What Is Intercession?
Intercession is a type of prayer that implores God to intervene on behalf of someone in an effort to bring about a positive outcome. In its most basic form, intercession is simply asking God to work in a situation. Intercession involves beseeching God to right the wrongs of injustice, to provide health, healing and restoration for those who are suffering, to protect those in peril and to deliver those who are oppressed or in danger. Intercessors can identify with the supplicant’s suffering or distress, can appeal to God on the basis of His promises, His mercy and His faithfulness to His people, and can encourage those in need to trust in God’s provision and power.
In What Ways Does the Bible Describe Intercession?
The Bible is filled with examples of intercession. One of the most famous is the intercession of Abraham for Sodom in Genesis 18:22-33, where Abraham asked God to spare the city if even just a handful of righteous people could be found there.
Intercession is also described in the Bible as a pleading on behalf of an individual, as seen in the story of Joshua’s intercession for his friend Achan in Joshua 7:10-15. And in the New Testament, we find the example of Jesus Christ interceding for us on the cross in Romans 5:8-11.
What Is the Role of Intercession in the Bible?
In the Bible, intercession is an important part of God’s plan and purpose for His people. It is through intercession that God’s will is accomplished, and it is through intercession that we can become more like Him.
Intercession aligns us with God’s heart and purpose and is an integral part of His will and plan for us. As we intercede, we not only identify with the plight of those who are suffering, but also stand in the gap to bring God’s love and justice to them.
What Are Some Examples of Intercession in the Bible?
The Bible tells us of several examples of intercession.
In Genesis 18:22-33, Abraham intercedes for the people of Sodom. In Exodus 32:11-14, Moses intercedes for the Israelites after their worshipping of the golden calf. In Ezekiel 22:30-31, the prophet Ezekiel intercedes for the people to turn from their wickedness. In Daniel 9:16-19, Daniel intercedes for Jerusalem and the people of Israel. In Luke 22:31-34, Jesus intercedes for his disciples.
What Is the Significance of Intercession in the Bible?
Intercession plays an important role in the Bible because it is a reflection of God’s character. God is merciful, loving, and just, and intercession is the most visible example of these traits and a way for us to be more like Him.
Intercession serves to draw people closer to God, as He is the only One who can provide the help and healing people need. It allows us to experience God’s power and promises in our own lives, as we are invited to trust Him as He works all things out for our good and His glory. Intercession helps to deepen our faith and trust in God, and it is a way for us to experience the power of His grace and mercy.
What Is the Purpose of Intercession?
The purpose of intercession is to bring about the will of God. Through intercession, God works to produce the best possible outcome, even if that outcome is not necessarily what we expect or want. It is a way of praying that is focused on God’s sovereignty, love, justice, and mercy, and it often involves sacrificing our own desires or wishes for what we think is best for the other person or situation.
Intercession also brings about change by emboldening people to ask God for what they need, even when they feel powerless or helpless in a situation. By trusting in God’s ability to work all things out, intercessors can often be used by God to bring about dramatic changes in seemingly hopeless situations.
How Can We Be a Part of Intercession?
As we intercede, we are offered the opportunity to participate in the very nature of God, joining Him in His work to bring about justice and healing in our world. To be a part of intercession, we can begin by praying for others, seeking the Lord’s guidance and provision for the situations.
We can also become intercessors for those not yet in relationship with Jesus. We can seek to stand in the gap and become vessels of His love and mercy to those who are yet to experience Him.
Intercessors can also seek to encourage fellowship and unity through prayer. We can become bridges of friendship between church or communities, creating a unified front for prayer for specific issues or situations.
How Can Intercession Impact Our Daily Lives?
Intercession can have a profound impact on our daily lives as we entrust our own needs and those of others to God. Learning to intercede can bring us closer to God, deepening our relationship with Him, and allowing us to rely on His power and mercy in the midst of our struggles.
Intercession can be a way for us to recognize our own limitations, as well as our inability to control the situation and to rely on the Lord instead. It also allows us to be part of God’s work in our world, further developing our relationship with Him and allowing us to experience His grace and mercy in tangible ways.
What Are the Benefits of Intercession?
Intercession has many benefits for both the person praying and for those for whom we pray. It can help us to stay connected to God and to keep Him in the center of our lives. It can also provide an avenue for us to live out our own faith and to demonstrate the love and mercy of God to others.
Intercession also provides an opportunity to identify with the sufferings of others and to plead for mercy on their behalf. Through intercession, we can witness God’s power and promises in action and allow ourselves to be part of the great works of His redemption.
What Are the Challenges of Intercession?
Intercession can be challenging because it requires us to be bold and vulnerable with our requests, to demonstrate faith and trust in God’s sovereignty and power, and to overcome our own fears and doubts. It can be difficult to keep on praying for something when we don’t see results, and it can be difficult to know what to pray for or how to pray for certain situations.
Intercession can also be emotionally demanding and exhausting, as it requires us to take the burdens of others and to commit them to God. To be an effective intercessor, we must also be willing to surrender our own expectations and follow God’s will instead.
What Are the Principles of Intercession?
The principles of intercession are found throughout the Bible. They include praying according to God’s will, believing that God is able to do all things, and trusting in His ability to provide and rescue.
Intercession is also an act of redemptive love, a demonstration of our desire to please God and to glorify Him. It is a way to show our faith and trust in Him, to be obedient to His commands and to remain humble before Him.
Intercession should also be seen as an opportunity to experience the power of God’s grace, mercy and love in our own lives. We can become like Jesus, who prayed for those who were suffering and interceded for us on the cross.