The meaning of imputed in the Bible can be quite confusing. The term imputed can have different meanings, depending on the context and scripture passage. In short, imputed means to “attribute” or “credit as if actually done or possessed”. The way this works in the Bible is that somebody may be “imputed” with a behavior, action, or consequence—even if it did not happen in the natural. This imputation is referred to in the Bible as a “legal declaration” by God.
Let’s look at some common examples. In the Old Testament, God promised Abraham that he would become the father of many nations. Abraham was not physically able to have children with his wife Sarai, but God imputed the action of being a father by declaring it and counting it as done. Later on, Jacob was named Israel. Similarly, God imputed this action of being given a new name as a legal declaration even though it did not happen in the natural.
In the New Testament, when Jesus died on the cross, God imputed the death of Jesus as a penalty to humanity. God did not actually die on the cross, but He imputed Jesus’ death as a penalty for human sin. As a result, because Jesus was imputed with our penalty, we have been given redemption and forgiveness. Jesus was credited with our penalty as if He had actually paid for it.
Another example can be seen in Romans 4:3-5. In this passage, Paul explains that Abraham believed in the Lord, and God counted his faith as righteousness—even though Abraham had not done any good deeds. God imputed this righteousness to Abraham, as if he had actually done those good deeds.
In summary, when the Bible speaks of imputed, it means something has been declared by God as if it had been accomplished—even if it had not happened in the natural. It is a legal declaration by God that is binding on all of mankind.
Imputed Righteousness
Imputed righteousness is an important concept in Christianity. In order to be saved, one must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. But it is impossible for humans to be righteous on their own because of our sinful nature. Therefore, the only way to have righteousness is to have it imputed by God. Romans 10:3-4 says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” When Jesus died on the cross, God imputed Christ’s righteousness on to us and thus made us righteous in God’s eyes. When one chooses to put their faith in Jesus, this imputation of righteousness is instantaneously applied.
Imputed righteousness is not something that can be achieved by one’s own efforts. It is strictly a gift from God, and can only be accessed through faith in Jesus. Therefore, it serves as a reminder of the grace of God and how much He loves us despite our inherent sinful nature. By understanding the meaning of imputed when applied to righteousness, we can better appreciate the magnitude of God’s love and mercy that are offered to us freely.
The Effect of Imputed Righteousness
Imputed righteousness is a crucial element of the Christian faith and understanding it has a powerful effect for believers. Once someone has accepted Jesus to be their Lord and Savior, it brings about great peace and assurance knowing that their righteousness is secure in Him. This transforms how one views themselves and their relationship with God. They no longer have to worry about failing to reach a certain level of righteousness and can instead rest assured knowing that their righteousness was imputed by God. This gives believers the confidence to face difficult situations knowing they have righteousness given directly to them by God.
Not only does this give believers assurance, but it also gives them strength to persevere through hardships. Knowing their righteousness will never be taken away, a believer is able to commit to honoring God in all that they do. This makes it easier to do what is right, even if it is not popular or easy. It is a reminder of the faithfulness of God and His promise that those who trust in Him will never be forsaken.
The Purpose of Imputed Righteousness
Imputed righteousness is ultimately about understanding the grace of God and how much He loves and cherishes His people. It does not matter how imperfect someone is or what type of mistake they may have done; God is faithful and always willing to forgive. Imputed righteousness communicates the forgiveness of God and how He is willing to provide a way for us to be accepted in His presence, despite our inherently sinful nature.
Imputed righteousness is a reminder of the tremendous love and mercy that God has bestowed upon His children. His love is perfect and unconditional and imputed righteousness serves to affirm that He is bigger than any of our mistakes. It is a reminder of the abundant grace God has given us and that He never fails to recognize our need for a Savior.
The Significance of Imputed Righteousness
Imputed righteousness is important to understand and accept because it is transformative. It empowers believers to live according to God’s will and honor Him in all that they do. And it also helps them to forgive themselves and others for the mistakes that have been made in the past. Understanding imputed righteousness also helps believers to appreciate Jesus and all that He has done for us. Overall, it is a reminder of the great grace and mercy of the Lord and how He constantly works to restore us in His presence.
The Implications of Imputed Righteousness
The implications of imputed righteousness are many. It strengthens the believer’s faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. It helps promote godly living by reminding the believer of the standard of righteousness Christ has set. And it demonstrates the deep love and mercy of God, which is extended to everyone through Jesus. Ultimately, imputed righteousness gives everyone the opportunity to be right with God and be accepted in His presence.
The Impact on the Church
Imputed righteousness affects the Church in a powerful way. When believers understand this concept, they have a better idea of the loving and merciful nature of God. This helps members of the Church come to a deeper relationship with Him and gain a greater understanding of His will. Knowing that their righteousness is imputed by God, it also helps believers experience greater peace within their faith. And it motivates them to live a more holy and upright life, which in turn, has a positive effect on the entire Church body.