Meekness is a term found often in the Bible. It has been defined in various ways, but most commonly it is associated with strength and gentleness, humility, and obedience. In this article, we will explore what meekness means in the Bible, how it is portrayed, and examine its relevance for today’s world.
Meekness is first described in the Book of Psalms as being “a condition resulting from the voluntary surrender of worldly pride and self-will to the authority of God” (Psalms 37:11). To be meek is to put aside one’s own desires and to act and think in a humble, self-controlled manner. Meekness is a way of life, a way of putting God’s will ahead of one’s own. In the Bible, meekness was linked to righteousness, peace, and joy. It was also seen as a spiritual gift, a sign of God’s favor. Jesus himself was described as meek in Matthew 11:29, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart.”
The Bible also speaks of the rewards of meekness, such as inheriting “the earth” (Matthew 5:5) and being exalted (Matthew 21:5) by God. In addition, meekness is seen as a strength, not in the sense of physical power or might, but as an internal strength of character and resolve. In the book of James, meekness is seen as the antidote to human pride, which is often seen as a source of spiritual corruption. As James wrote, “the Lord gives grace to the humble but opposes the proud (James 4:6).”
Meekness is also connected to compassion, mercy, and justice. It can be seen in Jesus’s commands for us to love our enemies and to turn the other cheek, as well as in Jesus’s willingness to forgive his persecutors. Also, meekness can be found in the person of Job, who, despite tremendous suffering and loss, maintained his faith in God and his commitment to righteousness.
In today’s world, meekness is often seen as a sign of weakness. We live in a culture where power, wealth, and success are prized, and humbleness is seen as a sign of lack of ambition or self-worth. In comparison, the Bible encourages us to be humble and meek, as an expression of our faith and reliance on God’s guidance and direction. This type of meekness is a powerful force in the world, and something that should be actively sought and practiced.
Meekness is also closely related to self-control and patience. In a world that often values instant gratification and results, meekness is a reminder to take the time to think things through, to listen to others, and to seek God’s guidance in our lives. This can help us to remain humble and focused on doing what is right, instead of striving for worldly fame or power.
Meekness is also a powerful tool for conflict resolution. In a world where violence and hatred are too often used to resolve disagreements, meekness is a reminder that we can use our words and actions to peacefully resolve conflicts and promote peace and understanding between people.
How Can We Develop Meekness?
Although meekness is a virtue that is highly valued in the Bible, it can be hard to practice in our everyday lives. Developing meekness requires time and effort, as it requires us to examine and change our own behavior. A few tips for developing meekness include: listening to others, controlling one’s own anger, and living according to God’s standards.
First, listening to others is essential for developing meekness. Listening helps us to understand other people’s perspectives and allows us to show humility and respect for their opinions. As the Bible says, “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion” (Proverbs 18:2). Listening allows us to better understand people and to respond appropriately and with meekness.
Second, controlling one’s own anger is key for developing meekness. We often “lose it” when we are angry, and our behavior does not necessarily reflect meekness. As James wrote in the Bible, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1:19). Controlling one’s own anger requires practice and effort, but ultimately can be life-changing.
Finally, living according to God’s standards is essential for developing meekness. This requires us to strive to live our lives in a way that reflects His will, even when it is difficult or challenging. As Jesus taught, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (Matthew 5: 5). Developing meekness also requires us to examine how our own lives may be out of line with God’s standards, so that we can work to better align our lives with His will.
How Does Meekness Relate To Our Spiritual Life?
Meekness is also an important part of our spiritual life. It is related to humility, repentance and a deep understanding of our own weaknesses and need for God’s help. When we have meekness, we have a willingness to surrender our own agendas and accept God’s will for our lives. This way, we can more easily receive God’s grace, love, and guidance and then, in turn, be more equipped to serve Him and others.
The Bible is full of examples of meekness as a spiritual virtue. Moses was considered to be a very meek man (Numbers 12:3). Jesus himself was meek, as stated in Matthew 11:29 “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart.” In his epistle to the Philippians, Paul advised us to pursue meekness when we are faced with suffering, saying that the “meek will inherit the earth” (Philippians 4:5).
Meekness is also an important part of serving in the church. In Matthew 18:4, Jesus tells us to “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Meekness allows us to serve others with gentleness and kindness, leading others by our example. In this way, meekness can help us to better show our love for God and our love for one another.
Meekness is a spiritual quality that can help us to live our lives more in accordance with the Bible’s standards and the will of God. It is a trait that can inspire us to choose humility, live with gentleness and kindness, and practice patience. For these reasons, meekness is an important spiritual virtue for us to develop and cultivate in our lives.
What Are The Benefits Of Meekness?
Meekness is beneficial for our spiritual lives and for our lives overall. As mentioned above, meekness is a spiritual virtue that helps us to live with humility, gentleness and kindness. It also helps us to practice patience and self-control. Additionally, meekness can lead to many other benefits that can positively influence our lives.
Meekness allows us to be more approachable and persuasive. When we are meek, we are better able to interact with others with respect and understanding. This can provide us with the opportunity to influence and inspire others, as our meekness can be seen as a sign of our strength and character.
Meekness also allows us to respond to challenges with grace and clarity. When we are able to remain humble, even in difficult situations, we can better navigate and overcome obstacles without becoming overwhelmed by them. Also, in the face of criticism, meekness can help us to remain balanced and stay focused on constructive solutions rather than lashing out in anger.
Finally, meekness can help to bring peace and joy into our lives. We are less likely to live in bitterness and resentment when we remain humble and meek and more likely to experience peace and contentment in our lives. In the Bible, we are taught that those who have meekness “will inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5), indicating the lasting joy and peace that comes with having and exercising meekness.
What Are The Drawbacks Of Meekness?
Meekness is an important spiritual virtue, but it is still possible to have too much of it. It can important to be able to stand up for oneself and to fight for what one believes in.
For example, meekness can lead to a tendency to be too accommodating, allowing others to take advantage of us and our goodwill. Meekness can also dampen our creative energy and make us too passive to set and achieve our own goals.
Finally, meekness can lead to co-dependence and inauthenticity. When we are overly meek, it can cause us to conform to other people’s expectations and to forget our own unique gifts and talents. If we are too meek, we can forget to celebrate our own individuality and to make sure that our own needs are met.
In summary, while meekness is an important spiritual virtue, it is still important to remember to remain true to ourselves and to have the courage to stand up for what we believe in.
Meekness is an important spiritual virtue in the Bible, and it is something we can strive to cultivate in our lives. It is related to humility, gentleness, and self-control and can bring peace, joy, and contentment. However, it is important to remember to find the balance between meekness and independence and to be authentic to one’s own beliefs.