What Does The Bible Say About Interracial Marriage Kjv

The Bible has long been a cornerstone within social perspectives and religious practice and has been viewed as a source of spiritual wisdom and guidance since antiquity. The words and teachings of the Bible have been subject to constant interpretation, with modern society reflecting on many of them differently; however, there are some that are still highly contentious. In particular, the Bible’s stance on interracial marriage has long been perceived to be discriminatory, and although there is no direct prose on interracial marriages, the Book of Leviticus does highlight it as an abomination.

Interracial marriage is defined as a form of union whereby two individuals come together from two different racial or ethnic backgrounds – historically, a union between two individuals that were not of the same skin color, or even religion. In a modern context, the term has broadened to include a union between two individuals from different backgrounds – cultural, racial, or religious – and interracial marriage is not a new concept. In fact, it has been a practice since ancient times, and even today, more than one out of six newlyweds in the United States are of a different race or ethnicity.

Despite the changing climate, there are still congregations of religious institutions that disagree with the union of two individuals of different backgrounds. This can be because of the conservative views of the Bible and the possible misinterpretation of those teachings by those who follow such faith systems. So, what does the Bible actually say about interracial marriage?

In its literal sense, the Bible does not actually make reference to interracial marriage. It makes references to marrying within certain tribes, but not of certain ethnic or racial backgrounds. The City of Samaria, in the Book of Nehemiah, requires individuals of foreign descent to marry someone from their own people. Similarly, the Book of Ezra refers to non-Jews marrying other non-Jews, but it does not go as far as to say that this is mandatory.

The most widely accepted interpretation of Biblical scripture is the one found in the Book of Leviticus, which does stipulate that marriage should take place between two people of different backgrounds. This text highlights that interracial marriage is an abomination, and states that ‘you shall not inter-marry with them,’ referring to those of different backgrounds. This could be interpreted to mean that interracial marriage is unacceptable in the eyes of God, however, this is a highly disputed interpretation.

The interpretation of Biblical scripture is a point of controversy, as there are many different sects of religious thought that do not wholly agree with the current view of interracial marriage. For example, Reverend Jerry Falwell holds the opinion that interracial marriage is immoral, while Reverend Michael Brown has declared it a reflection of God’s love. Ultimately, a definitive stance on this matter is difficult to come to, as religious beliefs are shaped by personal faith and understanding.

Ethical justification for interracial marriages

Despite differing opinions, some formulate ethical arguments in support of interracial marriage. They suggest that two individuals that express consensual love for each other, regardless of their racial or cultural backgrounds or religious beliefs, is a reflection of the inclusive and unconditional love that God has for all individuals. Furthermore, by allowing freedom of choice, the union of two individuals from different racial backgrounds is a celebration of God’s diversity.

In a modern context, one cannot escape the preconceived notions of race in society and there are still many who believe interracial marriage is a reflection of inferiority. Despite this, it is important to note that such unions should not be viewed as a sign of a flaw or character flaw. Instead, it is important to remember that love does not discriminate or require justification.

Societal Conflicts of Interracial Marriage

Society has often proven to be a formidable force in opposing interracial marriages, and this can be seen in the landmark Supreme Court case of Loving vs. Virginia in 1967. This case invalidated anti-miscegenation laws that had been in force since colonial America. In the United States, the number of interracial marriages has risen significantly since the 1970s, and the current climate is more willing to accept such unions than ever before.

Nevertheless, there are still numerous social issues that arise because of interracial marriages, such as racism and discrimination, as well as increased hostility from family members and friends. Furthermore, some parents struggle to accept the notion of their children choosing to marry someone from a different culture or race and some couples are discriminated against through housing, employment and education.

That being said, those who are in interracial marriages are gradually succeeding in erasing the notion that such unions are unnatural or immoral. By standing up to prejudice and ignorance, interracial couples are now emerging as pioneers in the fight for civil liberties and are increasingly gaining the recognition they deserve.

Current stance on Interracial Marriage

In the current climate, there is a growing acceptance of interracial marriages, with only 7% of respondents in a 2013 poll expressed disapproval of these unions, compared to 24% in 1996. Despite this, it is clear that the Bible has not been so willing to embrace interracial marriage. Thus, it is important to remember that the Bible is an ancient text and should therefore be interpreted respectfully and not used to validate personal beliefs. Instead, it can be a moral compass to follow Godly principles in a modern context.


Christian conservatives have traditionally been opposed to interracial marriage, viewing it as a sin that goes against the Christian faith. Nonetheless, there are some faith groups that are embracing interracial marriage and supporting couples that wish to be together, regardless of the race or ethnicity of their partners. This has created an atmosphere of acceptance and inclusivity within certain religious institutions, providing hope for a future of love and understanding.

Contextual Implications

The notion of interracial marriage is also reflective of wider social issues that continue to influence our society, such as racism and discrimination. Whilst conversations about interracial marriage may open up uncomfortable conversations about these topics, it does not mean that such conversations should be avoided – far from it. In order to create a truly equal and inclusive society, it is essential that we have dialogue about such matters, create change, and strive to be better.

Challenges ahead

As the 2020s progress with increased technological advances and changing religious values, so too shall the challenging contexts of interracial marriage. Developments in social media allow much more access to international dating pools, creating more opportunities for interracial marriages, however it also means that even more prejudices and taboos are being broken.

Although the topic of interracial marriage is still highly contentious, there are many faith groups who practice openness and tolerance towards such unions, celebrating partnership and romance between people of different backgrounds. Interracial unions are not only a possibility within a faith setting, but also an illustration of true love, an acceptance of diversity and a willingness to build bridges between different communities.

Marcos Reyna is a Christian author and speaker. He is dedicated to helping create disciples of Christ through spreading the power of the gospel to others. He has written several books and articles on a variety of theological topics, including matters of faith, worship, biblical studies, practical ethics, and social justice. A trained theologian and devotee of spiritual writing, Marcos has a mission to spread Christian love everywhere. He lives with his family in Nashville, TN where he spends his days encouraging others to seek Christ's grace in all things.

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