What The Bible Says About Abortion Kjv

The Bible is clearly against abortion. In Exodus 20:13, KJV, the bible says: “Thou shalt not kill”. This applies to both born and unborn children. The Bible also emphasizes the value of every human life, even those in the womb, in Psalm 139 and other passages. In fact, the Bible even speaks of unborn children being “ knit together in the womb” (Psalm 139:13, KJV). This suggests that the little ones are already developing in the mother’s womb even before they are born.

The Bible also speaks of unborn children as being “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14, KJV). That phrase not only highlights the value of an unborn child’s life, but also stresses that it is an intricate and fragile process that requires care and protection.

Furthermore, the Bible also mentions that it was God Himself who gave “conception” to both men and women (Job 10:8-12, KJV). This implies that the process of giving life is a divine act and it should be protected and celebrated, not placed in the hands of man.

The Bible also has a lot to say about how the unborn should be treated. For example, the Bible commands that pregnant women in particular should not be harassed, but instead given honor and respect ( Isaiah 49:15, KJV).

Aside from emphasizing the value of unborn life, the Bible also speaks about God’s plans for every child (Psalm 139:16, KJV). Just as everything in this world has a purpose, so does every life that God has given.

Overall, the Bible is emphatic in its stance against the killing of unborn children. It is clear that God values unborn life, and that He has plans for every one of them.

The Character of God

The Bible puts forth a consistent view of the character of God demonstrating His deep love for both born and unborn children. In Psalm 31:7, the Bible says: “I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy; for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hast known my soul in adversity”. Here, the Bible speaks of God’s mercy and compassion for all, even in the most adverse of conditions.

The Bible also highlights the importance of treating others, regardless of their age or stage in life, with respect and dignity. Exodus 20:13 says: “Thou shalt not kill”. This commandment applies to all life, not just born kids, but those in the womb as well. Here, God is strongly making a point that killing an unborn child is wrong and immoral.

Additionally, the Bible is quite clear about God’s opinion on abortion. In Jeremiah 1:5, it is written: “Before thou wast born I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations”. This suggests that God has a plan for each life, even before birth, pointing to the value of all life, no matter how young and helpless.

Connection of Abortioin to Other Issues

Though the Bible condemns abortion, it also speaks to other moral issues that can be connected to it. In Exodus 22:16-17, KJV, the Bible says: “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live…Thou shalt not suffer a murderer to live”. Here, the Bible makes it quite clear that punishment is reserved for those who transgress and injure others. As such, many can argue that abortion should be considered the same, as it is still a violation of another person’s rights.

The Bible also speaks to the issue of adultery, condemning it in Leviticus 20:10, KJV. This implies that there are severe penalties for engaging in premarital sex, and thus one should consider the consequences of such actions before engaging in them. This could, in turn, be connected to abortion, as unplanned pregnancies often result from premarital sex.

The Bible also highlights the importance of being able to differentiate between right and wrong, in Ephesians 5:10, KJV. This suggests that one should have enough moral conscience to be able to make wise and informed decisions. Here, one can argue that when faced with a decision to abort an unborn child, one should be able to differentiate between right and wrong and make the right decision.

The Purpose of the Bible

The purpose of the Bible is to serve as a moral compass and spiritual guide to ensure truth is upheld and justice always prevails. It speaks of compassion, mercy and justice for all, even those that are helpless and weak. It highlights the value of every life and stresses that every life has a purpose, a destiny and a plan which God has carefully designed.

In summary, the Bible clearly speaks out against abortion and emphasizes the value of unborn life. It also condemns violence, adultery and injustice and it stresses the importance of making the right decision when faced with such a dilemma. With the guidance of the Bible, one can make the right decision when faced with an unwanted pregnancy, and be assured that God is with them every step of the way.

The Support of the Church

The Church also supports the Bible’s stance against abortion. Many churches today have ministries that are specifically focused on providing support to pregnant woman and offering them assistance if they choose to keep their babies. These ministries also provide counseling, practical assistance with medical costs, as well as post-natal care.

In addition to offering physical and emotional support to pregnant women, these ministries also strive to spread awareness about the value of unborn life. They provide education on the rights of unborn children and encourage young people to make informed decisions about their sexual health.

Other churches also offer adoption services, which allow a childless couple to adopt a baby and give them the privilege of parenting. More importantly, these services provide a mother with an alternative to abortion, a place where she knows her unborn child will be well-loved, nurtured and taken care of.

The Church also recognizes that men have a major role to play in pregnancy and parenting. Churches have started to encourage young men to get involved in the process of parenting, stressing the importance of their role in the family.

Overall, the Church is supportive of the Bible’s stance against abortion and is actively involved in providing assistance to those in need. The Church’s message is that life is precious and it should be protected, no matter what the circumstances are.

The Impact of Abortion

Aside from the moral and spiritual implications of abortion, it also has some tangible effects as well.  Firstly, abortion can have a psychological impact on the mother. Many women feel guilt and regret after having an abortion, as they often feel that they have taken away a life. Studies have also shown that many women experience depression, anxiety and even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after having an abortion.

The physical side effects of abortion can also be difficult to manage. Abortions need to be performed in a sterile, medical environment, and the risks of infection, bleeding, and other complications are very real. In some cases, a woman can also experience long-term damage to her reproductive system, making it difficult for her to bear children in the future.

Furthermore, abortion can also have an economic impact. In many places, abortion can be a very expensive procedure, and the cost of getting an abortion can be a major burden for those who cannot afford it. The cost of getting an abortion, coupled with the psychological and physical side effects, can be overwhelming for many.

Finally, abortion can also affect society in dangerous ways. Without proper policies in place, abortion can lead to an increase in violence, carelessness, and even neglect towards unborn children. As such, it is important to have effective policies and laws in place to protect the unborn and ensure that no one is taking away a life without due consideration.


In conclusion, it is abundantly clear that The Bible, the Church and the wider society are on the same page when it comes to abortion: it should be discouraged and prohibited in all cases. The Bible, the Church and society all agree that life is precious and it should be protected, no matter what the circumstances are. The Bible also speaks of the immense value of unborn life, stressing that every life has a purpose, a plan and a destiny that should be upheld and respected. Abortion, meanwhile, should be avoided at all costs as it can have long-term effects on both the mother and society as a whole.

Hilda Scott is an avid explorer of the Bible and inteprator of its gospel. She is passionate about researching and uncovering the mysteries that lie in this sacred book. She hopes to use her knowledge and expertise to bring faith and God closer to people all around the world.

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