Is Drinking A Sin In The Bible?
The Bible is one of the most popular religious books of our time and is revered around the world by both Christians and non-Christians alike. But how do its teachings apply to the issue of drinking alcohol? Is drinking a sin in the Bible?
Traditionally, some branches of Christianity have frowned on the consumption of alcohol and even deemed it a sin. During the prohibition era, in the early twentieth century, some Christians advocated for a complete ban on drinking alcohol. Yet, others have argued that drinking responsibly in moderation is permissible, particularly if done in social or celebratory events.
The Bible does not explicitly take a side in this debate. On the one hand, there are scriptures that caution believers against excessive drinking and warn against indulging in drunkenness (Ephesians 5:18, Galatians 5:21).
On the other hand, there are scriptures that seem to celebrate and endorse wine consumption. The book of Proverbs, for example, encourages readers to find pleasure in moderate drinking, and references wine as “a mocker” and “a brawler” (Proverbs 20:1). The book of Ecclesiastes aptly declares, “There is nothing better for people than to eat, drink and enjoy life” (Ecclesiastes 8:15).
In spite of the tension between these texts, prominent Bible scholars have long asserted that a moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages is not a sinful activity. For example, theologian Wayne A. Grudem in his book Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning posits that “drinking a glass of wine with a meal or at the end of a hard day’s work is not wrong; it is completely consistent withPaul’s instruction to be filled with the Spirit” (Grudem, 2014, p. 372).
Moreover, some denominations of Christianity have gone so far as to recognize the presence of alcohol during church ceremonies. The Presbyterian Church, for instance, maintains that “the sacramental use of wine in the Lord’s Supper is a matterfor discernment and decision by each congregation” (The Presbyterian Church, n.d.).
Put simply, drinking alcohol is nota sin in the Bible, as long as it is done in moderation, responsibly and with due reverence. It is up to the individual to make their own moral judgement on the matter and to be mindful of the ways in which their drinking habits could be detrimental to themselves or to others.
Where Does The Bible Talk About Alcohol?
There are references to alcohol throughout the Bible and many of them refer to the use of wine in a literal and spiritual form. For instance, in the Old Testament, Abraham and Lot offer wine to the three visitors in their tents (Genesis 18:8).
The Bible also mentions wine more than 100 times. In fact, as wine was a popular drink amongst the people of the Ancient Near East, it is featured heavily in some of the most important biblical books.
The book of Isaiah is a particularly significant example as it describes how wine is used to soothe the sorrow of the people of Israel and lift their spirits (Isaiah 25:6-8). The New Testament, too, is filled with references to alcohol. In the gospel of John, Jesus performs his first miracle when he turns water into wine at a wedding in Cana (John 2:1-11). This event is seen by some scholars to represent the wine of Eucharist, the sacrament of Holy Communion.
These instances in the Bible indicate the importance of alcohol in religious rituals. As scholar Henry Hazlitt rightly highlights in his book Economics In One Lesson, “in the Bible wine has always been thought of as a blessing, anexpression of joy” (Hazlitt, 1979, p. 55).
Why Are Some Christians Against Alcohol Consumption?
Although the Bible does not condemn the drinking of alcohol, some Christians believe that the ‘fixed stars’— immutable theological truths such as not stealing, not committing adultery and so on— outweigh all other rules, including those related to alcohol (Clark, 2016).
This attitude can be largely attributed to the temperance movement of the nineteenth century, a movement which greatly impacted the American culture of the time and which continues to shape our views of alcohol consumption to this day. During the movement, many Christians minced no words in their condemnation of drinking alcohol and some went as far as deemed it sinful.
This stance is still upheld by certain denominations of Christianity, including the Protestant Church, which states that “the Bible underscores the potential for abuse of alcohol, and abstention for oneself and responsibility for others are the preferred standards for God’s people” (The Protestant Church, n.d.).
Nonetheless, although some churches may advocate drinking abstinence, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that many other Christians are open to the consumption of alcohol. Recent research from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that an estimated 70 percent of Christians in the United States drink alcohol, with roughly one-third of these identifying as regular drinkers (NIAAA, 2020).
