Who Is Antipas In The Bible

Antipas, or Antipater, is an important figure in the New Testament in the Bible. He was a Herodian ruler appointed to the kingdom of Galilee, who was remembered for his dealings with John the Baptist and the trial of Jesus. Antipas is important in understanding the historical context and political believings of the times of Jesus’ ministry.
According to the Gospel of Luke, Antipas was the son of Herod the Great and his second wife, Malthace. Along with his brother, Herod Philip, he was named Tetrarch of Galilee in 4 BC by his father. Antipas was an ambitious ruler and wished to expand his kingdom, but had to grapple with the Jewish population, who opposed him for succeeding the throne.
His rule was marked by low morale among the people, and Antipas was seen as an authoritarian figure. He is recorded as having ordered executions on several occasions, although there is uncertainty as to whether or not John the Baptist was amongst these executions, as discussed in the Gospel of Mark. Further, Antipas imposed taxation on the Jewish people, leading to haplessness throughout much of Galilee.
Antipas is also known for his trials of Jesus, depicted in Matthew’s gospel. Wanting to make sure the people would not revolt against him, he wished to contest Jesus to the full extent of the law. When Roman prefect Pontius Pilate offered to take responsibility for sentencing Jesus (even though Pilate was the only one who could do so, according to Roman law ), Antipas refused, unwilling to relinquish power.
The Bible is vague on Antipas’ relationship towards Jesus. It is possible that he used Jesus for his personal gain to gain control of the people, or possibly to raise his own standing. It is also possible that he sought to get rid of Jesus in order to eliminate any kind of uprising or threat . Furthermore, it is uncertain how much he believed in Jesus’s divinity and teachings. What is certain is that Antipas had the power to free Jesus, but never did.
Many historians have argued that Antipas’s trial of Jesus was a public humiliation to demonstrate his power, as well as a way to stomp out any kind of popular uprising. Later in his tenure, Antipas faced many difficulties and eventually lost his throne, dying in exile in 19 AD.
In conclusion, Antipas is an important figure in the New Testament, a man who had a great influence on the history of Jesus and his teachings. While the Bible does not give much detail on Antipas’s character, it is clear that he was the one with the power, who chose to go against what Roman law dictated and instead pursue a personal set of agendas.

The Decline of Antipas

In the gospel of Luke, Antipas is depicted as an authoritarian ruler who was unpopular with the Jewish people. His rule was marred by increasing tensions between the people and his government, leading to a decline in his power. In 19 AD, Antipas was eventually dethroned, reportedly at the command of Emperor Tiberius.
The main cause of this decline was Antipas’ refusal to give Romans the power they wanted over his reign in Galilee. He also had disagreements with some of the Jewish sects, causing further tension among the people. As a result, it became increasingly difficult for Antipas to maintain his power.
Furthermore, it is speculated that some of Antipas’ tax measures, as well as rising military costs, turned the public’s opinion against him. His ambition to expand his kingdom and his mistrial of Jesus alienated many of the people, and rumors that he had John the Baptist executed sealed his fate.
Additionally, Antipas’s lack of any diplomatic or military success meant that he was could not win any support from either the Romans or Jews. As tensions rose, Emperor Tiberius decided to remove him. Ultimately, the decline of Antipas’s rule went hand in hand with the decline of the Herodian dynasty.
While Antipas was an important figure in the Bible, his reign was met with hardship. Political disagreements and misfortune eventually led to his exile and decline in power.

The Political Setting of the Times

In order to understand Antipas’s role in the Bible, it is important to consider the political context of the times. In the 1st century AD, the region of Galilee was part of the Roman Empire and was subject to Roman law. Furthermore, Antipas’s kingdom was a Herodian dynasty, a family appointed by Roman authorities.
Antipas had to constantly grapple with Jewish beliefs, as well as the local population’s dislike of Herodian rulers, as they looked upon Romans with suspicion. This political tension forms an important backdrop to the events that took place in Galilee at the time, and adds insight into Antipas’s decisions.
The Roman Empire was an authoritarian regime that saw itself as superior to its subjects. From this, it can be speculated that Antipas saw himself as the sole authority of his kingdom and thus wanted to maintain control of his people, seen in his refusal to let Pontius Pilate take responsibility for the sentencing of Jesus.
Antipas also had to compete with strong contenders, such as his brother Philip and others who wished to gain control of the kingdom. This forced him to resort to oppressive methods in order to maintain his power.
Overall, the political setting of the times was an important factor in the rise and fall of Antipas. The tension between himself and the Jewish population, as well as power struggles with other rulers, played an important role in his rule and ultimate decline in power.


In conclusion, Antipas is a key figure in understanding Jesus’s ministry and the events of the New Testament. He was a Herodian ruler of Galilee in 4 BC, who was known for his authoritarian rule and oppressive tactics. His trial of Jesus and the subsequent mistrial demonstrate Antipas’s wish to maintain power and control. The political backdrop of the times, as well as a host of other factors, all played a role in his eventual decline.

The Cruxifiction of Jesus

Antipas is known as the man who sentenced Jesus to death in an unfair trial, as depicted in the gospel of Matthew. According to the text, Antipas had the power to free Jesus but instead handed him for crucifixion.
Historians speculate that Antipas used Jesus’ trial to demonstrate his power and prevent the people from rebelling against the Herodian dynasty. He refused to let Pontius Pilate take responsibility for sentencing, in a display of arrogance and pride.
This trial was a pivotal moment in Jesus’ ministry, and also a hugely important event in Antipas’ rule. The details of the trial of Jesus and Antipas’s motives remain a mystery, as the bible does not give much insight into his character.
The trial of Jesus and later crucifixion is an immensely significant moment in the bible, and the figure of Antipas and his role in this event must not be forgotten.

The Role of Romans

In addition to Antipas, the role of Romans in the trial and crucifixion of Jesus should not be overlooked. They were the ultimate authority in the area at the time, and it was Romans who were flogged and executed Jesus.
It was Pontius Pilate who had the power to absolve Jesus, and he offered several times to do so. Antipas, however, refused to let him, showing his own arrogance. Furthermore, it is worth noting that Roman law at the time was in favor of crucifying Jesus, as it was seen as a way for Jesus to become an example to the people.
The role of the Romans in the trial of Jesus is an important one and cannot be repeated. They were the ones with the ultimate power, and they could quick have ended the trial and saved Jesus.
Ultimately, Antipas and the Romans both played major roles in the trial of Jesus, and their decisions had huge implications for Jesus’ ministry, as well as the future of faith in the area.

The Significance of Jesus’ Crucifixion

In the bible, Jesus’ trial and crucifixion is significant for a variety of reasons. Most notably, it is seen as an act of martyrdom that led to the reconciliation of humanity with God. Jesus is seen as the one who was willing to take upon himself the sins of the world, and his death is seen as the ultimate sacrifice.
In addition, Jesus’ crucifixion is seen as a lesson in humility, as Jesus humbled himself before God in taking upon the cross. This is seen as a lesson to mankind to humble themselves and repent in order to receive God’s forgiveness.
Further, the crucifixion of Jesus is recorded in all four gospels. This is a testament to its importance in the bible, and is seen as one of the most significant events of Jesus’ ministry.
The crucifixion of Jesus is an immensely important event in the bible, and one that is still remembered today. The actions of Antipas and the Romans, as well as its significance, demonstrate how significant a moment it was in history.

Hilda Scott is an avid explorer of the Bible and inteprator of its gospel. She is passionate about researching and uncovering the mysteries that lie in this sacred book. She hopes to use her knowledge and expertise to bring faith and God closer to people all around the world.

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