The Bible has become a source of great spiritual influence for many individuals and organizations, who turn to its teachings for guidance in their every move. The Bible, especially the Old and New Testaments, provides a set of commands and principles for its readers to follow. This includes the idea of Stewardship, which is the responsible care of all God’s gifts. So, what does the Bible say about stewardship?
Stewardship, according to the Bible, is not only about managing and administering earthly possessions. It is also about using them in a way that gives glory to God. One of the primary areas in which this is expressed is through tithing and offerings. Tithing is a form of giving back to God a tenth of what we have. In Exodus, we read that God commands the people of Israel to give a tenth of the increase of their crops, animals, and flocks (Exodus 26:12). In the New Testament, both Jesus and Paul discuss tithing, suggesting that it is still important to God (Matthew 23:23; Romans 12:13). In the New Testament, offerings are a further indication that God has placed incredibly high importance on giving back to Him as part of Stewardship. It is also important to note that giving a portion of our possessions need not be limited to an individual’s money. In 2 Corinthians 8-9, Paul encourages Christians to use their material possessions, not just their money, for the glory of God.
The Bible also recognises that not all possessions are materialistic. Stewardship is also about managing our time, talents and spiritual gifts, in the same way that God has commanded us to use and manage our material possessions. Ecclesiastes 3:1 states that “to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” The same is true with our talents and spiritual gifts. The Bible urges us to use these gifts to bring glory to God and be of service to others, so that our lives will be well pleasing to God. Therefore, Stewardship is not just about our money, but rather it is about the management of all of our gifts.
In addition to how we use our gifts to glorify God, the Bible also speaks to us about how we are to be accountable for our possessions. The Bible suggests that we are to be faithful, wise and honest administrators for God in how we manage all of His gifts. This includes our money, possessions, and even our time. Throughout the Bible, God calls His people to be wise stewards, calling out specific individuals in the bible who have failed in this venture, such as Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26) and Eli (1 Samuel 3). From these cautionary tales, we must be wise and faithful administrators in how we use the gifts and resources that the Lord has given to us, rather than squandering them on unnecessary things.
Attribute & Thankfulness
Given that all we have is ultimately a gift from God, the Bible also speaks to us about how we should be both thankful and generous in our attitude towards our possessions and resources. Ephesians 5:20 commands us to “giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”. The Bible also calls us to be generous in our giving, as God has been generous in His. 1 Timothy 6:17-19 indicates that God is the ultimate source of all of our possessions, and that it is only through these resources that we are able to give and be generous. In this same passage, Paul commands believers to be generous, as well as thankful for all that God has given us.
Overall, Stewardship is not simply about money, or about how much or how little we give. It is about using the gifts and resources that the Lord has given us to glorify and honor Him. It is also about being accountable and responsible in how we manage our earthly possessions. As we strive to become wise and faithful stewards of God’s gifts, it is important to remember to be thankful, generous, and to use all of these gifts for the glory of God.
Leadership & Responsibility
Stewardship is not only about how an individual uses God’s gifts, but also about how all of these gifts can be used for the benefit of the church and society as a whole. In 1 Timothy 3:1-13, Paul talks about the need for leadership within the church and emphasizes the importance of a leader’s integrity and character. This includes understanding the role of a leader, which is to be responsible for managing the resources of the church appropriately. According to Deuteronomy 17:20, there should be one leader whose job is “to discern between good and evil”. This leader is to be accountable for the resources of the church, as well as those of the congregation.
The Bible also places a great emphasis on the responsibility that each individual has to manage their own earthly possessions appropriately. In Colossians 3:17, Paul instructs us to do “all things in the name of the Lord Jesus”. This means that we must be wholly committed to being wise and faithful stewards of God’s gifts. This includes the use of our time and talents, as well as our material possessions. We must understand that we have a responsibility to use these gifts for God’s glory, and in a way that upholds His commands.
In Luke 12:48, Jesus tells His followers that as stewards, they will be responsible for giving an account for every gift they have been given. This means that we must use our resources wisely, and be accountable for our actions. We have a duty to be responsible for what God has given us, and use it in a way that brings honor and glory to Him. Thus, our Stewardship should not be taken lightly, as it is a serious responsibility.
In conclusion, the Bible’s teaching on Stewardship is clear. It is not simply about money, and how much or how little we give. It is about the overall management of God’s gifts, which includes not only our money but also our time, talents, and spiritual gifts. We are called to be faithful administrators in how we use all of these gifts, with a view to giving glory to God. In addition to this, we are to be generous and thankful for all that God has given us, and ultimately accountable for all of these gifts. As such, stewardship is not only an incredibly important concept, but it is also a great responsibility.