What Does The Bible Say About Asking Angels For Help

Do Angels Exist?

The Bible does not provide a definitive answer about whether angels exist or not. However, it does provide evidence that, in the eyes of the authors of the Bible, angels are real, powerful, and actively involved in human affairs. In the Old Testament, angels appear primarily in the form of the angel of the Lord, described as God’s messenger. In the New Testament, there are numerous references to angels who carry out God’s will. In addition, there are various references in the Bible to angelic beings who help and protect people in their times of need.
This would suggest that, while the Bible doesn’t definitively answer whether angels exist or not, it does suggest that they are real, powerful, and actively involved in our lives. This gives Christians the permission to believe in and ask for help from angels if they feel it is necessary.

What Does the Bible Say About Asking Angels for Help?

The Bible does not specifically mention asking angels for help. However, the Bible does offer guidance on how to go about asking for help from God. In the New Testament, Jesus taught the principle of prayer, and encouraged his followers to ask God for help. Later, Paul wrote several letters to the churches, commanding them to pray and to seek God’s help.
The Bible also teaches that God can communicate with us by sending his angels. In the Old Testament, the angel of the Lord appeared with messages from God. In the New Testament, angels appeared to the shepherds, to Joseph and Mary, and to the apostles. In addition, the Bible records numerous cases in which God answered the prayers of individuals by sending his angels.
From this, it can be inferred that seeking help from angels is consistent with biblical principles. As long as the request is within God’s will and is prayed for in faith, then God can answer this request by sending his angels to help.

How Can We Ask Angels for Help?

The Bible does not offer explicit guidance on how to ask angels for help. However, based on biblical principles, it is reasonable to assume that we should follow the same principles of prayer as we would if we were asking God for help. The Bible instructs us to pray in faith, to pray in agreement with God’s will, and to pray with a sincere heart. As we do this, we can trust that God will answer our prayers and may send his angels to help us.

Are There Different Roles For Angels?

The Bible does not provide much information on the roles and duties of angels. However, from what is recorded in the Bible, it appears that angels have a variety of roles. In some cases, they appear as messengers, delivering messages from God. In other cases, they appear as protectors, defending God’s people from harm. In some cases, angels appear as servants, doing God’s work on Earth.
It appears, then, that angels have a variety of roles, and that the exact role an angel serves in any given situation will depend on God’s will. Asking an angel for help, then, could include asking for protection, guidance, healing, or other forms of help.

Is It OK to Ask Angels for Help?

Although the Bible does not specifically mention asking angels for help, it does provide principles that suggest it is appropriate to seek help from God, even if that help is delivered by his angels. As long as we are praying within God’s will, then we can trust that God will answer our prayers, and may even send an angel to help.
At the same time, however, we must be aware that God alone has the power to save, heal, deliver, and protect us. God is sovereign and in control of all things, and he may choose to answer our prayers in ways that do not involve angels. It is important, then, to remember to look to God first for help, even as we also seek help from his angels.

Can Demons Impersonate Angels?

The Bible does not mention the phenomenon of demonic angels, or angels that have been deceived by Satan. However, it does record the story of Satan disguising himself as an angel of light in order to deceive human beings. Based on this, it is possible that Satan could deceive human beings by disguising himself as an angel of God.
In order to protect against this deception, the Bible instructs us to test all spiritual messages that we receive, to make sure that they are in accordance with God’s will. If a message does not line up with God’s Word, then it should be rejected, even if it claims to be from an angel.

What Does the Bible Say About Angel Worship?

The Bible considers angel worship to be a form of idolatry. The Bible clearly states that we are to worship only the one true God, and not to worship angels. In addition, it teaches us to not elevate angels above what is appropriate. Instead, we should view angels as servants of God, obeying his commands and carrying out his will.


The Bible does not answer definitively whether angels exist or not. However, it does suggest that angels are real, powerful, and actively involved in our lives. This gives Christian the permission to believe in and ask for help from angels if they feel it is necessary. As long as the request is prayed for in faith, and is within God’s will, then God may send his angels to help. We should, however, always remember to look to God first for help and to be careful not to elevate angels above their proper place.

Marcos Reyna is a Christian author and speaker. He is dedicated to helping create disciples of Christ through spreading the power of the gospel to others. He has written several books and articles on a variety of theological topics, including matters of faith, worship, biblical studies, practical ethics, and social justice. A trained theologian and devotee of spiritual writing, Marcos has a mission to spread Christian love everywhere. He lives with his family in Nashville, TN where he spends his days encouraging others to seek Christ's grace in all things.

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