It is estimated that up to 650 million Christians practice ‘speaking in tongues’ or glossolalia as it is known in academic circles. What does the Bible actually say about this ancient practice? While other denominations may have their own opinion on the matter, it is essential to look at what the Bible specifically has to say in order to draw an informed conclusion.
The Bible itself first mentions speaking in tongues in the book of Acts as one of the spiritual gifts and as evidence of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It states that “They were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4). This was specific to Pentecost and was accompanied by other miraculous events which showed that the baptism of the Holy Spirit was now active to all nations.
Subsequent references to speaking in tongues, appear in 1 Corinthians 12-14. Here Paul explains that the different spiritual gifts are to be used in the context of common sense, decency and order. Speaking in tongues is considered to be one of the gifts of the Spirit, but as Paul explains “forbid not speaking in tongues, but let all be done decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40).
John Stott, seen as one of the foremost interpreters of the Bible, states that “speaking in tongues is clearly a sign and symbol of the Spirit’s inner work in the heart, in relation to the power and growth of the whole people of God”. He explains that “speaking in tongues is the result of being influenced by the Holy Spirit” and that it “should not be considered as a sign of religious superiority, but as a gift from God to be shared and used in the service of others.”
The religious philosopher, Charles Hodge, offers a further interpretation of what speaking in tongues means, writing that “It is the display of a supernatural power, and the immediate evidence of the influence of the Holy Spirit, given to Christians as a token and seal of their union and fellowship with God.” This suggests that using tongues as a sign and symbol in Christian services acts as a reminder of God’s presence in the lives of individuals and the Church congregation as a whole.
Current evidence suggests that speaking in tongues is used more frequently in evangelical and charismatic circles than other denominations. Interestingly, some sources also report that there has been an increase in speaking in tongues being practiced by individuals who belong to mainline Christian denominations.
From a biblical perspective, it is clear that speaking in tongues is a spiritual gift which is to be used within a structured and orderly framework, but it is not the only way to experience the power of the Holy Spirit. Regardless of personal views and preferences, the Bible makes it clear that speaking in tongues is a legitimate and important contribution to a thriving Christian community.
What Are The Benefits of Speaking in Tongues?
Experts agree that a number of positive aspects come with speaking in tongues. Psychologists have found that speaking in tongues can provide an emotional release and a feeling of peace for individuals. It also requires the person to focus on their inner life, the presence of God and the presence of others in the congregation, which can be deeply beneficial in terms of spiritual growth.
In addition to this, according to Dr. Brad Stulberg of Psychology Today, “The spiritual clarity that comes with speaking in tongues can lead to greater physical and mental clarity as well.” He argues that “the more clarity we attain in our spiritual life, the greater peace and wellbeing we experience in our lives.” This indicates that speaking in tongues can have a positive overall impact on an individual’s mental health and wellbeing.
In addition to the wellbeing aspects, experts note that the practice of speaking in tongues can also assist a Christian in their walk towards spiritual maturity. Practicing this spiritual gift can help strengthen a person’s faith by challenging them to take a leap of faith and trust in the Lord. By taking this leap, Christians can access a deeper level of learning and growth as they are open to the possibility of transformation. This can open a person up to explore different aspects of the bible, as well help them interpret the scriptures in new ways.
What’s more, the practice of speaking in tongues allows a person to experience a unique type of communion with other members of the church. This can help create a shared spiritual bond and sense of community among Christians that they cannot find elsewhere.
What Are The Challenges of Speaking in Tongues?
Despite its potential benefits, there are a number of potential pitfalls associated with speaking in tongues. Most notable among these are the potential dangers of judging and misunderstanding others who practice glossolalia.
Recent research suggests that glossolalia is often misunderstood and misinterpreted by many Christians. Many people assume that speaking in tongues is evidence of a deeper spiritual connection or a greater degree of faith, but this is simply not the case. Each person’s spiritual state is an individual matter between them and God, and should not be judged or commented on.
In addition to this, speaking in tongues can be misused by some individuals and Churches for personal gain or to gain attention. Research suggests that because speaking in tongues has so much associated with it, it has the potential to be used in ways that can be damaging to individuals and Churches.
