When Did The Word Homosexual First Appear In The Bible

Background Information

The Bible has been around for thousands of years, and its teachings have been used to guide the lives of many people all over the world. Its teachings are often referred to as the ‘God’s law’ or ‘The Lord’s Word’, and its purpose is primarily to provide its readers with moral guidance. The Bible has long been challenged for discriminating against homosexuality, with no explicit mentions of it, which are often interpreted as bannings of it.

The Book of Leviticus is a book in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible and is believed to be written by Moses. This is the book which contains some of the first mentions of homosexuality in the Bible. There are three mentions of homosexuality in Leviticus, 18:22, 20:13, and 26:15. In these verses, it is said that “if a man lies with another man as with a woman, they have committed an abomination” and such a person is to be put to death.

Relevant Data

The earliest mentions of homosexuality in the bible can be traced back to around 2,500 years ago. It is important to note that the specific word ‘homosexual’ was not used in the bible until much more recently. This is primarily due to the fact that the English language has changed and evolved over the centuries. The word ‘homosexual’ was only added to English dictionaries in the late 19th century.

What is interesting is that some modern translations of the bible make more explicit mentions that homosexuality being a sin. This makes for an interesting and heated debate about whether translations of the Bible should be used to judge modern LGBT + people.

Perspectives from Experts

The debate from expert opinion on whether the Bible is truly against homosexuality is a divisive one. Some experts argue that the Bible should not be taken at face value, as it is an ancient text written centuries ago that is open to interpretation. Other experts believe that the Bible is clear in its condemnations of homosexuality, and that any form of expressing it as anything other than an abomination goes against the nature and will of God.

A study conducted in 2017 by the University of Oxford found that 55% of Christians in the UK disagreed with the notion that homosexuality was a sin, while 45% still agreed that it was. Therefore, it is clear that opinion on the matter is still very much divided.


It is important to consider the context in which the Bible makes mention of homosexuality. The fact that ownership of slaves, for example, was not considered to be immoral at the time, suggests that the treatments of homosexual people can be seen to be a product of the time which it was written. Therefore, the language used to describe a homosexual act may not be applicable today, even if one does not believe in any form of LGBT+ expression.

The debate is not a simple one and it is difficult to draw any conclusions definitively. It is something that requires further conversation and discourse between different faiths, and it is useful to keep in mind the context in which the Bible was written.

Research and Data

It is important to note, however, that the language used in the Bible has changed over time, and the word ‘homosexual’ is not used at all in the original texts. A survey conducted in 2018 by the BBC found that, while some religious leaders still believe homosexuality is a sin, the majority of people in the UK believed it to be a ‘normal’ lifestyle option. This is likely due to the increased visibility of LGBT+ people in society and the progress that has been made in terms of acceptance.

Furthermore, research conducted by the University of Amsterdam found that, among people of faith, there is a general trend towards acceptance, with the majority believing that there is some form of place within their faith for LGBT+ people. This has been further supported by other studies, indicating that more and more people are becoming accepting of LGBT+ people and their lifestyle choices.

Theology and Doctrine

It is important to also consider the doctrine of most churches when discussing the topic of homosexuality in the Bible. The doctrine found in the Bible differs significantly in regards to the different denominations within the Christian faith, as well as between Christianity and other religions. Although there are some faiths that are still very much against homosexuality, it is important to note that there are others that are much more accepting and have actively sought to find a place in the faith for LGBT+ people.

For example, the Presbyterian Church USA has recently been taking steps to allow the ordination of gay ministers and deacons. Similarly, the Episcopal Church has also welcomed LGBT+ people into its faith and allows for their ordination to the clergy. This is in stark contrast to other denominations such as the Catholic Church, which is much more likely to condemn any form of same-sex relationships.

Social Understanding

The way in which society perceives homosexuality has been evolving over time, and this is reflected in the various interpretations of the Bible on the matter. In recent years, there has been an increased push for greater acceptance and rights for LGBT+ people, which has made its way into many countries and societies. This has led to a more accepting attitude towards homosexuality, with many organizations fighting for the rights of LGBT+ people.

In the United States, for instance, the Supreme Court has legalized marriage between same-sex couples, something that was unthinkable a few decades ago. This has signified a major shift in how homosexuality is perceived and treated, with some churches and denominations embracing LGBT+ people and their lifestyle choices. Other countries have followed suit, with increasing acceptance of homosexuality in many societies.

Media Representation

As well as the legal and legislative changes, there has also been an increase in positive representations of LGBT+ people in the media. From television shows to movies, there is evidence of greater acceptance of LGBT+ people in mainstream culture. This is an important step in terms of further acceptance of LGBT+ people and can be seen as a reflection of the changing attitudes on homosexuality in society.

While there are still some people who are against LGBT+ rights and expression, it is clear that the tide is slowly turning towards greater acceptance and understanding. This is an encouraging sign, and it is clear that, while there are still many challenges to be faced, the overall trend is one of increased acceptance and understanding of LGBT+ people.


In order for further acceptance of LGBT+ people to be achieved, it is important for people to be educated on the topic. This can be done through discussion and discourse, as well as through the provision of resources and education on LGBT+ rights and issues. This can be done in both schools and in wider society, and can help to create a more tolerant and accepting environment.

It is also important for people to be educated on the topics of homosexuality in the bible, as it is often used to back up arguments against LGBT+ rights. It is, therefore, useful to understand the various stances on homosexuality in the Bible, as well as the historical context in which it was written. This can help to put into perspective the ways in which people interpret the Bible, and can help to create healthy conversations around the topic.

Hilda Scott is an avid explorer of the Bible and inteprator of its gospel. She is passionate about researching and uncovering the mysteries that lie in this sacred book. She hopes to use her knowledge and expertise to bring faith and God closer to people all around the world.

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