What Does The Bible Say About Suicidal Death Kjv

What Does The Bible Say About Suicidal Death KJV?

The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible is an English translation of the Christian Scriptures that, for many, is the definitive version of the Bible. KJV, in particular, is often taken for granted as a source for many ethical discussions, including the difficult topic of suicidal death. The KJV Bible is surprisingly direct in its discussion of suicide, and there are several passages that offer guidance on the idea of life and death.

In the book of Genesis, God says to Adam and Eve, “In the day that you eat of the fruit of the tree, you will surely die.” Genesis 2:17. This is a clear admonition from God that all human life is valuable and sacred, and that only He has the rights to end it. This passage also sets a precedent for all subsequent human lives, and for all divine judgements in the KJV Bible.

In the New Testament, Jesus sets out several examples of love and mercy, even in the midst of intense suffering and difficulty. Most notably, Jesus forgives even the sin of suicide as seen in the story of the suicide of Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane. Matthew 27:5. This passage underlines the importance of life, not only the physical but the everlasting, and provides an example of God’s infinite mercy and love, even in the face of tragedy.

The KJV Bible also holds that suicide is not just a sin against God and humanity, but it is an affront to God’s sovereignty. Suicide devalues life and denies God’s ability to see a person through difficult times and provide comfort and safety. In addition, the Bible states that suicide can protect or encourage ungodly behavior, as it removes God’s potential repercussions for wrongdoing. In short, suicide is a serious offense that can have grave repercussions for those who engage in it.

Finally, the KJV Bible contains passages specifically discouraging the act of suicide. A few well-known scriptures include Matthew 10:28 which says, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul…” and Proverbs 24:10 which states, “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.” In both cases, the message is clear: life is a precious gift and should be appreciated, cared for, and used wisely.

God’s Care

The KJV Bible contains multiple passages that emphasize God’s love and care for each of its children. For suicidal people, this care is especially important. Through God’s plan, believers are assured that beneath even the darkest clouds of pain and suffering, there is a light of hope and peace that only He can provide.

In the Old Testament, God makes it clear that He has placed boundaries around human life, and that any attempt to end it is a violation of His will. In the New Testament, Jesus continually emphasizes the importance of life, even in its most difficult and painful stages. In both cases, the message is clear: human life is valuable, and God does not condone suicide.

The KJV also sets out a number of passages that provide comfort, solace, and guidance to people who are considering suicide. These passages emphasize humanity’s connection to God and point to the hope that is available in Christ, even in the face of life’s most desperate and hopeless moments. Examples include Jesus’ parables of the lost sheep, the prodigal son, and the good Samaritan, all of which demonstrate His care and love in even the most desperate situations.

Ultimately, the KJV Bible sets out clear expectations and parameters for suicide. It specifies that life is valuable and that God alone holds the right to take it, and it states that any attempt to end it is an affront to His sovereignty. At the same time, it emphasizes the power of hope and love found in Christ and sets out examples of grace and mercy even in the face of adversity.

Mental Health

Another important consideration when talking about suicide and the KJV Bible is mental health. Mental illness is a serious condition and those facing it can feel plagued by despair and overwhelmed by their situation. The KJV Bible offers comfort and hope to those with mental illness, encouraging them to seek help and providing comfort that God is with them.

Several passages suggest that God’s love and protection are available even in times of mental illness. In the Old Testament, Psalm 147:3 says, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” This is complemented by the New Testament passage of John 8:10-11, which reads, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Additionally, the KJV Bible emphasizes the importance of seeking help from mental health professionals. Ecclesiastes 4:12 encourages believers to “speak every man the truth with his neighbour” and Galatians 6:2 further adds, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” These passages provide comfort and guidance to those facing mental illness, and emphasize the importance of getting help and support.

Mental illness is a serious condition with serious implications. The KJV Bible is filled with passages encouraging suicide prevention, providing comfort and hope to those who are struggling with mental health issues. It emphasizes God’s love and protection, even in times of hardship, and sets out a clear call for believers to seek help and support when dealing with mental health struggles.

Suicide Prevention

Suicide prevention is an important issue for believers and non-believers alike. The KJV Bible has clear guidelines for suicide prevention, and provides practical advice on how to address this difficult issue.

The Bible also encourages believers to “bear one another’s burdens” and to be “kind and compassionate to one another.” Ephesians 4:32. This suggests that believers should not be ashamed of their struggles and should instead turn to one another for support and comfort. Additionally, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 seems to encourage suicide prevention by emphasizing the importance of companionship and friendship, even in times of adversity.

The KJV also provides advice to those struggling with suicidal thoughts. Psalm 55:22 reads, “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee.” This encourages those dealing with suicidal thoughts to turn to God for solace and support, and reminds them that God’s love and care are available, even in times of distress.

The KJV Bible provides clear guidance on suicide prevention, emphasizing the importance of companionship, seeking help from mental health professionals, and ultimately turning to God for peace and comfort. All of these ideas should be taken into account when addressing the difficult issue of suicide.

Finding Support

The KJV Bible emphasizes the need for support in times of distress, whether in the form of friends, family, or mental health professionals. It encourages believers to turn to one another and to seek solace in the love and care of God. Additionally, there are several Bible-based organizations that provide suicide prevention resources and support to those in need.

One such organization is the American Association of Suicidology (AAS), which helps to connect people with the resources they need to prevent suicide. The AAS offers a wide range of suicide prevention programs and information, as well as support services for those struggling with mental illness. They also promote faith-based approaches to suicide prevention, and provide resources for those looking for Bible-based suicide prevention.

Additional organizations focused on faith-based suicide prevention include Active Minds and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Both of these organizations offer resources and support aimed at providing hope, therapeutic help, and outreach strategies for those struggling with mental health issues, suicide ideation, and suicide attempts.

Ultimately, the KJV Bible sets out clear guidelines for suicide prevention, emphasizing the need for support and companionship in times of adversity. Additionally, there are several faith-based organizations that provide assistance, resources, and programs to those struggling with mental health and suicidal thoughts.

Accepting Love

The KJV Bible emphasizes the love and mercy of God, and provides comfort and hope to those considering suicide. It encourages those facing difficult times to turn to God for solace, and to trust in His grace and provision even in the midst of despair. It also promotes the need for companionship, emphasizing the importance of close relationships with friends and family members, as well as support from mental health professionals.

Ultimately, the KJV Bible encourages believers to accept the love of God and to trust in His plans for their lives. In doing so, believers can find the solace and hope vital for difficult times. Additionally, it encourages believers to seek physical, mental, and spiritual resources if they are considering suicide. The KJV Bible provides powerful reminders about the love and care of God, even in the darkest of times.


The KJV Bible is surprisingly direct in its discussions of suicide, clearly stating that it is an offense against God, and also providing comfort and guidance to those struggling with the idea of suicide. It emphasizes the importance of life and the essential need for companionship and support in times of distress. It also encourages those considering suicide to seek help from mental health professionals and to turn to God for solace.

Ultimately, the KJV Bible sets out clear expectations for suicide, encourages suicide prevention strategies, and promotes the love and mercy of God, even in the face of despair. It is an invaluable source of comfort and hope for those considering suicide, and provides believers with important guidelines for suicide prevention.

Marcos Reyna is a Christian author and speaker. He is dedicated to helping create disciples of Christ through spreading the power of the gospel to others. He has written several books and articles on a variety of theological topics, including matters of faith, worship, biblical studies, practical ethics, and social justice. A trained theologian and devotee of spiritual writing, Marcos has a mission to spread Christian love everywhere. He lives with his family in Nashville, TN where he spends his days encouraging others to seek Christ's grace in all things.

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