Most of us are familiar with the bible’s teachings that sex outside of marriage is forbidden. What many of us don’t understand is the breadth of sexual activities that the bible forbids, many of which don’t fall within the definition of sexual intercourse.
Expert Commentary
Now that is cleared up, we can begin to look at the specifics of what the bible forbids sexually. According to Dr. Juli Slattery, a psychologist and author of the book, ‘Authentic Intimacy’, the Bible says that sexual relationships should only occur within the context of marriage because of its power to produce intense pleasure, intimacy and ultimately oneness between the two people involved.
“[Marriage] is a divinely instituted covenant, not just a spiritual contract between two people,” Slattery explains. “The Bible teaches that sexual relations before marriage can be as damaging as adultery.”
The Bible identifies a couple of areas that it categorically forbids. The first of these is adultery, which is defined as being unfaithful to your marital partner. The bible also forbids premarital sexual relations. Sexual activity outside the context of a committed, monogamous covenant between two people, such as sexual relationships with multiple partners, has been identified as a sin in the Bible.
Additionally, the Bible considers sex between two people of the same gender to be a sin. Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 both clearly state that a man should not lie with another man “as he lies with a woman”.
Finally, the Bible also forbids sexual activities such as prostitution, pornography, and objectification of another person as they are all considered to be a form of sexual immorality.
The Consequences
The bible holds that there are consequences for those who disobey God’s laws. In the case of sexual activities, this includes physical and emotional pain, broken relationships, and spiritual consequences.
Physical consequences that could arise from engaging in sexual activities outside of marriage are sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancies, and regret.
The Bible also warns against emotional pain, such as grief, guilt, and shame associated with engaging in sexual activities outside of marriage.
Spiritually, engaging in sexual activities outside of marriage can lead to spiritual death. In 1 Corinthians 6:18 it is stated “flee from sexual immorality.” If a person continuously engages in sexual activities outside of marriage, it can lead them far away from God, who is the source of life and joy.
Biblical Perspective
One of the most crucial aspects of the Bible’s stance on sexual activities is that it provides guidelines and boundaries to ensure that a person’s sexuality is rightly used.
God’s design for sex is that it is to be enjoyed within a marriage, because it is intended to be a union of two people and a gift from God. In this context, the intimacy and purity of sex can be experienced in an appropriate and meaningful way.
In the bible, the ultimate penalty for sexual immorality is spiritual death. In 1 Corinthians 6:18 it says, “Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body.”
The bible also warns that engaging in sexual activities outside of marriage impacts all parties involved, not just one person. The consequences of sin are never just individual, they are often felt by those around us.
Societal Perspective
Today, our culture has a different perspective on sexual activities outside of marriage than what the Bible teaches. We live in a society where sexual activities such as premarital sex, casual dating, and even sexual relationships with multiple partners are increasingly accepted.
Despite this, research has shown that there are still significant consequences to engaging in sexual activities outside of marriage. Studies have revealed that people who engage in sexual activities outside of marriage are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and a lack of satisfaction with life.
In addition, there are social and economic costs that come with engaging in sexual activities outside of marriage, such as unplanned pregnancies, increased healthcare costs, and the need for extra financial support from the government or family members.
Role Parents Play
One of the key roles that parents must play in teaching their children about sex and sexuality is establishing boundaries and explaining what it means to “wait for marriage”. It is important to remember that it is never too early to start talking to your children about sex and sexual relationships.
Parents must also model a healthy, loving sexual relationship with their partner, if they are married. For those who are not married, they should be aware that they are still a role model and must uphold the same principles that they are teaching their children.
When Bad Things Happen
Unfortunately, sometimes young people find themselves in a situation where they have had premarital sex or engaged in other sexual activities outside of marriage. It is important for those individuals to remember that God loves them no matter what.
In 1 Corinthians 6: 11 it says that “such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” This same message of love and redemption is repeated throughout the Bible.
In these situations it is important to turn to God and the Bible for guidance, as well as to seek out wise counsel from church leaders or trusted mentors. It is also important to seek professional help, if necessary.
Conclusion Of God’s Plan for Sex
God has a beautiful plan for sex and sexuality. He created it to be a beautiful, intimate expression of love between two married people. In Deuteronomy 24:5 it says, “When a man takes a new wife, he shall not go out with the army nor be charged with any duty; he shall be free at home one year and shall give happiness to his wife whom he has taken.”
God’s design for sex is that it is to be enjoyed within a marriage, because it is intended to be a union of two people and a gift from God. In this context, the intimacy and purity of sex can be experienced in an appropriate and meaningful way.
Ultimately, God desires that we live a life of wholeness and purity. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of the biblical teaching and to abstain from any sexual activity outside of marriage, as it could have terrible consequences.