Divine or Human
Revelation in the Bible is a topic of significant debate and discussion amongst theologians, scholars, and believers of all types. There are two primary camps of thought when it comes to how a revelation is to be understood. The first is that it is divinely revealed, the second is that it is humanly interpreted.
At its core, revelation, when defined from a biblical perspective, refers to the event during which God revealed himself. In the Bible, the revelations of God, which later became the scriptures, were initially verbalised to people and were eventually written down. Those who believe that the revelations of the Bible are divinely revealed believe that God was the one who posed the message and that the messages were received directly from the divine.
Those who believe the revelations in the Bible are humanly interpreted take the position that the revelations were initially verbalised by God, and then humanly translated, understood and interpreted. This view takes into account that humans are imperfect, and that there is a potential for human bias, misunderstanding or influence upon the message as it is written out.
Mystical or Literal
The stance one takes on the divine or human position of revelation often leads to another debate: how should the revelation be understood? Those who describe the bible’s messages as mystical believe that the meaning is spiritual and cannot be fully and accurately understood in a measured, logical way. Mystical interpretations acknowledge that there may be multiple meanings and interpretations of any single verse or passage.
On the other hand, literal interpretations take a more conservative approach. Those who subscribe to a literal understanding of the bible’s revelations believe that any mystical aspects of the scriptures should be understood at face value, rather than metaphorically or symbolically. To this end, literal interpretations are this to be logically sound, and their adherents believe that the teachings are closely and distinctively described, with a single definitive meaning for each scripture.
Universal or Contextual
The debate between literal and mystical interpretations of the bible’s revelations can lead to yet another discussion. Whether or not the message of the bible should be applied in a universal or contextual manner. Universal interpretation, sometimes known as ethical interpretation believes the messages of the bible are absolute and that they are applicable to all people in a given situation. It relies on the assumption that the messages of the bible are timeless and apply to people past, present and future.
The contextual approach to understanding the bible’s revelations acknowledges that scripture must be understood in its original context, as well as to this day. Contextual interpretation requires an understanding of the original language, culture, worldview and historical background of scripture. It also takes into account that the message of scripture is applicable to specific people in a certain situation, and therefore its relevance is limited in terms of time and location.
Inspirational or Historical
The discussion of the relevance of scripture to different situations can give way to a conclusion on what the exact purpose of the bible is. Those who prefer an inspirational approach to understanding the Bible’s revelations, cite the spiritual benefit of scripture as its primary goal. Inspirational interpretations take the position that the bible is meant as an inspirational and motivating guide for life, through its messages of hope, faith and courage.
The historical approach to understanding the bible’s revelations is that the scriptures are meant to be understood as more of a historical account, rather than a moral guide. This view subscribes to an understanding that the bible is to be viewed as a historical document, detailing a set of documents and events, and the beliefs of a particular group of people. To this end, those who take a historical approach to understanding the bible versions of scripture to be more important than the spiritual aspect.
Apocalyptic or Utopian
The final area of debate when it comes to revelation in the bible is its purpose of dystopian or utopian understanding. The apocalyptic view of revelation in the bible, where the future is revealed, is the opinion that there will come a time of destruction at the end of human history. This destruction is often seen as a violent, cataclysmic event, which will mark the end of the world as we know it. This is the primary interpretation of revelation seen in Judeo-Christian scripture.
The utopian interpretation views revelation in the bible from a more optimistic point of view. This view holds that the revealed words in the bible are meant to improve humanity, its world and its environment. It seeks to bring about a state of peace and harmony for all, and for a more perfect and equitable human experience. This view is often seen in non-Judeo-Christian interpretations of revelation.
Motivation or Instruction
In regards to the purpose of revelation from the biblical perspective, a related issue is the discussion of if the revelation is meant to provide motivation or instruction. The motivational view of revelation takes the stance that the revelation of God is primarily intended to put us on the path to living a life with God as our ultimate guide and goal. This view suggests that the revelation is meant to spur us to act in certain ways and to make meaningful changes in our lives.
The instructional view of the revelation takes the stance that the revelation is primarily spiritual, and is meant to instruct us in living and worshipping God in the right way. This view suggests that the main purpose of the revelation is to provide clear and specific guidance and direction in the way that we choose to live our lives.
Factual or Figurative
The debate as to whether the revelation of the bible is meant to provide motivation or instruction often leads to a further discussion: whether the revelations are to be taken literally or presented figuratively. The literal view states that all of the bible’s revelations should be taken at face value, regardless of any technical details. This interpretation acknowledges that some parts can be taken figuratively, but only after the literal interpretation has been thoroughly explored.
The figurative interpretation of revelations in the bible states that the passages can be taken metaphorically in order to better grasp the meaning behind them. This view suggests that the story of scripture should not be taken only literally, and that many of the details are presented in a way that tells a much deeper story.
Theological or Devotional
The debate as to whether the revelation of the bible should be taken literally or figuratively often leads to another debate as to whether the primary purpose of revelation should be seen as theological or devotional. The theological view states that revelation is primarily meant to be a source of theological knowledge. This interpretation states that the primary purpose for revelation is for the purpose of teaching people about God and his will.
The devotional view states that the primary purpose of revelation should be seen as a source of spiritual inspiration and guidance, rather than a source of dogma. This view takes the stance that revelation should be seen primarily as a way to achieve a deeper spiritual connection with God. Rather than simply reading and understanding scripture, the devotional view takes the stance that revelation is to be seen as a way to achieve spiritual transformation.
Ecclesiastical or Societal
The discussion of the purpose of revelation in the bible often leads to further debate as to whether it should be seen as an ecclesiastical or societal issue. The ecclesiastical view states that the purpose of the revelation is for the churches and denominations to establish their authority by having some sort of revealed text that is seen as divinely inspired. This view takes the stance that the purpose of the revelation is to give a definite authority to the church that is then used to create and manage religious beliefs and practices.
The societal view suggests that the revelations of the bible should be seen as a way to provide guidance and instruction in how to better society. This view states that the revelations therein should be seen as a way to create and foster a society that is more just and equitable. It takes the stance that the revelation is to be seen as a way to foster a better and more just society, rather than to give a particular church or sect authority.
Conservative or Progressive
The debate as to whether the revelation of the bible should be seen as an ecclesiastical or societal issue can lead to another discussion as to whether it should be interpreted as a conservative or progressive approach. Those who take the conservative view of revelation take the stance that the scriptures should be understood to be a traditional set of rules and regulations that should be followed in order to preserve order and prevent chaos.
The progressive interpretation of revelation takes the stance that the scriptures should be seen as a more nuanced set of instructions, rather than a set of rules to be followed. Those who subscribe to this view believe that the revelation is to be seen as a way to achieve a more just and equitable society. This view takes the stance that the revelation is to be seen as a way to move society forward, rather than to simply follow a set of rules and regulations.
Final Thoughts
The discussions surrounding what Revelation means in the bible are complex and ongoing, as theologians and scholars debate and discuss the various interpretations that exist. Through an understanding of how the revelation came about and how it should be interpreted, a better understanding of the bible and its teachings can be achieved. Furthermore, it should also be taken into account that individuals may interpret the bible’s teachings in different ways, depending upon their beliefs and backgrounds. Understanding of the various interpretations can help us to understanding the full scope of what is revealed in the bible.