2.2 billion Christians. It is also an important source document for scholars studying the life of Jesus. The teachings and stories it contains have been used to educate and encourage believers throughout the centuries.
Matthew’s Gospel has been used to inspire art in the form of paintings, sculptures, and literature. It’s also been the basis of many plays, movies, and other works of art. Additionally, it has been influential in the development of Christian worship, with some of its passages having been incorporated into liturgies and hymns. The Gospel of Matthew has also been a source of comfort to Christians, helping to remind them of the hope and salvation found in Jesus.
Why Is The Gospel Of Matthew Relevant Today?
The Gospel of Matthew is relevant today because it offers timeless message of hope and salvation that can be applied to the issues of our world today. Its message of faith and obedience can help to strengthen our relationship with God and remind us of the power of His love. The teachings of Jesus continue to provide an array of wisdom on topics such as moral living, mercy, justice, service, and love. It also helps us to remember that God’s will is the ultimate plan for our lives.
The Gospel of Matthew also provides instruction on what it means to be a true follower of Jesus. It emphasizes the importance of sharing the gospel message with non-believers and calls us to live by the teachings of Jesus. By understanding and applying these teachings, we can help to build a more unified and just society. The Gospel of Matthew also teaches us that we should have faith and trust in God and that He will provide us with hope and comfort even in the midst of difficult times.
How Can We Apply The Teachings Of Matthew?
The teachings of Matthew can be applied in many different ways. We can use the parables and stories in the Gospel of Matthew to illustrate important life lessons and help us to understand the importance of faith, love, and mercy. We can use the example of Jesus to guide us in our daily lives, as well as to inspire us to engage with others in service and compassion. Finally, we can turn to the Gospel of Matthew for strength and comfort whenever we need it.
Matthew’s Gospel emphasizes the importance of following the will of God and living according to the teachings of Jesus. As Catholics, we are called to share the gospel message and live a life of faith and obedience. We should strive to make the teachings of Matthew a part of our lives, so that we can be an example of what it means to truly follow Jesus.
Conclusion On Matthew
The Gospel of Matthew is an invaluable resource for believers and scholars who are studying the life and teachings of Jesus. It is a vivid and captivating account of Jesus’s life and ministry, complete with parables, discourses, and stories. It also emphasizes the importance of faith and obedience and provides insight into Jesus’s suffering and death. The Gospel of Matthew offers timeless messages of hope and salvation and can be applied to the issues of today in many different ways.