What Is A Pharisee In The Bible


The term ‘Pharisee’ can be found throughout the Bible. They are an important part of God’s chosen people and their numbers have been steadily on the rise since the time of Jesus. The Pharisees were a religious sect of ancient Judaism, whose importance and influence on Judaism continues to be felt today. Through examining the teachings of the Pharisees, one can gain a better understanding of the beliefs and practices of the early Jewish faith.

The Origin Of The Pharissees

The origin of the Pharisees is uncertain; some sources place the origin of the Pharisees before the time of Jesus, though this is generally considered to be an exaggeration. It is much more likely that the Pharisees emerged during the reign of the Hasmoneans, in the third-century BC. The Hasmoneans were a Jewish dynasty in control of much of what is now Israel, and it is likely that the Pharisees saw this as an opportunity to impose their religious beliefs and practices on the population.

What They Believed

The Pharisees followed the teachings of the Old Testament, and despite their differences, shared many of the basic beliefs of the Jewish faith. The most important of these beliefs was the idea of tithing, or a percentage of one’s income that was to be given to the temple. The Pharisees also believed that God was an ever-present force, and that even the smallest act of disobedience was tantamount to a sin.

Assigning Value To Actions

The Pharisees saw themselves as guardians of the Law and often assigned a value to human actions that could not necessarily be found in the Bible. This is one of the key differences between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, who were more concerned with the literal interpretation of the scripture. The Pharisees believed that acts of kindness, such as charity and hospitality, outweighed any literal interpretation of the Law.

The Significance Of The Pharisees

The Pharisees were a highly influential group in the Jewish faith and this influence continues to be felt today. The teachings of the Pharisees, such as their emphasis on charity and hospitality, are still integral parts of Jewish worship. The Pharisees also laid the groundwork for the development of modern rabbinical Judaism, and the teachings of the Pharisees have had an immense influence on the evolution of Judaism over the past two millennia.

How Jesus Interacted With The Pharisees

Jesus, who was a spiritual leader and teacher, frequently interacted with the Pharisees. He always treated them with kindness and respect, and was often seen engaging in debates with them. Jesus would often challenge them on their interpretations of the Law, and would often cite parables and stories to illustrate his points. While Jesus may have disagreed with the Pharisees on some issues, he was never disrespectful or unkind to them.

The Legacy Of The Pharisees

The legacy of the Pharisees is a lasting one. Though their beliefs and teachings may have been challenged, their legacy has been preserved throughout history. Their influence on the Jewish faith has been immense, and their influence on Christianity in particular is still felt today. The teachings of the Pharisees have been adopted by the Church, and have become integral parts of Christianity.

The Relationship Between The Pharisees And The Sadducees

The relationship between the Pharisees and the Sadducees was often contentious. The Sadducees were seen as more conservative and literal in their interpretation of the Bible, while the Pharisees were more lenient and placed a greater emphasis on charity and hospitality. The Sadducees were more aristocratic and less concerned for the welfare of the population, which led to a divide between the two sects. Despite their differences, the two sects generally got along, and there was often a degree of respect and understanding between them.

The Role Of The Pharisees In Today’s Society

The Pharisees continue to be an important part of modern Jewish life. While the beliefs and teachings of the Pharisees may have evolved over the years, their legacy remains strong. The teachings of the Pharisees are still studied and followed by many Jews, and their emphasis on charity and hospitality continues to be an integral part of Jewish life. The Pharisees continue to be seen as an important part of God’s chosen people, and their influence is still felt today.


The Pharisees were an influential sect of ancient Judaism, and their legacy is still felt today. The teachings of the Pharisees continue to be studied and followed by many Jews, and their emphasis on charity and hospitality continues to be an integral part of Jewish life. Though their beliefs and teachings may have changed over the centuries, the Pharisees remain an important part of God’s chosen people.

Marcos Reyna is a Christian author and speaker. He is dedicated to helping create disciples of Christ through spreading the power of the gospel to others. He has written several books and articles on a variety of theological topics, including matters of faith, worship, biblical studies, practical ethics, and social justice. A trained theologian and devotee of spiritual writing, Marcos has a mission to spread Christian love everywhere. He lives with his family in Nashville, TN where he spends his days encouraging others to seek Christ's grace in all things.

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