What Part Of The Bible Talks About Marriage

Marriage is an important theme throughout the Bible, with references and stories appearing in both the Old and New Testaments. The Bible has much to say about marriage, offering practical advice and spiritual truths to help believers and non-believers alike. In fact, the Bible is the source of much of our modern-day understanding of relationships and the importance of marriage.

For believers, the Bible is the source of God’s divine will and a guide to moral and legal questions regarding marriage. In the Old Testament, there are some notable stories that discuss marriage and its importance, such as Adam and Eve and Abraham marrying Sarah. In the New Testament, marriage is also discussed in a spiritual context in the Gospel accounts, with Jesus teaching about marriage in the Sermon on the Mount.

The Bible also speaks about marriage in several practical ways. For example, it provides advice on living with a spouse and encourages respect, forgiveness and understanding between married couples. The Bible also offers specific guidance on topics like adultery, divorce, remarriage and in-laws. It teaches principles of unity and self-sacrifice to help believers navigate challenges in their marriage.

The Bible also has much to say about the roles of men and women in marriage. In the Old Testament, the husband is seen as the head of the family, while in the New Testament, Jesus emphasizes that headship within marriage should not be determined by gender. Ultimately, the Bible teaches that it is more important for spouses to serve each other as equals than for one person to be in charge.

It’s important to remember that the Bible does not condone all forms of marriage today. The Bible recognizes marriage as a divinely-appointed institution, and thus it is important to stay true to its principles when making decisions about marriage in our modern context. This includes considering marriage to be a lifelong commitment and a sacred covenant between two individuals.


Biblical marriage has one chief reason for existence: companionship. God created Eve to be a “helper” or companion to Adam, and a husband and wife offer each other strong support and companionship. Many of the biblical principles centered around marriage revolve around self-sacrifice, as it is often necessary to put the needs of one’s spouse before their own.

In the Old Testament, one of the primary focuses of marriage is to be fruitful and multiply. This goal is proclaimed by God in Genesis, when He creates man and woman and commands them to “be fruitful and multiply.” This is an indication of how important procreation was to biblical marriage, and this is still seen in some cultures today.

Companionship and unity between a married couple aren’t just key values for a successful marriage––they’re also essential for spiritual growth. Marriage is often described in the Bible as a “covenant” between two individuals. This connection of trust,love and commitment can open the door for both spouses to grow closer to God.


The Bible emphasizes that both partners should strive to live in harmony and mutual sacrifice in their relationship. This is seen in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, when he commands wives to “submit” to their husbands and husbands to “love” their wives. This may sound out of place in a modern context, but these instructions ultimately challenge married couples to sacrifice their own wants or needs for the benefit of their spouse.

The Bible also challenges married couples to eliminate any type of selfishness from their relationship. This references both physical and spiritual selfishness. Husbands and wives are called to put each other’s needs before their own and to serve one another in love, so that their relationship may remain strong.

Paul’s instruction for husbands to love their wives is designed to help men understand that their marriage is more than just a physical and emotional bond. It is also a spiritual bond. A husband’s love for his wife should be a reflection of the love that Christ has for His bride, the Church. This understanding of marriage and love allows the couple to see their relationship as a reflection of the spiritual union Christ has with His followers.


Though marriage is seen as a divine institution in the Bible, it can be incredibly difficult. Just like in any relationship, conflict and challenging times arise in a marriage, and it takes a lot of work and commitment to overcome these troubles. The Bible offers guidance and spiritual insight to help believers navigate these hard times.

In the Book of Proverbs, there are several verses aimed at helping couples in times of difficulty. These verses urge couples to speak kindly to each other and to value constructive communication. This advice is essential for any marriage, and is especially important in times of hardship.

The Bible also emphasizes the need for trust and faith. The Song of Solomon speaks of the enduring hope of divine protection and the power of trust in God that can help couples achieve an unbreakable spiritual union. In times of difficulty, married couples can turn to this divine hope to for guidance and strength.

Honoring God

The Bible references marriage in a spiritual context numerous times, illustrating the importance of marriage as a reflection of Christ’s love for His bride, the Church. It is believed that when a couple is married in accordance with biblical principles, their union is an example of Christ’s love for His people. Thus, the Bible calls upon couples to seek God’s guidance in all aspects of their marriage and to use their union as a way to glorify the Lord.

