Faith is a prominent topic in the Bible, with it featuring in over twice as many verses as the word “love”. The book of Hebrews states that “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” “See” here means perceiving by any of the senses, so faith is seen as more than just believing in something with your heart, but also with your mind. The Bible acknowledges that it may not be easy to muster faith in times of distress, but the promise of God’s goodness and comfort is often found in many texts.
The apostle Paul discusses faith’s importance in the book of Romans where he emphasizes that “without faith it is impossible to please God”; he also discussed faith’s vital role in allowing access to God’s grace. According to Pastor Daniel Grothe, the church is “built on faith” and the “foundation of our relationships with God and each other”. He argues that faith is essential to the practice of Christianity as it “ensures that if we genuinely follow in the path of Jesus as indicated in the Bible, we should expect to be transformed, more and more into the image of God”.
The Bible encourages us to look for evidence of faith in our everyday lives and recognize the inspirational stories of those who have endured in the face of obstacles. We can be encouraged by accounts of faith found throughout the Bible such as the Israelites’ mission to the Promised Land, Moses’ mission to Egypt, and Gideon’s faith prior to his decisive victory against the Midianites. The Bible encourages that we strive to develop our own strong faith and be inspired by others’ faith as a means to overcome our own doubts and difficulties.
In addition to this, the Bible stresses that a “righteous” faith is both necessary and achievable. It states that “those who have faith know that by aspiring to do something, they can achieve it.” This is further supported by the words of Jesus who preached to his followers, “believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” This implies a powerful sense of faithfulness, which comes from the belief in oneself and strengthening one’s beliefs and convictions.
The Relationship between Faith and Work
Without faith, it is difficult to serve God and actively pursue God’s word. As Christians, our example is set by Jesus, who trusted God wholeheartedly, even in the face of challenges and temptations. According to the Apostle Peter, Christian faith serves as a point of reference from which all other activities such as work and service should be done, knowing that “For God commands us to do, to work, and to love one another”. He states that, with faith, we will strive to “keep his laws and serve Him with all our being” in order to achieve the prevalent blessings promised in the Bible.
Surely, living out our faith and surrendering our works to God should be of greatest importance in our lives- especially if we rely on our faith as a source of motivation and solace. This is echoed in the book of James, which states that “faith without works is dead”. Therefore, faith and work must be interdependent, in that faith is only strengthened by the level of works that one puts into it, and vice versa.
The Relationship between Faith and Relationship
Faith plays an important role in the relationships between individuals and God, as well as between individuals and others. The Bible states that “faith in God should be the foundation upon which all relationships are built”. Consequently, faith plays a role in all human relationships, as it serves to spiritually connect individuals and assist them in finding common ground and being understanding of each other.
Faith begins with believing another in both their words and actions. The Bible emphasized that “love and faith must be present in order for a relationship to truly be grounded in trust.” As an example, Jesus taught that relationships should be based on two primary principles: love God and love thy neighbor. These two commandments encouraged Christians to build relationships with those around them, understanding that the love of God flows through them and those around them. Faith then, is what connects us to our friends, family, and to God, as it opens up the possibility for us to accept and understand each other better.
Moreover, faith also enables us to “depend on God”, trusting in His will and letting Him be the source of strength and peace. The Bible acknowledges that faith is a difficult thing to hold on to, but it allows us to remain in the presence of God’s love and grace despite our surroundings. As Jesus states in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
Perseverance and Patience
The Bible emphasizes that in order to sustain a relationship with God and other people, faith requires perseverance and patience in the face of adversity. James emphasizes that even during difficulties, “we should always be eager to listen to God’s will and act according to that”. As such, faith helps us trust that God will take care of us and provide for our needs, especially during times of crisis.
In addition to this, it is important that we strive for patience and learn to wait for God’s hand to intervene in situations. During these times, we must remember to trust in the Lord, since it is only through faith that we can sustain our conviction and the assurance of God’s mercy. This is emphasized in Hebrews 12:1-2, which states that “we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses. Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.”
Taking Action
Though faith is important in our lives, it is vital to remember that it is only through action that our faith can become fruitful. As is written in Galatians 5:6, “the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love”. Therefore, by embodying the teachings of faith, believing, and following through on one’s beliefs, then one can hope to receive the blessings that come with faith.
Jesus taught that “we must speak with our feet.” This essentially means that expressing one’s faith cannot be done through words alone, but must also be made real in our daily actions. It is also encouraging that “even though we are imperfect, our faith, if clear and focused, can lead us to the answers that we need and receive,” as stated by Seattle-based author and pastor Eddison Hardenberg. Therefore, faith must not be seen as a quality that is exclusive to psalmists and believers- it can be easily exercised, understood, and appreciated by anyone regardless of their religious beliefs.
The Role of Faith in Achieving Goals
Faith plays an important role when it comes to achieving one’s goals, as having faith in one’s self and having trust in God can lead to great accomplishments. The Bible explains that “he who believes shall not make haste”, meaning that though we may want to rush towards our goals, faith should remind us in times of adversity that our efforts will not go in vain and that those goals we desire can still be achieved in due time.
When battling with any form of difficulty, the Bible encourages us to remain focused and encouraged, and reminds us that our faith should be at the very center of our efforts. Jesus stated, “whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Though faith does not guarantee results and solutions, it does provide hope, guidance, and assurance that better days are ahead. Furthermore, having faith also heightens our sense of purpose and allows us to focus our efforts on achieving meaningful goals that will bring glory to God.
Overcoming Fear in Times of Trouble
In times of distress, fear is a natural response to the difficulties that our faith must grapple with. The Bible teaches us to take courage and stay the course, to prepare for better days and “basis our actions on the truth of God’s word”. Additionally, Jesus’ words of encouragement follow us, emphasizing that all “who have faith will be given power”; furthermore, they manifested within the bible’s accounts of Biblical heroes such as Abraham, Moses, and Joshua.
In the Bible, faith and the courage that comes with it go hand in hand. We must never forget that to stand strong in our faith we must also be willing to stand strong against the difficulty that comes with it. During such times of doubt and fear, it is important that we remain connected to our faith, trusting in God and believing in Him even during impossible times. He will never leave us so we should never be hesitant to ask for help.
Hope for the Future
The hope that faith in God provides can be an invaluable asset in our lives; it allows us to consider the world around us with the lens of wonder and optimism. We look around and see that “faith can move mountains”, and “heal the brokenhearted”, and this will only be possible through embracing faith and loving it. We may not always understand the journey that faith takes us on, but if we choose to trust in God, we will be filled with the assurance of knowing that despite difficult situations, He will lead us to a better future.
In the same way, having faith allows us to stay connected with those around us. During times of distress, our faith can help us to understand that with God all things are indeed possible, and our relationships can be made stronger and longer-lasting. We must never forget that our faith should serve as a source of strength and guidance throughout our lives, helping to remind us that if we persevere, God’s hand will carry us through even the most difficult of times.