What Does The Bible Say About Responsibility?
Another important factor that needs to be considered is responsibility. The Bible teaches us to use alcohol responsibly and in moderation, stressing the importance of knowing our limits. “Do not get drunk with wine” warns the Bible in Ephesians 5:18 (NIV), “for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit”. This suggests that alcohol should never be used to excess.
What’s more, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, there are numerous potential dangers associated with drinking alcohol. As such, it is the responsibility of the individual to be mindful of these dangers, to be aware of their limits, and to ensure that their consumption of alcohol does not bring harm to themselves or to others.
Furthermore, important life lessons can be drawn from the Bible in relation to alcohol consumption. In Proverbs 23:1-2, for instance, it is written “Take care not to be ensnared by asking about your neighbour’s dinner, or prying into their private affairs. Don’t long for their delicacies; it is food that deceives.” (GNT). From this, it can be argued that while moderate drinking can be appropriate in certain circumstances, it should never become an addiction or a source of unhealthiness.
What Role Does Moderation Play?
While the Bible does not explicitly forbid the consumption of alcohol, it is clear that some forms of drinking (or over-indulging in alcohol) are wrong in the eyes of the church. Therefore, moderation is essential for the responsible drinking of alcohol.
Proverbs 23:20-21 reemphasizes this point: “Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.” (KJV). This implies that consuming too much alcohol could bring about spiritual and financial hardship for the individual and for others.
In conclusion, the right answer to the question of whether drinking is a sin in the Bible is ‘no’. Although drinking alcohol may be seen as sinful by certain denominations of Christianity, most Bible scholars agree that drinking alcohol in moderation is permissible and, indeed, can be a blessing.
What Are The Health Impacts Of Alcohol?
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that moderate drinking (<14 drinks a week for women and <21 for men) is associated with a lower risk of various health conditions, such as coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
At the same time, heavy drinking and binge drinking can bring with it a host of negative health impacts, both to the individual and to those around them. These include physical complications such as liver cirrhosis and pancreatitis, as well as the increased risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
In addition, excessive drinking can lead to social issues such as domestic violence and financial difficulties. These problems can impact negatively not just on the individual’s life, but on their family and wider community as well.
It is important then for individuals to be mindful of the harms associated with drinking, as well as to bear in mind the imperative of moderation.
Should Christians Refrain From Drinking?
Ultimately, religious beliefs should play an important role in guiding one’s drinking habits. Thus, for Christians, the key question should be: “how can I best honour God through the consumption of alcohol?”
The Bible does not explicitly ban the consumption of alcohol, nor does it support excessive indulgence. Rather, it encourages responsible drinking and cautions against drinking to excess.
Ultimately, it is up to the individual to exercise moral judgement and to adhere to their own religious convictions. As theologian Stanley Grenz explains in his book Theology For The Community Of God, “it is unacceptable for a Christian knowingly to subject his or her body to substances that will harm or destroy it” (Grenz, 1994, p. 505).
The issue of drinking alcohol in Christianity is certainly a complex one, and one that is open to interpretation. Nevertheless, when approached from a place of moral discernment, drinking alcohol can be seen by some Christians to be a permissible social activity, so long as it is done with moderation and responsibility.
What Is The Purpose Of Drinking Alcohol?
From a Christian perspective, drinking alcohol should be seen as an activity to be enjoyed responsibly and in moderation, but not one to be pursued as an end in itself. The Bible teaches us that alcohol should not become an addiction or an idol, but should instead be used to celebrate life, as a blessing from God.
The Book of Revelation, for instance, speaks of a new heaven and a new Earth, describing it as a place where “the angel showed me the river of life-giving water, sparkling like crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb” (Revelation 22:1, NLT). Once again, this highlights the biblical notion that wine should be seen as a blessing from God, not something to be abused.
The book of Psalms also makes numerous references towine. Psalms 104:14-15 praises God for providing “wine that cheers the heart of men, oil to make their faces shine, and bread which strengthens man’s heart.” (NIV).