Which Version Of The Bible Is Closest To The Original

What Is The Original Bible?

The Bible is an ancient text that has been adapted, revised and translated multiple times throughout history. It is a collection of religious writings from different authors, cultures and eras that tell the story of God’s relationship with people and their collective reflections on the divine and the human. The Bible has been around for thousands of years and is the most influential book in the western world. This immense and impressive body of literature has been subject to many changes and interpretations over the centuries. While there are varying versions of the Bible, most scholars agree that the original Bible is the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Tanakh or Old Testament.

What is the Tanakh?

The Tanakh, or the Hebrew Bible, is an ancient compilation of the sacred scripture of the Jewish faith. The Tanakh is divided into three parts – the Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim. The Torah, which is the first part of the Tanakh, is made up of five books – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. It is considered to be the most sacred part of the Tanakh as it is believed to be the most ancient and original text.
The Nevi’im contains the writings of the prophets, such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. It also includes the books of Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, and 1 and 2 Kings. Lastly, the Ketuvim includes the writings of poets and wise men, such as Psalms, Proverbs and Song of Solomon. The full Tanakh consists of 24 books and dates back to the 1st century BC.

Translation of the Tanakh

The Tanakh is written in an ancient Hebrew language, which is no longer in use today. To make the sacred scripture more accessible and understandable, it has been translated into multiple languages over the years.
The most common English translation of the Tanakh is the King James Version, which is often referred to as the Authorized Version. This translation was developed in 1611 and is the most widely used English translation of the Bible. It is based on the original Hebrew text and is thought of by many as an authoritative version of the Tanakh.

The Septuagint

The Septuagint is another version of the Bible that is based on the ancient Hebrew text. It is a translation of the Tanakh into the Koine Greek language and is believed to have been completed between 300 and 200BC. The name ‘Septuagint’ comes from the Latin word for seventy, because it is believed to have been made by seventy writers.
Unlike the King James Version, the Septuagint contains additional books that are not found in the Hebrew Bible. These books are known as the Apocrypha, and include works from authors such as Enoch, Judith, and Sirach.

Comparison of Versions

When comparing different versions of the Bible, it is important to consider not only the language of the text but also its accuracy and authenticity. The King James Version is often regarded as the most reliable, with most scholars and theologians agreeing that it is the most faithful to the original Hebrew Bible.
The Septuagint is also considered to be an accurate and faithful translation, however, it is often seen as problematic due to the inclusion of the Apocryphal books. The Apocryphal books are not considered part of the original version of the Bible and their inclusion has been a source of controversy for centuries.


After considering the different versions of the Bible, it is clear that the Hebrew Bible, or the Tanakh, is the original version of the Bible. It contains the oldest and most accurate texts, and its translation into the English language in the King James Version is widely regarded as being the most faithful to the original texts.
Although the Septuagint is also seen as a reliable translation, it is problematic due to its inclusion of the Apocryphal books, which are not part of the original version of the Bible. As such, the King James Version is widely seen as the best version of the Bible that is closest to the original texts.

How Does the Jewish Bible Contain More Books?

The Jewish Bible, also known as the Tanakh, contains more books than the Christian Bible and is written in much older Hebrew. In fact, including all the books of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, the Jewish Bible includes 24 books in total. This includes five books of the Torah, an additional seven books known as the Ketuvim, a further twelve prophetic books known as the Nevi’im and an additional collection referred to as the Apocrypha. This has led to the Jewish Bible often being called the “complete” or “fuller” Bible.
The differences between the Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible come down to the fact that the Christian Bible follows the Greek Septuagint, which is a third century BCE translation of the Tanakh into Greek. This Greek translation of the Jewish Bible excludes certain books, such as the Book of Esther, which is included in the Jewish Bible.
In terms of which Bible is more accurate, many scholars agree that the Jewish Bible is the most accurate version as it is closest to the original source. It is also the only original source of all books in the Old Testament, and most biblical scholars maintain that the Septuagint is only a translation of the Tanakh and is not the original source material.

What Is the Apocrypha?

The Apocrypha is a collection of books that were included in the early Greek translations of the Jewish Bible, but were later excluded from the Christian Bible. The Apocrypha includes books such as Tobit, Judith, the Wisdom of Solomon, Baruch, the Letter of Jeremiah, and addition to the Book of Esther. The Apocrypha is not universally accepted by Jews and Christians.
The Apocrypha is considered to be a valuable source of knowledge and is highly respected by some biblical scholars. Its inclusion in the Septuagint has caused some debate, with some scholars arguing that it should have been included in the Christian Bible due to its value, while others argue that its exclusion was necessary to ensure the accuracy of the biblical text.

What Is the Samaritan Pentateuch?

The Samaritan Pentateuch is an ancient collection of scriptures, written in Hebrew or Aramaic, which is distinct from the Tanakh. It is thought to have been written around the 5th century BCE, and is a condensed version of the text written by the Samaritans. It includes all books in the Torah, but is written in a different language than the Tanakh.
The Samaritan Pentateuch contains some unique interpretations of the Hebrew Bible, which may differ from the original text. Despite this, it is widely accepted by scholars as a valuable source of ancient religious texts and is often studied by scholars and theologians.

How Has the Bible Been Interpreted?

Over the centuries, the Bible has been interpreted in different ways by different people. This is because the biblical texts have no interpretation as such, so any analysis or understanding is down to the interpretation of the reader. This can lead to differences in interpretation of the same texts, as different people are likely to interpret the text in different ways.
Many interpretive techniques have been developed over the years, such as hermeneutics and exegesis, in order to provide a better understanding of the biblical texts. These interpretive methods and techniques aim to gain a deeper insight into the texts and to understand the meaning behind them.

Conclusion of Interpretations

There are a variety of interpretive techniques and approaches that have been developed to gain a better understanding of the Bible. The Tanakh is the original version of the Bible and is widely seen as being the most reliable and authentic version.
The King James Version is often regarded as being the most faithful to the original texts, while the Septuagint is a much older translation which includes the Apocryphal books. The Apocrypha is a source of debate, with some scholars arguing that it should have been included in the Christian Bible and others arguing that its exclusion was necessary to ensure the accuracy of the biblical texts.
The Samaritan Pentateuch is an ancient collection of scriptures written by the Samaritans and is often regarded as a valuable source of ancient religious texts. Lastly, the Bible has been interpreted in different ways by different people, with interpretive methods and techniques being developed over the years to gain a deeper insight into the texts and to understand the meaning behind them.

Hilda Scott is an avid explorer of the Bible and inteprator of its gospel. She is passionate about researching and uncovering the mysteries that lie in this sacred book. She hopes to use her knowledge and expertise to bring faith and God closer to people all around the world.

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