Overview of Threescore in the Bible
Threescore (also spelled “threescore and ten”) is a term used in many Bible translations to refer to the number seventy. It is used countless times throughout the Bible, most notably in the Psalms, to convey the longevity of life and God’s eternal love. Threescore symbolism is a constant reminder of God’s faithfulness and the need to remain faithful to Him.
Threescore is first used in the Old Testament in Genesis 8 when God promises that He will never again curse the ground and destroy all flesh. In a covenant promise to Noah, God states that “while the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease”. This promise is repeated in Psalm 90 – “for a thousand years in Thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night”. Threescore highlights the idea that God is faithful and ever-present, even through different times in the world.
The use of threescore continues in the New Testament, where it is used to refer to the number of years, or generations, in Jesus’ family tree. According to Matthew 1, Threescore generations lay between Abraham and Jesus Christ. This is an important reminder to Christians that God remembers His promises, even in times of difficulty. The passage also reminds us of God’s gift of salvation, and the power of redemption.
Throughout the Bible, threescore is used to bring up the idea of a long and faithful relationship with God. For example, in Genesis 6:3, God says that man’s life should be “threescore years and ten…and years of life shall be few and evil”. This phrase is a reminder of how brief our lives are in comparison to God’s – “for a thousand years in Thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night” – and serves as a reminder to live lives that are devoted to Him.
Examining the Origins of Threescore
The term threescore has been used for centuries in biblical translations, likely because it was a common number during the time the Bible was written. For example, in ancient Hebrew, the word “shana”, which means score, is thought to be the origin of the word. “Shana” was used to describe any long period of time and three shana, or threescore, would refer to a period of three generations.
The use of threescore was also likely a reference to the number used for counting items in ancient times. In these cultures, a “score” was equal to twenty, and “threescore” was equal to sixty. This use of the term indicates the importance of threescore in biblical tradition and reinforces the idea of long-term relationship with God.
In modern times, the term threescore is not nearly as common in most English Bible translations. Today, it is more common to see the term “seventy” instead. Nevertheless, threescore is still used in some translations, such as the American Standard Version and the New International Version, to help readers better connect with the timeless message of the Bible.
The Impact of Threescore in the Bible
The use of the term threescore has had a lasting impact on biblical tradition. Firstly, the term helps readers make a theological connection between the present and the past. Throughout the Bible, God makes promises to his people that were meant for different times, yet still apply in our lives today. When threescore is used in Scripture, it serves as a reminder that even through times of change, God remains faithful and His promises still stand true.
Secondly, the use of threescore reminds readers of the importance of dedicating one’s life to God. The term is often used in reference to long-term relationships, such as between God and His people or those of Jesus’ family tree. Threescore speaks of a relationship that spans generations, and continually calls God’s people closer and closer to obedience and faithfulness. This reminder of faithful service guides us to keep our focus on Him, regardless of which stage of life we are in.
Examples of Threescore in Biblical Context
Sometimes the Bible contains multiple accounts of the same story to illustrate different aspects of God’s character. In this case, threescore serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness for both believers and skeptics alike. For example, the story of Abraham and his servant is recounted in both Genesis 24 and John 16. In both, the servant makes a covenant promise about a woman who will bear a son and whose life span, according to God’s promise, is “threescore years and ten”.
This example demonstrates God’s faithfulness to his promises, even when they seem unlikely or long-forgotten. Furthermore, it speaks of perseverance, even in the face of hardships. This reminder of the covenant promise to Abraham counters the despair: God keeps His word, even when circumstances seem grim.
Threescore’s Influence on Devotional Life
The continual use of threescore in the Bible is a reminder of God’s long-term relationship with His people. He maintains this connection as He directs us, sometimes through gentle reminders and sometimes through direct commands. But no matter how He appears, God’s purpose is always the same: to keep us close and to call us to Him, over and over again.
In our own devotional lives, this understanding of threescore can be applied in two ways. Firstly, it encourages readers to maintain their relationship with God from one generation to the next. As we hand down faith to our friends and family, we must also continually remind ourselves that God’s love and grace is ever-present, even when it does not appear in our physical surroundings.
Secondly, threescore in the Bible serves as a reminder to be specific in our petitioning of God. As we pray, we can offer refined requests, knowing that God will answer each one with a perfect and long-term response. As we follow Him daily, we can be assured that He will continue to respond, as He has done throughout time, with “threescore years and ten” of faithfulness.
Analysis of How Threescore is Used
In the Bible, threescore is used to symbolize a long-term relationship with God. It is used most often in passages about covenants and promises, and the number stands as a reminder that God always keeps His word, no matter how impossible the circumstances may seem. The number also points to the continued importance of faithfulness to God, and the need for a continual cultivation of one’s relationship with Him.
In its use in the Bible, threescore serves as a message to believers. Firstly, it reminds us to look beyond our own brief lifespans and to see the eternal nature of God. It also encourages us to reach for something beyond the things of this world, and to seek a life devoted to faith and holiness. Finally, it calls us to live our lives in a devoted way, no matter how difficult the circumstances may be.
Threescore’s Use as a Literary Device
The use of threescore in the Bible not only conveys a spiritual message, but also serves as a literary device to emphasize and bring clarity to a Scripture passage. For example, in Exodus 20, threescore is used to call attention to God’s command to keep the Sabbath day holy. He states that threescore generations of Israelites should remember not to “do any work” on the seventh day. The use of threescore instead of the literal number seventy signifies to readers that this commandment should be remembered and passed on through the generations.
The use of threescore also helps to strengthen the sense of permanence within passages. For example, in the story of Noah and his covenant with God, threescore is used to emphasize the commitment of the promise – “while the earth remaineth… and day and night shall not cease”. This lengthy use of threescore causes readers to pause and remember the importance of being faithful to God, even in times of adversity.
Theological Connotations of Threescore in the Bible
Threescore is often used to symbolize God’s faithfulness and the eternal nature of His promises. It is a reminder that although times change, God remains constant in His commitment to those who seek Him. This faithfulness is a call to be devoted to Him and His commands, no matter the cost or circumstances.
Furthermore, the use of threescore helps readers better understand the power of generational blessings found throughout Scripture. It serves as a reminder that even through the generations, God’s faithfulness is exhibited in His continued protection and commitment to His people. It is a call to stand in the faith of generations before us, and to continue the tradition of devotion and obedience for the generations to come.
The Relevance of Threescore in Today’s World
The concept of threescore is as important today as it was centuries ago. In a world filled with uncertainty, God’s faithfulness is a reminder of His everlasting love and presence. We can find comfort in His eternal and perfect commitment to us – even when life gets difficult.
The use of threescore also serves as a reminder to be obedient to God – even when it is difficult. Threescore symbolizes the need to persevere through the tough times, to remain faithful to Him and His commands, and to continue to strive to bring His holiness into our lives.
Finally, the use of threescore encourages an attitude of humility and respect towards God. Whenever it is used in Scripture, threescore calls us to stand in awe of His eternal power and to be thankful for being part of His kingdom. This humility should always be part of our lives, no matter our circumstances.