Kissing is a universal sign of love and affection. In fact, kissing exists in nearly every culture and in nearly every language. But what does the Bible have to say about kissing? That depends on whom you ask.
The Bible does not specifically mention kissing. The most famous biblical story of kissing is the one between Jacob and Rachel, the two cousins-by-marriage who fell deeply in love and decided to get married. In this story, kissing is used to symbolize love and affection.
The Bible does discuss passionate expressions of love, such as the Song of Solomon, which is a poetic exchange between lovers that has been interpreted traditionally as a metaphor for the relationship between God and the Church. In this passage, the man expresses his longing for the woman and says, “I long to kiss you.”
The Bible also speaks of kissing as a sign of greeting and respect. In Luke 1:31-35, Mary greeted Elizabeth with a kiss. In Ruth 1:9-14, Naomi expressed her love for her daughters-in-law with a tender kiss. In all these instances, kissing is used as a way to show love and connection.
But not all kisses are regarded positively in the Bible. In Genesis 27:26-41, it’s recorded that Jacob tricked his older brother, Esau, into giving him the family’s blessing by kissing him. This kiss was not out of love and respect, but rather out of manipulation and deceit.
So what does the Bible say about kissing? It depends on the context and the situation. If a kiss is out of love, respect, and connection, then it is celebrated. But if it’s out of manipulation and deceit, then it’s condemned.
Kissing in Different Cultures
Kissing has been a part of our culture for centuries, and yet it looks and feels very different in different cultures. In some cultures, a kiss on the cheek is seen as a sign of respect and affection, while in others it is seen as a romantic gesture. In other cultures, kissing the hand of a person with whom you are expressing respect is the norm.
In some cultures, kissing is a way to show affection and care. In the Middle East, however, kissing is seen as a sign of intimacy between two individuals. In North America and Europe, kissing on the lips has become increasingly popular over the last century, while in many other cultures, it is still frowned upon.
In the Bible, kissing is seen as both a sign of respect and a symbol of intimate love. Regardless of culture, respect and love are two key components of a kiss.
Kissing in New Testament Times
In the New Testament, kissing was a commonly accepted practice and was seen as a sign of respect, love, and admiration. It was not only used between family members and close friends but also between churchgoers. In fact, many Biblical scholars believe that the kiss of peace was a part of the early Christian tradition.
The kiss of peace was a sign of respect, agreement, and solidarity among members of the same Christian community. This was a token of the mutual love and fellowship among believers and enabled them to share in each other’s joys and sorrows.
Unlike other cultures, kissing during the New Testament era was a sign of closeness in relationships between Christians, regardless of gender. It was also seen as a way to express faith and devotion to God.
Kissing in Modern Times
In modern times, kissing is often seen as a romantic gesture between two people in love as well as a sign of respect and friendship. In Western culture, it is not uncommon to see people of the same gender kiss each other on the cheek, a sign of deep friendship.
Kissing has also become an important part of modern-day weddings. Many couples exchange kisses as a way to show their commitment to one another and their devotion to their spouse.
Kissing has even been used to express appreciation and love for friends and family, a practice that was embraced by Jesus when He kissed His disciples in the Gospel of Luke.
The Bible and Kissing
The Bible does not directly address kissing, but the overall message is clear: kissing is a symbol of love, respect, admiration, and solidarity. Whether it is used as an expression of romantic love, a greeting between friends, or a sign of respect, the Bible promotes kissing as a way to show love and connection.
Kissing can also be a sign of commitment and devotion to God and to one’s spouse or family. The Bible encourages us to exchange kisses in an intimate and meaningful manner.