What Does The Bible Say Sin Is

What Does The Bible Say Sin Is

Sin is a concept that runs throughout the Bible. While there is no one definition of sin in the Bible, the Bible presents some common themes when it comes to what is considered sinful behavior.

One of the most commonly discussed sins in the Bible is the sin of mortal or “original” sin. As defined in the Bible, this type of sin is a fundamental problem inherited at birth by all humans, which is the result of the original disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This type of sin is a part of human nature, and is considered to be inherited from Adam and Eve’s decision to disobey God.

The Bible also speaks of the sins of pride and gluttony, which are seen as selfish and impulsive behaviors. These sins involve too much preoccupation with oneself and with material objects. Greed, envy and anger are also sins that are rebuked in the Bible as excessive endangerment of one’s spiritual wellbeing. In addition to these sins, the Bible speaks of other sins such as lying, stealing, adultery, and murder.

The Bible also speaks of the need to repent of sin, meaning to be sorrowful and contrite before God for the wrongs one has done. Repentance can take many forms and can include prayer, fasting, meditation, and offering a sacrifice to atone for sin.

Finally, the Bible speaks of the need to forgive oneself, others, and God. According to the Bible, sin is not just a guilt-maker, but a liar. This means that if one can learn to forgive oneself, one can also learn to forgive others and to accept God’s forgiveness. These are important aspects of cultivating spiritual growth and wellness.

Types of Sins

The Bible describes several types of sinful behavior including idolatry, dishonor of parents, murder, lying, stealing, adultery, and envy. Idolatry is defined as worshiping a false god or believing that something other than God deserves top priority in one’s life. The Bible also prohibits acts such as gossip and slander, which are seen as forms of dishonor of one’s parents or neighbors. Murder, lying, and stealing all stand in opposition to the commandment to love one’s neighbor as oneself.

Adultery is considered among the most serious sins in the Bible, not only because it betrays a person’s commitment to their partner, but also because it is an act that goes against one’s spouse’s and God’s will. Envy, which is defined as the sin of desiring something that another person has, is also seen as a sin in the Bible because it can lead to pride and a sense of jealousy that can lead to resentment and hatred.

The Bible also warns against falling into the traps of sensuality, or excessive indulgence in physical desires. These can include lustful thoughts, behaviors, or desires that one is not in control of and that can lead to sin. Other sinful behaviors can include pride and gluttony, which are both seen as forms of excessive self-importance and serving one’s own desires before the will of God.

Consequences of Sin

The Bible speaks of both physical and spiritual consequences for sin. The physical consequences of sin can include disease and suffering, as well as physical death. The spiritual consequences of sin are much more difficult to recognize, as they may be considered sins against God and the spiritual laws of the universe.

The spiritual consequences of sin include banishment from the presence of God, rancor and enmity, discord between humans, and ignorance of God’s will. These can include feeling alienated from God, a dullness of faith, and a lack of joy in serving God.

The Bible also speaks of the need to seek forgiveness from God for sins. God is said to be forgiving and merciful, and when one confesses their sins and asks for forgiveness, it is said to be granted. However, it is important to note that merely asking for forgiveness does not mean that one does not have to accept the consequences of one’s actions.

What Should We Do?

The Bible speaks of the need to follow the instructions of God in order to live a life of holiness and righteousness. This includes avoiding the sins described above and instead choosing to follow the commandments of God. God’s commands include loving one’s neighbor, being generous with time and resources, and being open to experiencing things outside of our own narrow perspectives.

The Bible also speaks of the importance of prayer, fasting, and meditation in order to gain insight into one’s own nature, purifying one’s spirit, and manifesting the Holy Spirit’s presence. These are all ways to grow spiritually and open one’s heart to God.

How to Overcome Sin

The Bible speaks of several methods for overcoming sin. These include forgiveness, repentance, and seeking guidance and support from God. Forgiveness is important in overcoming sin, as it allows us to be reconciled with God, ourselves, and our neighbors. Repentance is key, because it involves sincerely asking for forgiveness and allowing ourselves to accept God’s mercy. Repentance can also involve turning away from sin and making a commitment to live a more righteous life.

The Bible also speaks of seeking guidance and support from God through prayer, fasting, and meditation. Through these practices, we can learn to recognize our own abilities to resist temptation, help inspire others to resist sin, and become better people as a result.

Finally, having a supportive community of believers and friends can be immensely helpful in overcoming sin and living a life that is pleasing to God. Having people to hold us accountable, remind us of God’s truth, and to love us and encourage us can be a great source of strength, especially when faced with the temptation of sin.

How To Resist Temptation

The Bible speaks of several ways to resist the temptation to sin. One of the most prominent ways is to seek the help of God through prayer and meditation. Meditating on Scripture, images of Christ, or even on the beauty of creation can be powerful sources of strength and guidance.

Additionally, building a spiritual arsenal—which includes memorizing and meditating on Scripture, understanding what being a child of God truly means, immersing oneself in worship and praise of God, and learning to make sacrificing decisions—can be a great way to grow in wisdom and build strength against temptation. Finally, building a strong community of believers and staying accountable to that community can be an important way to fight temptation.


Sin is a concept that is discussed throughout the Bible. According to the Bible, sin involves breaking one’s commitment to God and to one’s neighbor. The Bible speaks of consequences for sin, as well as ways to seek forgiveness and to turn away from it. It also speaks of methods for resisting temptation and for cultivating a lifestyle of holiness and righteousness.

Marcos Reyna is a Christian author and speaker. He is dedicated to helping create disciples of Christ through spreading the power of the gospel to others. He has written several books and articles on a variety of theological topics, including matters of faith, worship, biblical studies, practical ethics, and social justice. A trained theologian and devotee of spiritual writing, Marcos has a mission to spread Christian love everywhere. He lives with his family in Nashville, TN where he spends his days encouraging others to seek Christ's grace in all things.

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