What Does The Bible Say About Lust

What Does The Bible Say About Lust?

Lust is something that has been discussed in the Bible, and it’s clear that it isn’t something meant to be taken lightly. In the New Testament, the words tēs epithymias and tō epithymētikō are translated as “lust”, and they refer to an intense craving or desire. It is something that is seen in a negative light throughout the Bible and something that Christians should be aware of and strive to combat. 

The most obvious example of lust in the Bible can be found in the book of Matthew 5:28, where Jesus is quoted as saying: “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Obsessive thoughts, including sexual thoughts, are sinful, and this verse makes that clear. In other words, lust is not a small thing – it is an indication of a deeper problem and something that should not be taken lightly. 

This idea is built upon in the book of Proverbs 6:25, where it is written: “Do not lust after her beauty, nor let her captivate you with her eyes.” Essentially, this verse is warning against allowing oneself to become too focused on a person’s physical beauty, as it may lead to thoughts and behaviors that are against the guidance of the Bible. 

The Bible also talks about lustful thoughts coming out of the mouth. In the book of Ephesians 4:29 it reads: “Let no corrupt speaking proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” This verse is a reminder of how our words can also be an indication of our thoughts and how they can have an impact on those around us. 

It is clear that the Bible talks about lust in a negative light and that it is something that believers should be aware of and strive to avoid. However, it is also important to note that the Bible does not totally forbid all desires, as it recommends moderation in marriage and speaks of the positive feelings that come from companionship. Lust can be a difficult thing to avoid and not all desires are sinful, so believers should strive to find a balance between these two truths. 

How to Combat Lust

It can be difficult to fight against lust in a society that often pushes for sex to be seen as nothing more than pleasure. However, there are ways to help combat it. One of the most important steps is to focus on the spiritual aspects of life, as the Bible talks about it being important to strive to stay focused on God’s will and not succumb to worldly desires. 

Another practical way to combat lust is to stay away from potentially tempting situations. This could include avoiding conversations that might lead to inappropriate thoughts or staying away from activities and places where sexual temptation may be present. Additionally, it is important to guard both the eyes and the mind, as it is possible to lust when not even seeing someone. It is possible to have thoughts of lust in the mind, even when not seeing someone, and these thoughts should be resisted. 

Finally, it is important to remember that Jesus showed us the way of self-control. He demonstrated the importance of self-control in His own life and urges us to follow that example. Jesus is the ultimate example of how to cope with temptation and how to be a person who is pure and holy. His guidance can help us to avoid sinful desires and to focus on Him, rather than our own desires. 

What is the Difference Between Lust and Love?

It is important to recognize the difference between lust and love, as they often can be confused with one another. Lust is a strong and powerful emotion that is driven by physical desire. It is primarily focused on physical attraction and can lead to an obsession with someone. Conversely, love is a much more complicated emotion that is centered on compassion, understanding, and commitment. Love is more than just an emotion, as it can be an action, and it is focused on forming a deeper connection with someone, as it is marked by mutual respect and understanding. 

In terms of the Bible, love and lust are often talked about in the same breath but have different implications. The Bible speaks a lot about love and encourages us to love one another, but it talks about lust in a much more negative light. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of these differences and strive to avoid actions that would be characterized as lust. 

What are the Negative Effects of Lust?

There are many negative consequences that come with lust, both spiritual and physical. On the spiritual side of things, lust is seen as a sinful act, and is often associated with feelings of guilt and shame. It can also have a negative effect on relationships. An obsession with another person can lead to a lack of trust and communication, which can quickly drive a wedge between two people. 

On the physical side of things, lust can lead to a decreased level of respect for others, particularly those of the opposite sex. It can also lead to feelings of insecurity and feelings of being unloved or undesirable. Finally, it can have serious physical consequences, such as unwanted pregnancies or an increase in the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. 

How to Develop Healthy Habits?

In order to avoid the consequences of lust, it is important to develop healthy habits and resist any temptation to lust. Some tips for doing this include: educating yourself on the issue and reading the Bible regularly, spending time in prayer and self-reflection, developing healthy relationships, and actively engaging in activities such as sports or hobbies that can keep your mind and body occupied. Additionally, it is important to recognize when one is feeling tempted and acknowledge that it is ok to feel those feelings, but it is also important to be conscious of them and avoid bad decisions. 

Finally, it is important to remember that Jesus showed us the way of self-control. He demonstrated the importance of self-control in His own life and urges us to follow that example. Jesus is the ultimate example of how to cope with temptation and how to be a person who is pure and holy. His guidance can help us to avoid sinful desires and to focus on Him, rather than our own desires. 


In conclusion, lust is something that has been discussed in the Bible, and it’s clear that it isn’t something meant to be taken lightly. It is something that believers should be aware of and strive to combat. It is important to recognize the difference between lust and love and to recognize the negative consequences that can come from indulging in lust. Finally, developing healthy habits and following Jesus’s example is the best way to resist the temptation of lust. 

Marcos Reyna is a Christian author and speaker. He is dedicated to helping create disciples of Christ through spreading the power of the gospel to others. He has written several books and articles on a variety of theological topics, including matters of faith, worship, biblical studies, practical ethics, and social justice. A trained theologian and devotee of spiritual writing, Marcos has a mission to spread Christian love everywhere. He lives with his family in Nashville, TN where he spends his days encouraging others to seek Christ's grace in all things.

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