What Does The Bible Say About Arguing With Fools

Background Information

The Bible is the most widely read book in the world and it holds a special place in many hearts. It’s full of wisdom, guidance and advice that can help us in our day-to-day lives. In the Bible, there are many references to arguments and foolishness, but what does it say when it comes to arguing with fools?

What The Bible Says About Arguing With Fools

The Bible strongly advises against arguing with fools and cautions us to be mindful of when it’s better to remain silent. In Proverbs 26:4-5, it is written “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him. Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes”. Here, we are warned that foolish and unreasonable people cannot be reasoned with and that it’s better to remain silent and steer away from engaging in fruitless arguments with them.
The Bible also warns us that arguing with a fool might result in them feeling victorious and therefore more emboldened in their fault-finding, as Ecclesiastes 10:12 states: “Someone who thinks clearly won’t even bother speaking to a fool; in doing so, they’ll only look foolish”.
Furthermore, Proverbs 17:27 says, “If you correct a fool, he might not become wise. An educated person will think twice before saying something foolish”. This reminds us of the importance of not arguing with those who are not equipped to understand the soundness of our words and arguments.

Affirmative Tips

Understanding when it’s better to remain silent is important and it’s natural to become frustrated by foolishness, however, it can also be beneficial to remember that everyone has a different perspective and that it’s important to try to understand rather than attack.
Rather than engaging with those who seem unwilling or unable to understand our words, we should focus on affirmation and supportive dialogue. In Proverbs 10:12 it reads “hatred stirs up quarrels, but love makes up for all offenses”. By putting love first, we can effectively diffuse unnecessary arguments and risky situations.
It can also be helpful to remember Proverbs 19:25. This verse is an encouraging reminder to think twice before responding rashly: “Don’t be too stubborn to accept an apology; if somebody repents, forgive them,”.

Perspectives From Experts

Professors of psychology, Dr. William Crossman and Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, concur. They believe we should avoid the oppressive mode of trying to argue with those who don’t want to be reasoned with.
Instead, Dr Crossman suggests taking a step back and facing foolishness with patience and compassion; “If someone persists in believing errors that we know to be wrong, it really does nothing to argue with them. We do not get them to change their ideas, although we may increase their hostility. It is much better to invest our energy and time in information or education than in attempting to force an individual to abandon an opinion.”
Dr Kubler-Ross believes this too can be beneficial, saying “Instead of getting rid of the person and their opinion, we must learn to be a loving and compassionate witness to this person and their opinion. If the person needs to speak, allow them that opportunity. If the person needs to be heard, do not argue with them – affirm them”.

Self Love

It’s important to remember that in engaging with foolishness and misguided behaviour, we can often feel frustrated and even distressed, however, despite how difficult it may be, we should always err on the side of self-love before engaging in an argument, especially with a fool.
By remaining true to yourself and your values, and having the courage not to be needlessly drawn into a pointless debate, you can remain in a dignified and amicable state. Staying true to yourself and your values allows for a positive shift in any emotional situations, allowing us to respond in a calm and controlled manner.

Higher Wisdom

The Bible provides great guidance in terms of avoiding arguments with of fools. There is a certain level of wisdom that has to be attained to be able to address a serious issue without the use of aggression and anger.
It’s important to remember that those who are wise speak out of knowledge and facts. They present the truth in its purest form and they do so in a polite and rational manner. Furthermore, Proverbs 17:28 states “Even a fool who keeps silent is thought to be wise. When he closes his lips, he is considered to be intelligent”.
We must also recognise that by adopting a higher level of wisdom, we can get rid of the lower, more mindless level of arguments which often prove to be futile.

Strength In Silence

At times of foolishness, it’s important to remember the strength in remaining silent. Proverbs 15:1 reads: “A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire”. In such moments, it’s beneficial to be mindful of our words and the strength of remaining silent.
By remaining silent, we can let peace and calm radiate through the dispute by avoiding a heated back and forth. Silence in these moments can also be representative of our own strength, showing that we are confident in the stance we’ve taken, but more importantly, respectful of the other’s opinion – despite it being misguided or wrong.

Spiritual Wellness

One final thought to keep in mind is that arguing with a fool isn’t simply tiring; it can take away from your spiritual wellness. It can waste our precious time and exhaust us by roping us into a futile endeavour. To prevent this from happening, we must choose the higher path.
By remaining firm in the understanding that not everyone has the capacity to understand our words, even if we present them in the most informed and articulate of ways, we can remain spiritually balanced and unscathed by foolishness.

Ignorance Does Not Mean Strength

We must be aware of the strength in remaining silent and firm in the knowledge that foolishness does not always equate to power. Ignorance carries no true power, but to become knowledgable and informed can be the most powerful of weapons.
We must remember that people come to foolish arguments out of ignorance and lack of understanding, rather than out of malice. It’s important to remain mindful of the language we use and the understanding that we must act with gentleness and mercy.

Pre-Argument Strategies

In these situations, it’s important to take a few steps back and look to devise a pre-argument strategy. If we can find a way to diffuse the situation before it escalates into an argument, then we can be sure to respond rather than react.
In these moments, it’s important to remember that although seemingly difficult, it’s possible to hold a conversation without becoming irate or having to resort to foolishness. This can be done by avoiding inflammatory language or imagery, and relying on logic and wisdom.
Preparing yourself and finding a sound way to divert and deflate a situation can be the most beneficial of measures, as it helps to avoid any unnecessary and often damaging arguments.


It’s important to also be mindful of your own behaviour and to check in with yourself before engaging in any argument. If you can identify any of your own flaws and weaknesses, work on them to ensure that disagreements do not become damaging or hurtful.
By striving to be a peaceful and compassionate person, you can shield yourself from the fire of a foolish argument. If a heated exchange is unavoidable, the Bible implores us to overflow with love and compassion and to remain firm in the knowledge that our words and arguments are rooted in wisdom and knowledge.

The Power Of Grace

It’s also important to remember to give grace – for ourselves and for others. We all make mistakes and foolishness does not equate to evil and malice. Rather than remaining stuck in a dead-end argument, we should always try to remain dignified and honourable in the face of the storm.
Grace can bring us closer to those we disagree with and it allows us to move on from any potential argument in a peaceful and dignified manner. We should take this wisdom and these words and use them in our everyday lives and in our interactions, no matter how dull or dire.

Cleverness Not Loudness

It’s also essential to impress upon others the importance of cleverness, rather than loudness. Whoever is the most vocal and loud will not necessarily come out the hero in a foolish argument – it’s the one who can express their point of view concisely and clearly, whilst also being open to the fact that the “fool” may just have a good point.
Cleverness is an underrated skill and one that must be used in times of struggle and in times of foolishness. Hence, it is important to remember that wisdom trumps loudness and that gentleness trumps aggression.
These are just a few of the pearls of wisdom found in the scriptures when it comes to foolishness. It’s important to remember that the Bible has the answers to some of life’s greatest conundrums, should we choose to adhere to them.

Marcos Reyna is a Christian author and speaker. He is dedicated to helping create disciples of Christ through spreading the power of the gospel to others. He has written several books and articles on a variety of theological topics, including matters of faith, worship, biblical studies, practical ethics, and social justice. A trained theologian and devotee of spiritual writing, Marcos has a mission to spread Christian love everywhere. He lives with his family in Nashville, TN where he spends his days encouraging others to seek Christ's grace in all things.

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