The Meaning of Easter in The Bible
The word Easter is commonly associated with celebrations of the resurrection of Jesus and the culmination of their Lenten season. But what does the word ‘Easter’ actually mean in the Bible? The Bible does not use the term ‘Easter’, but there are references to religious holidays that have developed in time to be celebrated on the same days as Easter.
The Bible does not provide one single answer to the question of what ‘Easter’ means; but it does reference certain holidays, activities and feasts that have come to be known as Easter in many Christian churches. One of the most significant holidays involved in Easter is Passover, a Jewish festival which typically falls around the time of Easter.
In the book of Exodus (12:41-42), God commands the Israelites to observe the Feast of Passover in remembrance of the Passover lamb which ‘passed over’ the homes of the Israelites while the Pharaoh’s soldiers were destroying the firstborn children in Egypt. Jesus was crucified on the day of the Passover festival and is said to be the fulfilment of the Passover lamb.
The full meaning of Easter goes beyond the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is a celebration of the entire Christian faith and how the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus was the ultimate form of love and reconciliation between God and mankind. It is also a time of joy and hope as Christians look forward to the life of everlasting joy in eternity.
The term ‘Easter’ is derived from the ancient pagan festival honouring the goddess Eastre or Eostre, who was worshipped in the Anglo-Saxon countries during springtime. This ancient festival was later adopted by the early Christian Church to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus.
Recent archaeological discoveries have further illuminated the true meaning of Easter. Some early Christian manuscripts have been found that include references to the resurrection of Jesus and describe how this event was celebrated during the week of Passover.
It is also important to note that Easter is not just a celebration of Jesus’ death and resurrection. It is a reminder of the central importance of Jesus’ ministry and life in the Christian faith. It is a reminder that the grace and mercy of God can still be found and experienced even in the midst of struggles, suffering and death.
The Significance of Easter During Lenten Season
During the Christian Lenten season the emphasis is on reflection, prayer and repentance as a way of preparing for the joy of Easter. Lent is a time of fasting and abstinence from certain foods, activities, and pleasures in order to focus on spiritual matters. During Lent, Christians are encouraged to meditate on Jesus’ suffering on the cross and his resurrection, as well as their own sins, needs and circumstances.
Easter is particularly significant for Christians during Lent for three major reasons. Firstly, Easter is the climax of the Christian faith – it is the day that Jesus, the Son of God, rose from the dead in triumph. Secondly, Easter is the greatest expression of love, as it shows God’s willingness to die for his children, and thirdly, Easter is the definitive proof of the reality of Heaven and the Christian promise of eternal life.
Easter also has deeper spiritual symbolism, particularly during Lent. Following the death of Jesus, his disciples were overwhelmed by grief and despair, until resurrection Sunday when the news of his resurrection and victory over death brought joy and hope to them. Easter, therefore, provides a powerful reminder that sorrow will eventually be turned into joy and despair into hope. It also provides a powerful reminder that death and suffering will not be the end – God’s love is triumphant.
For this reason, Easter has been called the most significant spiritual event in human history, because it brings life, redemption, and hope to mankind. At Easter, the victory of life over death and love over death are especially remembered and celebrated.
The Liturgical Meaning of Easter
Easter is also significant in the liturgical calendar, as it marks the beginning of a new liturgical year. During the Sundays and special days of Easter, the Church celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the font and centre of all Christian life and salvation. Through it, the Church acknowledges and proclaims the victory of men over death, hell, sin and despair.
The liturgy of Easter, and the many rituals associated with it, helps the Church to recall and celebrate the promises of God. Through the Scriptures and the sacraments, the faith of the Christian people is renewed and strengthened as they prepare for new life in the risen Lord. When Christians meet on Easter Sunday to celebrate, they are proclaiming the victory of life and the hope of a future with Jesus Christ.
The liturgies associated with Easter provide not only a meaningful reminder of God’s presence and provision, but also an occasion to rededicate ourselves to him and to our spiritual journey. Through Easter, Christians can reconnect with their faith, re-experience their relationship with Christ, and refocus on the ultimate purpose of their life.
The Easter Season
The Easter season is celebrated over a period of fifty days, beginning with Easter Sunday and ending with Pentecost. Throughout this period, the Church celebrates the resurrection of Jesus and the impact it has had on our lives. This is the time for Christians to reflect on their relationship with God and to renew their commitment to living the Christian life.
Many of the celebrations connected to Easter season are seen to symbolise new life. Easter eggs are often used to represent the empty tomb of Jesus. The egg is cracked open and the empty inside symbolises the victory over death by the power of resurrection. Similarly, Easter bunnies, chicks and flowers are also used to symbolise the hope and renewal that comes with the Easter season.
The Easter season is also an opportunity to celebrate the victory of Jesus Christ over death and darkness. In a unique and powerful way, Easter expresses the depth of the Christian faith, by reminding us that the resurrection of Jesus brings victory over chaos, death, and sin. The Easter season emphasises the fact that in Jesus, there is hope, redemption and victory.
The Meaning of Easter Today
The message of Easter is still relevant today, saying that in the face of death, fear, and despair, God’s love and grace will prevail. Today, the Christian faith is still reinforced by celebrating Easter and the victory of Jesus over death and darkness.
The message of Easter is a reminder of hope and new life in Jesus Christ. In the resurrection of Jesus, we have a tangible example of the victory of the human spirit and faith over the obstacles of this world. As Christians, Easter provides an opportunity to celebrate the new life that comes from hope, faith and love in Jesus Christ.
Easter also stands as a reminder that no problem is too deep for God’s grace and mercy. It is a reminder of His infinite love and faithfulness. As Christians, Easter encourages us to be active in spreading the message of the gospel and bringing the hope of Easter to others.
Pastoral Significance of Easter
The pastoral significance of Easter is particularly relevant today. In today’s world, many people are struggling with fear, anxiety, and spiritual malaise. Easter serves as a reminder that darkness and death are not ultimate, and that there is hope and redemption in Jesus Christ.
The pastoral significance of Easter is important for both clergy and parishioners. For clergy, Easter serves as a reminder of their calling to be a beacon of hope and healing in a world shrouded by darkness. It encourages them to continue in their mission to bring peace, comfort and new life through the gospel of Jesus Christ. For parishioners, Easter is a reminder that although this world is going through suffering, the Church still stands with its message of joy, hope and light.
In conclusion, Easter is a celebration of the love, grace, and mercy of God in providing eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ. It is a reminder of hope in the midst of death and darkness, and of new life in Jesus Christ. It also contains an invitation for all people to embrace the hope of the gospel and to find spiritual resurrection in Jesus Christ.