Who Found The Bible


The Bible is one of the oldest and most incredible books in human history. Over its thousands of years of existence, it has been treasured by generations of people for its spiritual guidance and moral teaching. But its origin is shrouded in mystery. Who exactly found the Bible?

Scriptures from Ancient Civilisations

The most ancient recorded fragments of Bible scriptures date back to the 8th century BC, believed to be from the Ten Commandments engraved on the stones found in Sinai. There are even older cuneiform scriptures believed to be from the 17th century BC that were discovered on clay tablets in Iraq. This suggests that the Bible may have been found among ancient societies in the Middle East.
The written word would have spread through exchange and trade, until the book of Samuel in the 6th century BC when the Jewish people started to write down the scriptures to form the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Tanakh.

Books of the Bible

The Bible consists of 66 books, which were first split into Old Testament and New Testament. The Old Testament is made up of 39 books that were already known to ancient Jews, which are mainly about the history of God’s people, the Jews. The New Testament consists of 27 books, which were written by followers of Jesus the Christ.
The books of the Bible have gone through multiple canonisations, with subsequent splits and editions. The Latin Vulgate, the most influential and standardised version of the Bible, was published by St Jerome in 405 AD, with books selected by the Catholic Church.


The Latin Vulgate was translated into multiple languages and spread across Europe. The most influential translations were Luther’s German published in 1522, and the King James translations of 1611, which are still used in modern English.
In the 20th and 21st centuries, translations of the Bible have been done into virtually every language in the world. There are also modern digital versions and apps available to keep up with changing technology and trends.

Secular and Scientific Research

As the Bible is a central text to many religions, much of its archaeological, historical and scientific research has been done with religious purposes, for the purpose of proving the divine origin of the book.
Secular and scientific research has also been done to understand the historical and context of the bible, including to understand the impact of the books in their original language and the cultural context of the time They were written. Scholars have tried to reconcile scientific and archeological data with biblical references, through various interpretations, theories and hypotheses.

Political and Religious Influence

The Bible is one of the most influential books in the world. It is a powerful tool for religion and has had a huge influence on politics, law, morals and culture.
The bible has been used as a means of political control, to sanction oppressive systems and intrusive laws. It has been used to justify wars and to spread hate speech. It has dictated values that served the status quo, while others have interpreted it liberally to challenge power or as a way to break traditional barriers.

Modern Day Bible Usage

Today, most people read the Bible for religious reasons. But the Bible is also often used for personal guidance and it has been used as a source of inspiration for creativity and for self-improvement.
For many, the Bible is a way to cope with suffering, grieving, and darkness. It is a way of reflection, hope, and spiritual advice. It can be looked to for strength, faith and comfort.

Bible Connections to Other Religions

One of the biggest debates in religious history, is how the Bible may have been influenced by other religions and spiritual ideologies. There are many similarities to the Bible and other religions.
Scientific evidence suggests that some of the stories and references are related to ancient pagan religions and other spiritual ideologies, indicating that the Bible may have borrowed from other religions when it was written.

Biblical Scholarship

Biblical scholarship is a field dedicated to the scientific and historical interpretation of the bible. Scholars use a variety of tools and reference points to analyse the bible, including archaeology, linguistics, and church history.
Biblical scholarship seeks to understand how the Bible was formed, how it was received, and what major themes or theories captures from it. It also seeks to identify potential discrepancies or inaccuracies in the book.


It is impossible to pinpoint exactly who found the Bible, or to understand all the influences that contributed to its form and shape. But what is sure is that the Bible has an incredible past and has been beloved by generations for centuries. It is an incredibly impactful book that is known and appreciated around the world, and it continues to draw in new readers each day.

Hilda Scott is an avid explorer of the Bible and inteprator of its gospel. She is passionate about researching and uncovering the mysteries that lie in this sacred book. She hopes to use her knowledge and expertise to bring faith and God closer to people all around the world.

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