What Does Exalt Mean In The Bible?
The term ‘exalt’ is used in multiple forms throughout the Bible. In its most general Evangelical or Protestant context, it refers to the act of lifting up or extolling God’s power and majesty through worship, prayer, and other acts of faith. Exaltation has a deeper meaning when taken from a Biblical perspective. It is not only recognition and praise for God but also a state of mind where one can be brought closer to Him. Exaltation can be seen as an act that magnifies the glory and reverence of God.
While the concept of exaltation is often associated with expressions of piety and devotion, there is a significant amount of evidence throughout the Bible that implies more than just physical praise and adoration for God. The Bible emphasizes the importance of internal exaltation. Verses such as Psalm 34:2 and Philippians 2:10 remind believers to humble themselves and humble their hearts before God. Many Psalms also speak of exaltation in context with having admiration and confidence in God’s will and trust in His divine protection.
The concept of exaltation is a central idea in the Bible and in Christian belief, as it enables one to praise God in all aspects of life. The Old Testament says that living in a state of reverential awe is what will bring believers closer to God and make them His chosen people. The New Testament speaks of exaltation in relation to righteous acts and morals. It states that living a life dedicated to pleasing God, rather than focused on personal satisfaction and pleasures, is the way to gain His approval.
Exaltation is also a form of salvation. 1 Peter 2:9 refers to exaltation as a form of deliverance for believers. In this context, the bible conveys that the more one praises and trusts God, the more one will be exalted by Him. This can be seen as God honoring faith by lifting up the humble and praising the righteous.
Exaltation in the Bible is not just an expression of faith but also a state of being where one can feel closer to God. It is a privilege to be chosen by God and through prayer, worship, reverence, and humility, believers can experience true exaltation. It is also a form of deliverance from the bondage of sin and temptation. When all of these elements are combined, believers can experience a state of oneness with God that is beyond mere words.
Exaltation in Worship
Exaltation is often employed in Christian worship services. Across denominations, acts of worship can be seen to embody the goals of internal exaltation, such as lifting hands and hearts to the heavens. For instance, in traditional hymns and gospel songs, the phrase “exalt” can be found as an expression of praise and adoration. The Psalms are full of such examples of exaltation, with lines like “Exalt the Lord our God.”
Worship services are often conducted in such a way to raise the spirits of the congregation. Service leaders routinely call for those in attendance to “exalt the Lord,” praising God for His many blessings and honors. Analogous to how the Old Testament places great emphasis on living in a state of reverential awe, members of the faith are encouraged to stand in worship, singing songs of praise and glory and raising their hands to the heavens.
In other religions, such as Islam, the ritual of prayer is often used to express personal exaltation. It is believed that through prayer, one can draw more closely to God and be blessed with peace of mind and spiritual growth. As such, prayer is often seen as a form of mental exaltation. Likewise, Christians use prayer as a way of connecting with the Divine, reciting lines of praise and thanksgiving.
Worship services often embody internal exaltation. When people set aside their personal concerns and distractions and recognize God’s power and majesty, they exalt the Lord. In its simplest form, this is the same action taken by people in the Bible, such as Moses and King David, when they recognized and praised God’s glory.
Exaltation in Everyday Life
Exaltation is not solely an act reserved for religious services and special events. It is a spiritual state that one can employ in one’s daily life. Whether it be through prayer, reading scriptures, or meditating on one’s faith, intentional time spent focusing on and praising God can be seen as an act of exaltation. This can even be done in secular contexts, such as during a gym session or while walking the dog.
Humility can also be seen as a form of exaltation. The Bible speaks of the importance of having humility in one’s actions and intentions. Exaltation can be embodied in humbling oneself before God and recognizing His superiority. This is also seen as an expression of piety and an act of recognition for God’s greatness.
In addition to prayer and humble acts, believers can find ways to exalt through their speech and actions. The Bible encourages believers to use their words in ways that honor God. Refraining from slander, gossip, and profanity can be seen as a way of honoring God and recognizing the importance of respecting His name. The same can be said for one’s actions, as refraining from acts that go against Biblical teachings can be seen as a form of reverence and respect.
Living a life dedicated to pleasing God in big and small ways is what the Bible portrays as a path to True exaltation. By honoring God in one’s words, thoughts and deeds, exaltation can be achieved in any context outside of the church setting.
The Rewards of Exaltation
Exaltation can bring a range of benefits for those who are committed to it. Through exaltation, believers can be brought closer to God and experience states of joy and peace. Furthermore, living a life that honors and pleases God can offer protection from sin and temptation. These can all be seen as rewards of exaltation.
In the Old Testament, it speaks of increased prosperity and success for those who strive to exalt, praising and trusting in the Lord. It is believed that God honors and rewards those who recognize and honor him through their faith. This is seen in verses like Psalm 65:4, which speaks of God’s divine blessings to those who call upon him.
Believers are also promised spiritual growth as a result of exaltation. The Bible speaks of internal exaltation through prayer and worship as a way to experience states of spiritual enlightenment and growth. This is seen in verses like Colossians 2:6- 7 and Romans 6:11-12, both of which encourage believers to serve and revere God with all of their heart and soul.
Overall, the Bible conveys the most important reward of exaltation as the ability to come to know and understand God on a more intimate level. When one experiences true exaltation, one can come to understand the power, splendor, and glory of the Lord.
The Role of Community
Many churches recognize the power of exaltation through communal worship. Research from The APA Monitor on Psychology indicates that communal worship allows for shared forms of expression and improved feelings of connectedness for believers. It states that traditional forms of worship such as singing, dancing, and kneeling to the Lord, can lead to significant spiritual moments for those involved.
As such, communal worship can be seen as a form of exaltation among believers. When believers come together to honor and praise the Lord, they are able to gain a greater sense of spiritual oneness with one another and with God. This is especially evident in churches that emphasize the importance of Christian fellowship and unity.
Exaltation can be a communal experience, as well. It allows believers to share in a sense of joy and reverence and elevate their spirits together. The Bible acknowledges this power of exaltation, calling on those in the faith to develop a shared bond and honor Him with one voice.
In addition, exaltation can offer a way for people to come together for a common cause. By lifting up the Lord and trusting in His divine protection and guidance, believers of all backgrounds and beliefs can find a unifying commonality in their faith.
The Righteousness of Exaltation
The Bible speaks of exaltation as an act of righteousness and implies that it is a better spiritual way of life. Biblical verses such as Isaiah 11:3-5 and Romans 12:1-2 implore believers to exalt the Lord and serve His higher divine purpose.
Beyond the spiritual realm, communication and research indicates that exaltation can enable one to cultivate a better sense of morality and behavior. When one is honoring the name of the Lord, it can lead to higher ethical standards and ethical behavior in everyday settings. It is believed that this is what leads to internal blessings and rewards from God.
Furthermore, exaltation can offer a way to break free from the chains of sin and temptation. The Bible speaks of temptation and sin as demonic forces that can lead people away from righteousness and closer to destruction. Through acts of faith, worship, and prayer, however, believers can break these chains and come closer to God’s divine protection and guidance.
Once walking closer with the Lord, believers can employ exaltation as an act of righteousness. This is seen as avoiding temptation, being honest and ethical in one’s conduct and using one’s words, thoughts, and deeds to honor and exalt the Lord.