Often referred to as the ‘Older Testament’, the book of Hebrews is a powerful part of the Bible that contains great truths, insight and direction for our lives. It was written around 65–69 BCE and is believed to be the work of an anonymous, Jewish author living in the Catholic era who, in 7-10 paragraphs, wanted to capture the core message of the Bible about our relationship with God.
The first thing we must understand is that the theme of the book follows a three-part structure. Firstly, Hebrews reminds us that there is a great high priest – Jesus, through which we can approach God with confidence and assurance (Hebrews 4:14-16). This is followed by the instruction of how we are to be living our lives as Christians, which is found in the second part of the book. Finally, this book reminds us that despite any human effort, God will fulfil His promises (Hebrews 10:23).
Through the eyes of faith, we can explore the book of Hebrews with a lens of new understanding. In essence, it is a message of hope and promise that Christ has paid the ultimate sacrifice and serves as an example to us of the value of following His example of love and sacrifice. Consequently, each verse in Hebrews is carefully crafted to encourage us, give us hope and challenge our doubts.
Experts agree that the key message of Hebrews is that Christ is our righteousness and He is greater than any religious system. The main ideas of the book focus on the assurance of God’s promises and how Christ as a high priest can give us access to His grace, His mercy, and ultimately salvation. Additionally, Hebrews shows how our faith can never be measured but rather is based on a relationship with God that is not just about what we do, but about how we live our lives and our inclination towards holiness.
One of the main themes of the book is that of endurance and perseverance. Hebrews encourages believers to keep their faith and trust in God, even in times of great difficulty. Hebrews 12:1-3 states that although there are many difficulties, we must never give up. Christ himself endured the agony of the Cross and He calls us to be patient and endure trials with joy.
All in all, the book of Hebrews is a beautiful invitation to come near to our Father through the Son, Jesus. It is a testament of faith in the midst of changing times and certain of God’s faithfulness. Through the gift of His son, God has provided us a way to access Him, to experience His grace and to move from a life of faith without works to a life of faith with good works.
How the Bible Is Significant To Hebrews
The Bible serves as the ultimate guide to the Christian faith and the Book of Hebrews serves as a powerful reminder of this. Although the book of Hebrews is not a part of the Law, it is still directly connected to it by reinforcing and specifically citing passages of the Old Testament throughout (Hebrews 10:5–7). The Old Testament is distinct from the New Testament in that Hebrews explains the type of faith God desires from His people.
In Hebrews chapter 11 the author challenges us to ‘strive’ to live by faith. This challenges the Old Testament narrative which leans more towards obedience to the Law. The Book of Hebrews shifts this emphasis to the importance of faith. This shift in focus was for the purpose of showing that a real and lasting relationship between God and His people is only possible through a relationship of faith, rather than a legalistic obedience to the Law.
Although adherence to the Law was often seen as a necessity for belonging to the covenant community, it is faith that is ultimately the most important requirement for showing our commitment to God. Hebrews 4:2 makes it clear that it is faith that allows us to see the living God and enjoy His promises and the blessing He has in store for those who wholeheartedly follow and trust in Him.
The content of Hebrews also points to the mission of Jesus, which was expressed in Luke 4:18 in that it was His mission to preach the gospel to the poor and set captives free (Hebrews 2:2-3). Hebrews also emphasises the need for endurance and reminds us that God will strengthen us and help us to complete the mission He has set for us (Hebrews 4:1, 4; 12:1-2). Additionally, faith and confidence in what God can do, through our trust and obedience, is expressed throughout the book. We must be patient when waiting on God’s promises and be ready to listen to God’s voice and what He tells us in our circumstances, even when it seems daunting (Hebrews 10:36-39).
How Hebrews Can Help Us In Everyday Life
The Book of Hebrews offers us a heavy understanding that in spite of our human flaws and daily struggles, God has promised us a better tomorrow and that He will remain faithful to us. While it may seem difficult and hard to stand on the promises of God, especially when life throws us curveballs and unexpected events, Hebrews helps to address our fears and anxiety and reminds us that God is in control.
