What Does The Bible Say About Abortion Open Bible

The Bible is a powerful source of guidance, offering interesting perspectives on the issue of abortion. The Bible is seen by many to be a moral guide, and is usually at the heart of any discussion about abortion. It is often said that the Bible does not address abortion; however, there are passages in the Bible that refer to it openly. A closer look at these passages can shed light on how Christians should approach abortion.

One of the most commonly cited passages related to abortion comes from the book of Exodus, chapter 21. It states: “When men strive together, and one smites the other with a stone, or with his fist, and he dies not, but keeps his bed; if he rise again, and walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he that smote him be certainly fined.” This passage is seen to be referring to the concept of accidental manslaughter, or unintentional killing. In essence, the Bible is seen to be saying that if one accidentally kills another person, he should not be held criminally liable; however, if an act of intentional killing occurs, then the perpetrator should be held responsible.

Another passage related to abortion comes from the book of Jeremiah, chapter 1. It reads: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” This passage is seen to imply that life begins in the womb. It is believed that if one were to interpret this passage literally, then it would be seen to be saying that an abortion would be an act of killing, and would thus be seen as immoral.

In addition to these more literal interpretations of Biblical passages, there are also different opinions on the issue of abortion from within the Christian community. Generally speaking, there is agreement that most abortions are immoral, but there is disagreement on the issue of when life begins, and whether or not abortion should be allowed in cases such as rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is in danger. For example, some Christians have argued that abortion should be allowed in cases where the mother’s life is in danger, while others have argued that life should be protected in all cases, regardless of the circumstances.

Ultimately, whether or not one agrees with the Christian view on abortion is a personal matter. However, by examining the Bible’s passages on the subject, one can gain a greater understanding of the Christian perspective on the issue. Additionally, by discussing the issue with other Christians, one can gain a better understanding of different possible interpretations of the Bible’s words.

Rape and Incest

Rape and incest are two of the most controversial topics when it comes to the issue of abortion. The Bible does not explicitly address the issue of rape or incest, but there are several passages that can give guidance on the subject. In particular, Leviticus 19:20-22 talks about being responsible for the welfare of a vulnerable individual. In this passage, God commands those in the community to look out for those in need and protect the vulnerable, which can be seen as a possible indication of God’s opinion on abortion in cases of rape and incest.

Additionally, some Christian teachings on the issue of abortion state that the victim should not be punished for the perpetrator’s crime. In an essay on the subject, Reverend Callie M. Miller-Loftin acknowledges the trauma, fear, and resentment experienced by survivors of rape and incest and, instead choosing to emphasize the importance of healing, forgiveness and compassion. She argues that the decision of whether to proceed with the pregnancy or to terminate it should be left up to the woman directly involved, in consultation with those closest to her.

As with any issue involving the Bible and one’s personal moral standards, it is important to approach the subject with an open mind and a heart guided by faith, prayer and love. Ultimately, every person’s opinion on the issue of abortion should be rooted in their own beliefs, and informed by a combination of scripture, personal prayer and discernment.


One factor to consider when discussing abortion is the cost. In the US, the average cost of a medical abortion can range from $400 to $900, although this varies from state to state. Unplanned pregnancies can be difficult to financially manage, as the cost of raising a child, even before the baby is born, can be intimidating. If a family is struggling financially, the cost of an abortion can seem insurmountable, placing an immense financial burden on the would-be parents.

To support those in need, there are a number of organizations that provide financial assistance for individuals in need of an abortion. For example, the National Network of Abortion Funds works to provide reimbursement assistance to individuals who can’t afford an abortion. Although Christian organizations may not provide abortions directly, they may be able to provide help in the form of financial or emotional support, or in the form of a referral to an agency that can provide abortions.

The Bible speaks to the issue of compassion and charity and many Christians have taken its message to heart, working to make abortions more accessible for those in need. Organizations like the National Network of Abortion Funds make a huge difference in the lives of individuals in need. In addition to providing financial assistance, these organizations also provide valuable emotional support, helping to make the process a bit easier for those struggling with the decision.


The legal issues surrounding abortion can be incredibly complex; however, the Bible does have several relevant passages that provide guidance. In most Christian denominations, the primary text used to determine how to approach the legality of abortion is the book of Exodus. In this book, God issues instructions to the ancient Israelites regarding matters of justice, and it is written that those who kill a man should be put to death. This commandment is seen by many to be relevant to the issue of abortion, as well.

Many Christian denominations take the view that for an act to be considered truly wrongful, it must have both a personal and legal aspect. Therefore, many Christians argue that, as with any other legal matter, those who preform abortions or help a woman to obtain one should be held accountable under the law, in order to help keep both moral justice and legal justice in balance.

For many people of faith, the issue of abortion is an incredibly complex and difficult one. Not only is it important to consider one’s own moral beliefs, but also the legal considerations as well. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to approach the issue in the way that they feel is best. However, by looking to the Bible for guidance, one can gain a deeper understanding of how Christians should approach the issue of abortion.

Mother’s Health

The Bible does not clearly address the issue of abortion when the health of the mother is at stake. However, many Christian denominations argue that in such instances, the health of the mother should take precedence over the life of the unborn child. For example, the Catholic Church has argued that abortion can be permissible in cases where the mother’s health is at risk, as it is viewed as the lesser of two evils.

The Bible does, however, address the issue of self-preservation. In the book of Deuteronomy, it is written that one should act in a way that will ensure their own safety, and many argue that the same rule applies to pregnant women, who should be allowed to make decisions that will ensure their own health and safety. Furthermore, in the book of Proverbs, it is written that one should act with insight to ensure their own safety, which can be seen as a possible indication of how Christians should approach the decision of whether or not to proceed with an abortion.

The health of a woman should always be a priority and, therefore, it is important to consider her health in any discussion about abortion. Ultimately, it is the woman’s decision and should be made with the input of those closest to her. The Bible can provide guidance and support throughout this decision-making process, and Christians should keep their minds and hearts open to the possibility of different interpretations.

Mental Health

The issue of mental health is often overlooked when discussing abortion. It is important to consider the mental health implications of a woman’s decision, as this is an essential part of the decision-making process for any individual. The Bible speaks to the importance of mental health in multiple passages, such as Proverbs 22:7, which states, “The mental anguish of the afflicted is intimately known to the lord”.

Many mental health professionals argue that the decision to abort should be free from external pressures, and that the woman should be given the space to think through her decision and explore available options. It is important to remember that an abortion is a serious decision and can have long-term psychological implications. Therefore, it is important to approach the decision with an open mind, and to provide the necessary resources and support for any woman making the decision.

The Bible does not provide an explicit answer to the question of whether or not abortion is permissible. Rather, it can provide guidance and support to those struggling with the decision. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to make their own decision based on their own beliefs and values, with support from those closest to them.

Marcos Reyna is a Christian author and speaker. He is dedicated to helping create disciples of Christ through spreading the power of the gospel to others. He has written several books and articles on a variety of theological topics, including matters of faith, worship, biblical studies, practical ethics, and social justice. A trained theologian and devotee of spiritual writing, Marcos has a mission to spread Christian love everywhere. He lives with his family in Nashville, TN where he spends his days encouraging others to seek Christ's grace in all things.

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