What the Bible Says About Homosexuality
The Bible offers both explicit and implicit references to homosexual activity. It’s important to understand both, as the interpretation of one or the other could lead to seriously wrong understanding and actions.
Explicit Texts
The best known and most absolute explicit expression of God’s attitude towards homosexuality is given in Leviticus, Chapter 18 Verse 22. In this text, the Lord’s desire is unambiguous: “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.”
In the New Testament, there are many passages where sin is listed, and homosexuality is mentioned. In Romans 1:24-27, Paul writes: “God gave them up to the lusts of their hearts, to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator”.
Implicit Texts
There is no question that the Bible and its authors understand love as a central part of any relationship. In 1 Corinthians 7:3-5, Paul insists that each person should “fulfill the duty of same-sex marriage”, meaning that same-sex couples had rights, even though they were not explicitly specified.
Jesus also made a point of emphasizing the importance of relationships. In Matthew 19:4-6, Jesus interprets Genesis 2:24 as providing for the religious foundation for any relationship: “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh”.
It is interesting to note that the word “wife” or “woman” is not used, but rather the word “flesh”. This implies a broader understanding of same-sex unions than is usually given in conduct manuals for Christians, as it suggests that religious approval can be given to same-sex couples, at least in principle.
Interpretations of the Bible and Homosexuality
There are a wide variety of different interpretations of the Bible and how it speaks to homosexuality. Some interpret the Bible as categorically prohibiting all forms of same-sex conduct, while others interpret certain passages more ambiguously and see them as only speaking to certain practices.
At the same time, there are also interpretations that interpret the Bible as supporting same-sex relationships, emphasizing Jesus’ teachings on love and acceptance rather than prohibitions on same-sex conduct. Still, there are those who argue that the Bible implicitly supports same-sex relationships while still prohibiting them, viewing them as an unfortunate but necessary part of human life.
Academic Sources on the Bible and Homosexuality
Academics have written on the topic of homosexuality and religion for decades. Theologians, religious scholars, and pastors have all contributed to the discussion, offering various interpretations and meanings for the various texts in the Bible.
One of the most popular arguments is that the biblical sources concerning same-sex relationships can be read within the context of other ancient codes of conduct from the time. For instance, if one reads both the Old and New Testament sources not in isolation but rather in addition to other cultures practice of relating to taboo, such as recognizing some same-sex unions, then a wider understanding of the biblical position can be got.
Other sources have made the argument that the prohibitions listed against same-sex relationships are not absolute, but instead are somewhat flexible and can change depending on the culture and context of the particular community. In other words, the Bible may not be seen as categorically prohibiting all forms of same-sex conduct—but rather, it may be seen as prohibiting certain specific forms of such behavior.
Intersectionality and the Bible
Intersectionality refers to the way that different forms of identity intersect and influence each other in any given circumstance or situation. In this context, it is important to understand not just the Bible’s teachings around homosexuality, but its teachings around gender, race, and class as well.
For example, some have argued that the Bible’s prohibitions against same-sex relationships have been used as a tool to oppress women, as opposed to just targeting a specific act. In addition, other writers have argued that the Bible’s prohibitions against same-sex relationships have been used in the past to oppress and reject certain racial or ethnic groups.
In addition to this, class is also an important factor in understanding the Bible and its teachings. For example, some writers argue that the biblical prohibitions against same-sex relationships were more relevant in ancient times, when many people were of a lower social class and sexuality was more often seen as a prohibited activity.
Conclusion of the Relevance of the Bible and Homosexuality
At the end of the day, it is important to approach with care and thoughtfulness any conclusion about the Bible and its teachings in regards to homosexuality. There are various interpretations and which one is correct is a matter of opinion. It is important that all sides of the debate be considered and respected.
One thing is clear, though: the Bible does not prompt a prejudiced attitude towards same-sex relationships. Despite interpretations of explicit or implicit prohibitions, the Bible encourages an attitude of love, acceptance, and understanding—attitudes that all people should strive to embody.