Where In The Bible Does It Say Jesus Is God

Unlike some other religions, Christianity is based on the belief that God has a unique relationship with humans. This is expressed, among other things, through the notion that Jesus Christ is the son of God. However, where in the Bible does it actually say that Jesus is indeed God?

To answer this, it is important to look at the Bible’s Old Testament, as well as its New Testament. In the Old Testament, Jesus is presented as a mortal figure, who will be sent by God and will suffer – but still conquer death. But Jesus isn’t given any divine powers – he is seen as a teacher and a prophet. This is in stark contrast with the New Testament, which presents Jesus as having all the powers of God. Here, Jesus lives an extraordinary life marked by miracles, healings and his victory over death. He performs acts that no other character in the Old Testament is mentioned to have been able to do. In addition, Jesus is mentioned to have existed since the beginning of Creation, further confirming his divinity.

This is why theologians believe that Jesus can be perceived, by both Jews and Christians, as God manifested in human form. Renowned scholar Bart Ehrman notes that when Jesus is described to be the ‘image of the invisible God’, this is a clear reference to the fact that Jesus is the representation of the divine within human form. Professor Mark Strauss adds that the Old Testament predicted that a Messiah would come, and it is clear, especially in the gospels, that Jesus presented himself as the promised messiah. In the Old Testament, Jesus is as a man who will die and be resurrected, while in the New Testament Jesus is revealed as the resurrected God.

Looking more closely at passages from the Bible itself, there is solid proof that Jesus is the manifest of God. In the book of Colossians, for example, it states: ‘…For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him [Jesus] and God was pleased to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.’ Additionally, in Romans 10:9, it says: ‘If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.’ Both of these verses demonstrate how Jesus retains his status as Lord, which can be equated to being equal to God.

All in all, the Bible is clear in suggesting that Jesus of Nazareth is indeed God. In the Old Testament, we read of his coming to redeem mankind, while in the New Testament Jesus is described to be the closest possible manifestation of God. Going further still, various passages in the Bible confirm that Jesus is indeed the ‘image of the invisible God’, giving a unique insight into the relationship between humans and the divine.

The Second Coming

In the Bible’s Book of Revelations, Jesus returns for a final time, unleashing judgement upon the Earth. According to Christian beliefs, the second coming provides salvation for those who believe in him, while those who deny him will suffer eternal damnation. This is another way of showing the connection between God and Jesus – the Second Coming is to serve as both a sign of hope and a reminder of the need to accept Jesus into one’s heart.

Further evidence supporting this can be found in Revelations 19:11-16, when the horseman returns with the armies of Heaven: “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war… And He hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.” In this passage, Jesus is referred to as one who dispenses justice and ultimately defeats his enemies, confirming his status as the highest authority.

Additionally, during the Last Supper, Jesus is said to have transformed bread and wine in to his body and blood – an act borne out of his Godly power. Other examples include the Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan, when a voice is heard from Heaven proclaiming ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased,’ as well as the other miracles Jesus performs, which are never accomplished by any other mortal.

Importance of Jesus in Christianity

For Christians, Jesus is the central figure in their faith and the linchpin of their doctrine. Jesus is presented in the Bible as the ‘Son of God’ who is incarnated on Earth in human form. As such, he is seen as both a savior, who is sent by God to redeem mankind of their sins and ultimately conquer death, and a messiah, as prophesied by the Old Testament.

Other world religions, such as Islam or Judaism, do not consider Jesus to be God, and in some cases don’t see Jesus or Christianity as being necessary for salvation. Nevertheless, for Christianity, Jesus is part of the Holy Trinity, alongside God the Father and the Holy Spirit. This concept, which suggests that God is one and yet can exist in three persons, incorporates Jesus’ divinity by connecting him to God himself.

This is further alluded to in passages such as John 1:1, which reads: “In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This passage is commonly believed to be an acknowledgement of Jesus’ divine status. When read in the context of the Bible, it is also an indication of Jesus’ integral role within Christian theology and of his position as God in human form.

Factors That Distinguish Jesus from Other Prophets

In the Old Testament, numerous prophets are known to have been sent by God to teach the right way to live, and to warn people against the wrath of God in case they fail to obey his will. Jesus is also a prophet – but one who embodies God and whose teachings are invaluable to Christians.

For one, Jesus is a unique source of wisdom and knowledge, able to speak and interact with humans on an individual basis. In biblically recorded cases, Jesus is shown to be compassionate and forgiving when dealing with people, something which can’t be said of other figures in the Old Testament. Secondly, Jesus serves as the one true bridge between Heaven and Earth, the sole mediator between mankind and the divine.

Finally, Jesus’ role in Christianity sets him apart from other prophets – his teachings are reminiscent of those of human spiritual leaders except that Jesus is divine and therefore able to fully understand mankind’s predicament. By accepting Jesus as their savior, Christians can be purified and enter Heaven, away from the troubles of the real world.

Effects of Jesus as Divine Being

The belief that Jesus is divine has had wide-reaching influences on Christianity. The faith of the Bible forms an essential part of the religion and the teachings Jesus offer are crucial in terms of developing a meaningful spiritual life. In addition, Jesus’ divinity is an integral part of the Holy Trinity, a concept which forms the bedrock of Christian thought and doctrine.

This divinity is also seen as proof of a loving and all-powerful God. By accepting Jesus as the manifestation of God, believers can find solace and faith, as they believe they can experience God in a more tangible and physical way. This, in turn, helps strengthen the connection between man and God as Jesus has experienced life in human form and therefore understands the pains, struggles and joys of human life.

By acknowledging Jesus’ divine status, humans can be closer to God and the teachings of the Bible – a foundation for leading meaningful and fulfilling lives. As a result, Jesus’ divinity is not merely a belief; it is an essential part of a life devoted to Christianity.

The Trinity

The concept of the Trinity suggests that God exists in three persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In Christian terms, this concept denotes that Jesus is the Son of God and is one with Him. This concept is foundational to Christianity and to understanding the relationship between God and humanity – Jesus is seen as being both of human and divine origin.

This concept is based on passages such as John 8:18, which states: “I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent me.” This references the Three-in-One nature of God, in which Jesus is God’s son but also the manifestation of his presence on Earth. Additionally, Jesus’ mission to teach humans the will of God and to save people from sin is seen as an integral part of the Trinity, as Jesus serves as the middleman between the Father and humanity.

At the same time, the concept of the Trinity serves to emphasize Jesus’ divinity. As both a human and a divine being, Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve as the mediator between God and the human race. As such, he serves as a reminder to all believers of the power, love, and grace behind the Christian faith.


In conclusion, the Bible makes it abundantly clear that Jesus is God. Numerous passages refer to him as being the “Son of God” or “the image of the invisible God”, indicating his divine status. Through Jesus’ teachings, men and women can learn how to live meaningful lives and to be connected with the divine. This connection, in turn, helps them to understand and accept their place in the universe, and to live life fully in the knowledge that Jesus is their savior and Lord.

Hilda Scott is an avid explorer of the Bible and inteprator of its gospel. She is passionate about researching and uncovering the mysteries that lie in this sacred book. She hopes to use her knowledge and expertise to bring faith and God closer to people all around the world.

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