What does the Bible say about being lukewarm? The term “lukewarm” is used in Scripture to describe an attitude, a state of mind or a condition of being that is characterized by a lack of commitment or enthusiasm for something. In Revelation 3:15-16, Jesus said, “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.” Jesus speaks strongly against the lukewarm attitude. He doesn’t want us to be “hot” in the extreme, meaning passionate and overwhelming—but neither does he want us to be “cold,” meaning apathetic and lifeless. He doesn’t want us to dawdle in the middle ground of lukewarm, but to be dedicated and passionate about building His kingdom.
Through Jesus’ words about being lukewarm, it’s clear that He expects us to a make a visceral choice. When we choose someone or something, we cannot be “lukewarm” in our commitment; we must exude fervor, enthusiasm, and passion. The point is that commitment is reflected in one’s words, deeds and attitude. In other words, if you are truly committed, you won’t be apathetic or lacking dedication. You’ll have active and engaged interest in whatever you’ve committed to.
When it comes to developing meaningful relationships, always avoid being lukewarm. Yes, it’s good to take your time in getting to know another person, but you shouldn’t be overly guarded. This tendency leads to a complacent relationship or a boring one. If you want your relationship to thrive and grow, you should look to make an effort. Don’t expect the other person to do all the work. A lukewarm attitude won’t help cultivate an awesome friendship or a great romance. If a relationship feels like it’s stuck or it’s going nowhere, it’s likely because you’ve been lukewarm about investing in it.
Loving God is similar to loving others. If you claim to be a disciple of Christ and you have an inactive relationship with Him, you are in danger of being lukewarm. As Jesus said in Revelation 3:19, “Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.” Jesus calls us to be his followers, to incarnate and embody his church. We can’t do that if we’re just lukewarm in our faith. We must focus our hearts on Jesus and on his church, and have enthusiasm for our relationship with Him and the work He set out for us to do.
Loving God requires that we be deeply devoted and actively involved in our relationship with Him and the service we provide for Him. We need to choose to live intentionally for Jesus, no matter what. This can be difficult, as our flesh often wants to take the path of least resistance. Living in the middle ground of lukewarm isn’t easy. We will struggle to stay devoted and committed, no matter the circumstance. But if we make an effort always to stay “hot” for the Lord, we will experience an abundance of Spirit-filled joy, peace and contentment.
How to Avoid a Lukewarm Attitude
The first step in avoiding a lukewarm attitude is to continually assess and self-evaluate your lifestyle. Are you acting in accordance to what you say you believe? Do you care more about worldly things than spiritual things? When it comes to your relationship with God and the people you’re connected to, are you making an effort? Ask yourself where the potential heat is missing.
Secondly, make sure that your actions reflect your faith. Invite God into your daily routine and commit to obeying His Word. Instead of saying words that lie dormant and die away, take your faith and live it out through your actions. This means hard work—which can be difficult in the moment.
Finally, put spiritual things above worldly things. Materialism, especially when taken to an extreme, is an easy way to become lukewarm in your faith. Make sure to invest your heart and enthusiasm in God, and your relationship with Him, before all other things.
Types of Lukewarmness
Being lukewarm can apply to many different areas of life, depending upon the situation. In terms of our relationships—be it with God, family and friends—we can show lukewarmness in many ways. We could be lukewarm by not properly investing our time and energy in them, or not being supportive of them. We can also be lukewarm by not being understanding of the struggles they face, or not engaging in their interests.
For our attitude, we can be lukewarm by not being willing to get our hands dirty. We can be apathetic when it comes to showing care and concern towards those in need, or towards standing up for justice. Our enthusiasm for spiritual acceleration can be dulled by not being prayerful or focused in meditation. We can also be lukewarm if we fail to love our enemies and if we become too brazen in scripture.
Interestingly, being lukewarm also applies to aspects of our identity and day-to-day lives. We can be lukewarm in our career paths and in our hobbies. We can be lukewarm in the clothes we wear, the music styles we listen to, and the places we choose to visit. We can be lukewarm in the way we carry ourselves physically and in the way we speak socially. When we become lukewarmmanifestations in our lives, our spiritual stores can become weakened in various areas.
Signs of Being Lukewarm
When people become lukewarm towards something, their attitudes tend to become noticeable. If a person is lukewarm, they begin to distance themselves from their commitment and become less animated. For instance, if you’re lukewarm in your relationship with God, your prayer life may become stagnant, you may spend less time in study, your passion for service may dwindle, and your trust in Him may dwindle too.
In their relationships with others, someone who is lukewarm may often be unwilling to show their feelings or to commit to actions. They may shy away from conversation starters due to uncomfortable feelings, and they may tend to not care as deeply—including showing support and affection. In terms of faith, lukewarmness looks like not engaging in spiritual practices, not investing in scripture study, and becoming satisfied with the materialistic world. When lukewarmness occurs in our hearts and minds, our lives become adverse to God and everything that has been promised to us.
The Consequences of Being Lukewarm
Being lukewarm can lead to a variety of negative results. In terms of your faith and your relationship with God, lukewarmness can lead to a shallow growth in spiritual progress. It can keep you from deepening your relationship with Him, no matter how hard you try. This means you will miss out on getting to know the Lord on a personal level, as well as all the benefits that come from being faithful.
In your relationships with others, being lukewarm can give you a reputation for being apathetic or uncaring. If you’re lukewarm in friendships, it’s likely that people won’t be asking you to hang out or even stay around. In addition, if you’re lukewarm in your relationships with family members, it can lead to strain and tension that can last a lifetime. In terms of your career, too much lukewarmness can affect your performance and your results. When lukewarmness takes over, you’re likely to become motivated and passionate—causing your dreams and goals to take the backseat.
The Benefits of Overcoming Lukewarmness
If we can overcome a lukewarm attitude, we will experience benefits in both the physical and spiritual realms. In terms of the physical realm, overcoming lukewarmness can lead to deeper and meaningful relationships with loved ones. It will also give us greater courage and enthusiasm to pursue our goals and to move in our career paths. We will also be more effective and successful in our endeavors.
In the spiritual realm, overcoming lukewarmness can improve our relationship with God. We will be more willing to make the changes needed to obey and honor the Word. We won’t take Scripture lightly and it will be something to be taken seriously. We will also gain a sense of peace and clarity in knowing God’s will for our lives. We will have a greater understanding of God’s plan and what He wants us to do in our day-to-day lives.
Exercises to Overcome Lukewarmness
The easiest way to overcome lukewarmness is by taking action. This could include prayer, meditation, and spending time in nature or with a close circle of friends. It could also mean cutting back on social media and instead, focusing on spending quality time with the people and activities you love. Take some time each day to read and study scripture, or to engage in devotional activities such as writing in a prayer journal.
In addition, surround yourself with positive influences and people who challenge you to want more out of life and to live for Christ. Spiritual mentors can also be helpful, as they are a great source of wisdom and understanding. Finally, make sure to spend some time out of your normal routine and in reflection, so you can assess and analyze your life and thoughts. This will help you to get a better understanding of where you stand with God and with your faith.