Another core message in Hebrews is that, despite our attempts to get close to God by trying to earn his love and achieving moral perfection, we can never truly presume or pretend to have succeeded in obtaining it. Rather, our focus should be on how we can open ourselves to the mercies of our Lord, abide in Him and let Him complete this journey for us (Hebrews 12:2).
The writer of the book, therefore had the intention of encouraging believers to continue in a way that honours God and thus entering into a deeper relationship with Him. Whilst Hebrews does not give us a comprehensive insight into everything about God, it does provide us with scriptural foundations in which we can cling to, not just during our struggles but in every area of our lives.
As we continue to read and meditate on the words of Hebrews, our understanding of God’s love and faithfulness increases. It gives us the courage that God is with us in every season and in every situation, no matter how difficult. There is therefore no fear or doubt that remains unanswered in our daily struggles, only assurance that Jesus is the answer to all of our prayers.
Importance Of Believing In Jesus From Hebrews
Throughout the Bible, readers are encouraged to believe in Jesus and the witness of faith He brings to the world. Hebrews reiterates this concept by emphasising the importance of the Birth of the Messiah. The birth of Jesus is a major event because it signifies the closeness of the God-man relationship and how mankind is able to overcome their struggle through the promises of God leading us to salvation.
Hebrews also makes it clear that Jesus is to be taken as the ultimate example of faith and righteousness, paying close attention to His teachings, decisions and motivations when it comes to differentiating between right and wrong. Furthermore, Hebrews encourages us to believe in the promises of God and not to question the decisions He makes when choosing His people. Therefore, it is clear that our faith in Jesus should never be undermined as there are always tangible rewards waiting for those who trust in Him.
The birth of Jesus is celebrated because it represents the pivotal point in the Bible for leading us to our ultimate redemption and salvation. The book of Hebrews reminds us of the importance of believing in Him and how by doing so, salvation and holiness become our true way of life. Therefore, we must ensure we model our lives in-line with the teachings of Jesus and the redemption which He brings upon us.
Power of Faith Showcased in Hebrews
The power of faith and prayer is a key theme in the book of Hebrews. We see this power in full effect when we look to Jesus, the High Priest, who forewarned of His upcoming death, yet trusted in God to deliver Him out of danger and on to the resurrection (Hebrews 5:7-10). This reinforces the notion that when we have faith, no situation is too great or intimidating for us—regardless of what the circumstances or fear may be.
The Book of Hebrews reiterates the message found in Mark 11:22-26 that prayer has the power to do great things. We must always be ready to stand in faith and believe in God’s promises despite our circumstances. Furthermore, we need to learn how to observe patiently and trust in His will. This also applies to moments of despair and disappointment. In Hebrews 10:35-36, we are instructed to preserve faith because God will never fail to deliver.
Indeed, Hebrews is full of encouraging verses that remind us to trust in God’s plans for us. In times of doubt and fear, Hebrews tells us to put our burdens on Him, rest in His promises, and see Him as a loving Father who is patient and merciful. We are also encouraged to join together with fellow believers, share our burdens and find comfort in prayer (Hebrews 10:25). The book of Hebrews was written to bring us closer to the living God and to remind us of the power of faith.
Final Thoughts on Hebrews
We can all appreciate the timeless wisdom found in Hebrews and the lessons it brings. We are reminded that Jesus carries the ultimate power to bring freedom from our burdens, heal our hearts and fill us with hope and joy. We can thus trust in Him and rely on His promises during the storms of life. We can also practise openness, forgiveness and endurance as progress enabling us to develop a closer, more meaningful relationship with God.
Hebrews’ ultimate teaching is that in spite of the many trials and suffering we face in our lives, God is always one step ahead. He has provided a way for us to access Him, to experience His grace and to move from a life of faith without works to a life of faith with good works. As Hebrews encourages us to abide in Him (Hebrews 10:38-39), rest in His promises, and follow His standard of faith.