Christ himself even offers advice for making marriage successful. He teaches that both individuals involved in a marriage should be ready to give up themselves and their possessions out of love for the other person. This requires a good degree of spiritual maturity, but it also eliminates power struggles within a marriage and helps keep the couple focused on fulfilling each other’s needs.

Though many of the Bible’s teachings on marriage may not seem to make sense at first, they ultimately offer a unique perspective on marital relationships. By focusing on self-sacrifice, honor, love and faith, the Bible’s teachings on marriage provide a powerful source of inspiration for believers today.


In addition to providing guidance for couples, the Bible has a lot to say about how spouses should serve each other. Couples are often called upon to fulfill each other’s needs, whether that be physical, emotional or spiritual. This often involves both individuals making sacrifices for the benefit of the other person.

Paul’s letter to the Corinthians is an example of one of the biblical writings that address service in a marriage. Paul speaks specifically about how men and women should treat each other. He emphasizes that they should all be in a mutual service as they care for each other and help each other grow in both spiritual and social ways.

Jesus’ commandment to “love one another as I have loved you” also applies to married couples, as this is an example of the selfless and unconditional love that God has for mankind. This is the same kind of love that couples should strive for in their marriage, as it will ultimately lead to a closer and healthier relationship.

It is clear that the Bible has a lot to offer in terms of wisdom and guidance for couples looking to maintain a strong and successful marriage. From self-sacrifice and companionship to honoring God and serving one another, the Bible provides a wealth of information for believers to use in their marriage.

Conflict Resolution

Marriage can be difficult, and it is often necessary for couples to navigate conflict in a respectful and effective manner. The Bible provides many examples of conflict resolution, and offers spiritual insight to help believers navigate disagreement in their relationships.

One of the key scriptures related to conflict resolution is found in the letter of James. This letter speaks of the importance of being “quick to listen, slow to speak”, which is essential for successfully resolving arguments between married couples. This advice encourages couples to put their own differences aside and work together to find common ground and a peaceful resolution to their issues.

The Bible also emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, both within and outside of marriage. Jesus taught that to be truly forgiven, we must first forgive those who wrong us, and this concept applies in a marriage setting as well. When couples take the time to forgive one another, it can help keep them focused on coming to a peaceful agreement instead of dwelling on the offense and allowing resentment to build.

Though it can be hard to work through marital conflict, it is essential for a successful marriage. By focusing on the spiritual wisdom found in the Bible, couples can learn how to effectively communicate, serve each other and forgive one another. This is the foundation of a strong and happy marriage.

Respect and Appreciation

The Bible speaks highly of respect for one’s spouse. Respect and appreciation for one’s partner is an important part of a healthy relationship, but it can often be easy to overlook in a long-term marriage. The Bible emphasizes that both spouses should always be mindful of each other’s value, no matter what they’re going through or how long they’ve been together.

The Book of Proverbs speaks specifically of respect in a marriage, reminding husbands and wives not to be too harsh or judgmental. This advice is especially important in difficult times, as criticism can often lead to prolonged tension between spouses and can make it even more difficult to work through their issues. Appreciation and understanding are much better options, as they help to build trust and create a stronger bond between the couple.

Respect and appreciation for each other can also prevent spouses from taking each other for granted. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul encourages couples to do all they can to “show honor to one another” and to “encourage one another.” It’s important to never forget that each individual in the marriage has value, and both spouses should do all they can to make sure their partner feels respected and appreciated.

Marriage is a beautiful thing, and the Bible has a lot to say about it. From providing practical advice to offering creative ways to show love and respect, the Bible is the ideal source for understanding marriage and what it means to be a faithful spouse. By focusing on the spiritual guidance found in the Bible, couples can build a lasting bond of love and commitment that glorifies the Lord.

Hilda Scott is an avid explorer of the Bible and inteprator of its gospel. She is passionate about researching and uncovering the mysteries that lie in this sacred book. She hopes to use her knowledge and expertise to bring faith and God closer to people all around the world.

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