Holiness In The Bible
The Bible speaks of holiness often, describing it as an important attribute of God and characterizing it as a valuable and sought-after quality for humans to live by. It is the practice of separating oneself from sin and dedicating oneself to righteous actions and godly character. Understanding what holiness is, as well as what it looks like, is an essential part of pursuing holiness oneself.
At its core, holiness is a biblical term referring to the state of a being becoming complete and living in a pure state. When a person is living in a holy state, not only does their behavior and walk resemble that of God, but their goals and daily choices are centered around doing God’s will. This characteristic is embodied by Jesus, whose life was an example of a life lived in holiness.
From a biblical perspective, holiness looks like a life that honors, respects and obeys God by making choices that reflect his will. This includes cleanliness, righteous living and avoiding activities or habits known as sin. Holiness isn’t about living a perfect life, it’s about striving for perfection and holiness in relationship to God through the blood of Jesus Christ.
The New Testament takes holiness seriously. Christians are expected to take responsibility for their actions and holy living and be held accountable for their actions, according to the will of God. In the book of 1 Peter it states, “But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy”. This passage makes it clear that holiness is an essential part of living a life that honors God and is encouraged for Christians to pursue holiness.
There are many ways to cultivate holiness in one’s life. One is through spiritual and physical practices such as prayer and meditation, Bible study, and fasting. Other approaches to cultivating holiness include participating in activities that further one’s service to God, such as serving others and volunteering, and being active and intentional in seeking holiness by committing to godly habits and seeking out godly influences.
True Holiness, A Life Of Dedication
True holiness calls for us to dedicate our lives to God. This means embracing a life of holiness that expresses our faith and commitment to living for God. It includes living with a genuine reverence for God and his Word, striving to live a life of holiness and purity, and rejecting behaviors and lifestyles that oppose God’s will and values.
For those striving for true holiness, there is a need for a personal relationship with God, as only he can provide the wisdom, strength, and guidance that we need for consecrating our lives unto him. Although God does not call us to a life of outward perfection, he does call us to perfect our hearts. He desires that we demonstrate a lifestyle that is characterized not just by outward behavior alone, but rather by a heart that is humbly devoted to pursuing righteousness and loving our neighbor as ourselves.
Through intentional prayer and consecration unto God, we can begin to develop a lifestyle characterized by a spirit of holiness. By regularly spending time in His Word, meditating on His promises and commandments, and seeking Him out in prayer, we can start to develop an awareness of our faults and limitations, as well as a reverence for God’s power and leading in our lives.
Holiness Through Emotional Connection
Ultimately, holiness requires an emotional connection to our faith. We should strive to develop a deep sense of reverence for Christ and His gospel, realizing that we are only able to accomplish true holiness through His mercy and grace. By regularly studying and meditating on scripture, and connecting personally with Christ through prayer and worship, we can experience joy in the presence of Jesus and become strengthened and powered as we strive for holiness.
Our journey towards holiness is not an easy or a fast one, but with dedication and growth in spiritual maturity, we can be strengthened in our pursuit of holiness through Christ. Through the grace of Jesus and our relationship with Him, we can deepen our understanding of holiness, allowing it to shape our actions, deeds, and ultimately our life.
Holiness As A Lifestyle
When cultivating holiness, we should always aim to make it part of our lifestyle. True holiness is not something that can simply be practiced in one-night events or in special occasions, it should be a commitment to a life of constant striving towards living a godly and obedient life. Holiness should be at the core of our lifestyle, beginning with our innermost relationship with God.
When holiness is part of our lifestyle, it will impact the inner workings of our mind, heart and soul. Our mental, physical and spiritual health will thrive as a result, and our hearts and minds will be open to receive and understand the leading of the Holy Spirit. We will be able to recognize sinful behavior and thoughts, and have the courage to remove such habits from our lifestyle.
Holiness Through Fellowship
Holiness can also be cultivated and developed through fellowship. As followers of Christ, we should strive to seek out opportunities for fellowship and build relationships with likeminded individuals who are also devoted to developing their own spiritual walk.
True fellowship should be based on a shared purpose and desire to cultivate holiness in one another’s lives. This can be done through conversation, prayer and worship, Bible study, and service to others. Through this, we can grow in mutual encouragement and holiness towards each other, inspiring one another when times are hard and been a source of strength during difficult times.
Holiness Through Discipleship
Holiness can also be cultivated through discipleship. Discipleship provides us with the opportunity to learn how to live a life of holiness under the guidance and leadership of a mentor or role model. It is about learning how to live in obedience to God’s commands and how to be authentic and open in our relationship with God.
Discipleship also provides us with the opportunity to sharpen our Christian skills and knowledge, such as Bible study and prayer. We can grow closer to God and expand our understanding of our relationship with Him. Ultimately, discipleship should be an intentional, mutual process that should provide guidance and motivation towards achieving holiness.
Holiness Through Suffering
Cultivating holiness also involves striving through suffering. Our faith will be tested, and our endurance and persistence for the promises of God will be challenged. This can include any type of difficulty or struggle that may arise in our pursuit of holiness.
For example, we may face discouragement from those around us who do not share our faith, or we may struggle with a particular sin that we are striving to overcome. In every trial, we must look to God and remember that our faith will be strengthened and that His grace is sufficient and that even in our suffering, He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Holiness Through Acknowledging Our Imperfections
Finally, holiness is cultivated through acknowledging our human imperfection. Acknowledging our weaknesses and shortcomings can be a humbling, yet necessary step in pursuing holiness. We should never put ourselves on a pedestal in our faith walk and instead look to God as the one source and source of strength, wisdom, and guidance.
At the same time, we should strive to recognize our weaknesses and strive towards overcoming them. We should never believe that our weaknesses define our worth, and instead we should rely on God’s grace and turn to His promises. In doing so, we can continue to strive towards holiness and cultivate our faith walk.