Finally, some commentators suggest that because of the potential misunderstanding and misuse of speaking in tongues, it is important to practice it within the context of a Church and with fellow believers. This provides a level of accountability and means that any misuse can be addressed and corrected within a support network.
What Are The Risks of Speaking in Tongues?
Despite its potential benefits, it is important to note that speaking in tongues can also be a risky activity and should be approached with caution. Research suggests that glossolalia can be associated with psychological and emotional issues, such as anxiety and depression.
Some experts believe that because speaking in tongues can often steamroll any conscious thought or deliberation, it can lead to emotional distress. This could cause an individual to become overwhelmed or feel a sense of dread and fear, which can be damaging both mentally and physically. Additionally, this fear may lead to a person avoiding any further spiritual exploration.
In light of this, it is essential that any individual looking to take part in speaking in tongues should familiarize themselves with the risks and know the signs to be aware of should there be any issues. Moreover, it is important to ensure that the speaker and all present are in a supportive and welcoming environment.
Finally, it is essential to note that some individuals may not feel comfortable speaking in tongues, and it is important to be respectful of this. For example, some people may find the volume of voices overwhelming, or struggle with the physical movements associated with glossolalia. This could lead to discomfort and distress amongst the congregation.
Is Speaking in Tongues Biblical?
The Bible itself provides evidence that speaking in tongues is part of the Christian tradition and is mentioned several times as a spiritual gift in the New Testament. It also states that “speaking in tongues is a sign and a symbol of the Spirit’s inner work in the heart” (John Stott).
As such, it is important to consider what the Bible says before forming an opinion on whether or not speaking in tongues is a legitimate form of Christian expression. In doing so, it is important to bear in mind that the practice of glossolalia should be undertaken within a framework of order and good judgement, in order to ensure that it does not become a source of divisiveness or lead to a violation of personal boundaries.
Ultimately, understanding and respecting the biblical perspective on speaking in tongues will help ensure that it remains an essential part of Christian worship.
What Is the Future of Speaking in Tongues?
Research suggests that the practice of speaking in tongues is on the rise, particularly amongst evangelical and charismatic Christians.
Despite the current spike in interest, it remains is to be seen whether this will remain the case in the years to come. Some voices worry that speaking in tongues has lost some of its spiritual and emotional power, with many Churches relying too much on the physical elements of the practice as opposed to the spiritual.
What is clear is that in order for the practice to stay relevant and remain a part of Church life, it is essential that Churches, and individual believers, work to keep glossolalia meaningful, respectful and above all, spiritual.
Can Anybody Speak in Tongues?
The Bible states that speaking in tongues is a spiritual gift and it is often believed that only people with a special commitment to the Holy Spirit can access this gift. However, recent research suggests that anybody who has received the gift of the Holy Spirit can experience glossolalia.
Additionally, it appears that a person’s faith, or lack thereof, does not necessarily prevent them from speaking in tongues. Many people of non-Christian faiths have reported speaking in tongues, suggesting that it can be an experience accessible to all.
In order to ensure that speaking in tongues remains a positive experience, it is important to ensure that both speakers and listeners practice good judgement and spiritual sensitivity. The Bible clearly states that speaking in tongues should be done in an orderly and decent fashion, with an emphasis on respect and understanding.
What Should I Consider Before Speaking in Tongues?
If you are thinking of using speaking in tongues in your daily spiritual practice, there are several things you should take into consideration. Firstly, it is important to seek advice and guidance from others who are experienced in the practice and can better help you understand the potential benefits and risks.
It is also important to ensure that you have adequate support from trusted individuals, both spiritually and emotionally. Having this support network can help ensure that your experience is both positive and beneficial.
Finally, it is important to be aware of the cultural and community norms in regards to speaking in tongues. Each Church has its own rules and regulations as to when and where glossolalia should take place, and it is important to be aware of these and to practice them respectfully.
Ultimately, it is important to remember that speaking in tongues can be a powerful source of spiritual growth, comfort and community for many Christians. However, it is essential to approach the practice with caution, respect and sound judgement.