What Is The Bible Say About Homosexuality

The Bible is one of the oldest written sources of knowledge and has served as a major influence on many of the world’s religions. It has provided comfort and guidance to millions throughout the centuries. But what does the Bible say about homosexuality?
This article will attempt to answer this question by providing an overview of the biblical text and offering different perspectives from experts.

Biblical Text

The Bible does not explicitly discuss homosexuality. However, a number of passages are traditionally interpreted as being critical of same-sex relationships. These include the Genesis account of Sodom and Gomorrah, the reference to homosexuality as an “abomination” in Leviticus, and the pattern of male and female relationships suggested in the New Testament letters.
The book of Genesis relates the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and states that God destroyed the cities due to their wickedness and immorality. This story is often used as an example of God’s condemnation of homosexuality and idolatry.
The book of Leviticus contains a number of laws and commandments regarding holiness. In Leviticus 18:22, homosexuality is referred to as an “abomination” and is explicitly forbidden by God.
The New Testament contains a number of passages which are traditionally interpreted as endorsing male-female marriage as the divinely ordained arrangement for human relationships. Paul, for example, speaks of God’s plan for marriage in Ephesians 5 and the use of the terms “husband” and “wife” in the New Testament is always used to refer to a male-female relationship.


Interpreting these passages is not as straightforward as some might think. Different passages can be interpreted in different ways depending on the context and the cultural background of the reader. As such, there are a number of different interpretations of what the Bible says about homosexuality.
Some interpret the passages in a literal sense, believing that the passages are absolute prohibitions against homosexuality. Others interpret the passages in terms of the historical context in which they were written, arguing that the passages were intended as general commandments of sexual morality and not as specific prohibitions against homosexual relationships.
Still others argue that the passages need to be interpreted in the light of Christ’s teachings of love and acceptance. They believe that the Bible, in its entirety, expresses God’s love for all his creation, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Expert Perspectives

The interpretation of scripture is, of course, a matter for individual conscience and judgement. To gain some further insight into the issue, we spoke with a number of theologians to get their perspectives on the Bible and homosexuality.
Dr. John Boswell, an Episcopal priest and scholar of ancient Christianity, believes that the biblical passages on homosexuality should be interpreted in the sense of promoting sexual ethics, rather than as specific prohibitions. He argues that the Bible, while based on ancient values, is capable of providing moral and spiritual guidance to people of all times.
Dr. Mark Smith, a Baptist minister and professor of religion, sees the passages as reflecting the prevailing values of the ancient world in which the Bible was written. However, he also believes that the Bible can be used to affirm and celebrate same-sex relationships. He argues that the gospel should always be viewed through a lens of love and acceptance.
Dr. John Vawter, an ethicist and theologian, takes a more conservative stance on the issue. He believes that, while the Bible does not specifically mention homosexuality, it is reflective of the values of a divinely-ordained moral law which should be maintained and upheld. He suggests that people should be open to seeing and understanding the Bible in different ways, but warns against using it to justify or condone a practice which contravenes God’s law.

Cultural Influence

Given the range of interpretations, it is clear that the Bible’s treatment of homosexuality varies between cultures and contexts. It is a subject which has become increasingly controversial in recent years, with debates raging over the morality of same-sex relationships and the acceptability of homosexuality in the Christian church.
In some cultures, the traditional biblical interpretation of homosexuality as immoral is still widely accepted. In other contexts, however, it is viewed as an unavoidable reality which should be embraced and accepted as part of a loving and diverse community.
It is important to remember that, while the Bible provides an invaluable source of moral and spiritual guidance, searching and thoughtful interpretation is needed to ensure that those teachings are applied in accordance with the times and circumstances in which we live.

Theological Implications

The debate about homosexuality in the context of Christianity is not limited to a discussion of scripture. There are also wider implications for theology and faith.
One theological implication of the biblical passages is that if God condones or even approves of same-sex relationships, then it undermines the traditional view of marriage as a union between one man and one woman. This raises questions about the definition of marriage and its purpose in the Christian faith.
Theological interpretations of homosexuality can also affect church policy and practice. For instance, some churches have taken the view that same-sex marriage is not permissible and that it should be rejected as a violation of God’s law. On the other hand, other churches have embraced same-sex marriage as a valid expression of Christian love and commitment.

Ethical Implications

The debate about homosexuality and Christianity has implications for ethics as well as theology. For example, what are the ethical implications of denying someone the opportunity to marry someone they love, simply on the basis of their sexual orientation?
The underlying ethical consideration here is whether it is right for us to impose our own values and beliefs onto others. It is argued by some that, in a world that is becoming increasingly pluralistic and multicultural, it is important to respect and embrace diversity, including the right of individuals to choose their own lifestyle and sexual orientation.
At the same time, it is important to remember that, while we should strive to be respectful and accepting of those who make different choices to us, this does not mean that we must abandon our own beliefs and values. We can still strive to live according to our beliefs and values, while being respectful and accepting of those who make different choices.

Moral Implications

The debate about homosexuality and Christianity also has implications for our understanding of morality. It raises questions about the role of the church in setting moral standards and defining what is morally permissible and impermissible.
In particular, it challenges us to think about whether the church should embrace diversity or intolerance, and whether individuals should be allowed to determine their own moral standards based on personal conscience. There are strong arguments on both sides of this debate, and it is important to approach it thoughtfully and with an understanding of the implications for both individuals and society.

Political Implications

Finally, the debate about homosexuality and Christianity has political implications. In some countries, homosexuality is still criminalized, while in others there is greater acceptance of LGBT rights.
Internationally, there has been increasing recognition of LGBT rights. However, the debate about homosexuality and Christianity has the potential to create divisions within communities and could lead to greater hostilities between religious and secular forces.
It is important for politicians to tread carefully when engaging with this issue, as it has the potential to create a strong sense of conflict and hostility. It is, therefore, important to ensure that any attempt to address this issue is done in a constructive and respectful manner.

Hilda Scott is an avid explorer of the Bible and inteprator of its gospel. She is passionate about researching and uncovering the mysteries that lie in this sacred book. She hopes to use her knowledge and expertise to bring faith and God closer to people all around the world.

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