God Our Father
The Bible consistently tells us that God is our Father. He loves each of us as a perfect parent loves an imperfect child. God’s love is impartial, merciful and long-suffering. He loves us in spite of our shortcomings and failings. In fact, God’s love is such an important theme in scripture that He calls Himself our Father over 100 times. God describes Himself as a loving Father, providing for His people and wanting the best for them.
The Bible describes us as God’s children, adopted through faith in Jesus Christ. Paul writes in Ephesians that God made us into His children. Thus, we can refer to God as “Abba,” an affectionate title, akin to “Daddy.” In the Lord’s prayer, Jesus encourages us to address God in this way, and He promises that if we come to Him we will receive answers, provision, and His commitment to our needs.
God’s Free Gift of Salvation
Unlike natural fathers who are often limited in terms of resources and patience, God has unlimited capacity, enabling Him to offer us a gift beyond comparison. He provides us with the free gift of salvation, purchased by His Son’s death on the cross. This free gift of grace assures us that no matter what happens in life, we have assurance of our eternal salvation. Fathers on earth can only give us a temporary security, but our heavenly Father can add the assurance of eternity.
Therefore, when we look to God for protection and guidance, His love does not fail. He is faithful and enduring, an ever-present shield and provider. The Psalms exclaim, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” We can always rely on God’s perfect timing, protection and ultimate deliverance.
God’s Instructions to Fathers
The Bible offers many instructions to fathers as to how to live and how to relate to their children. The book of Proverbs commands fathers to instruct their children in the ways of the Lord, so that when the child is old, he will not depart from it. Fathers are encouraged to use both discipline and instruction when teaching their children, so that those teachings may be ingrained in their lives. Paul exhorts fathers to instruct their children in the knowledge and admonition of the Lord.
God’s Definition of Fathers
God’s definition of fathers is different from the world’s. Many people view a father as a protector; however, God delves deeper than this and what He looks for in a father is faith, love, encouragement and discipline. In 1 Corinthians, Paul writes that if a father does not provide for his family he is worse than an infidel. God uses this term to mean one who is wicked and a disbeliever. Thus God’s definition of fathers is not based on financial provision or physical protection, but rather on faith, provision, and spiritual guidance.
God values fathers in the home who are spiritual leaders and role models. Fathers must become examples of strong faith and rely on God to provide all their needs. They should be loving and compassionate. They can accomplish this by teaching their children the importance of trust in God and the value of family. It is the responsibility of fathers to build strong relationships with their spouses and children, demonstrating God’s love through their actions and words.
Fathers as Disciplinarians and Priests
Ideally, fathers should have a well-rounded approach to discipline. They should correct their children with love and mercy, just as God does, using discipline when needed. They should also be spiritual leaders and teach their children about God by living a godly lifestyle and by prayer. Fathers are not just called to be disciplinarians, they are called to act as priests within the home, setting an example of prayer, devotion, and trust in God.
Accountability of Fathers
The Bible speaks of the accountability of men as fathers. The book of Malachi speaks of a day of reckoning when God will judge the fathers for their responsibility as head of the home. In his book “The Keys to Spiritual Growth,” Dallas Willard writes that fathers must be properly accountable to their children and to God. He also goes on to add that fathers must exemplify the qualities of God like faith, love, and integrity. Fathers should be loyal and committed to God, their families and themselves. They are expected to have a relationship with God and be present in their children’s lives.
Fathers as Examples of Our Heavenly Father
If fathers are committed to their children and to God, then their influence in the lives of their children can positively impact the next generation. Fathers can be an example of God’s love and care by showing compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. In the end, the best way to lead our children is to model a life after God’s creation.
Fathers as the Guardians of their Children’s Faith
The Bible tells us that fathers are to be the guardians of their children’s faith. Fathers should encourage and empower their children to live out their faith, teaching them to impact the world with their unique gifts and talents. They should create a safe and secure home environment in which their children can thrive and grow in their faith.
Families are built on the foundation of the father leading in faith and prayer. Fathers need to be open and honest in their beliefs, so that their children can learn to trust in God and turn to Him for support. Fathers need to lead their children in prayer, devotion and service to the Lord. This is the best way for fathers to pour God’s love into their children’s lives.
Fathers and Sons Bonding
Fathers should mentor and invest in their children, providing both emotional and spiritual guidance. For sons, this means having meaningful conversations, engaging in conversations about life’s challenges, and providing direction and understanding. For fathers and sons to have a healthy bond, fathers need to be available and present in their sons’ lives. This could involve meaningful activities like fishing, sports, or cooking together. Spending quality, intentional time together not only strengthens their bond, but it also teaches sons to follow their father’s example.
Fathers Cultivating Intimacy with God
Fathers need to cultivate a relationship with God so that their example of faith in God and the obedience of His Word will be passed to the next generation. To be a leader of faith, a father needs to immerse himself in scripture, actively participate in church, pray regularly and foster an atmosphere of spiritual growth in the home. Fathers can also promote blessings in their families through prayer and faith. God, our heavenly Father, desires that fathers raise spiritual children who will serve Him and bring Him glory and honor.
Fathers Passing the Torch
The holistic approach to fatherhood taught in scripture emphasizes the importance of fathers passing their faith and values to the next generation. Fathers are expected to be spiritual leaders in the home, encouraging their children to live a life that honors God’s Word. As fathers, we should strive to complete our task in preparing the next generation for their place in the world. May we become faithful followers and examples of God’s design for fatherhood.