In today’s society, some people may look up to the Bible and its teachings to seek the answers to many of life’s questions. When it comes to living a godly life and keeping up with good hygiene and personal cleanliness, the Bible can provide insight into God’s values and expectations. But what exactly does the Bible say when it comes to being clean?
The phrase “cleanliness is next to godliness” is often attributed to the Bible, but the exact phrase is not found in scripture. The Bible does, however, venerate cleanliness in both a physical and spiritual sense. Moses’ instructions to the Israelites to keep the camp clean and ‘uncluttered’ is a good example of this (Numbers 9:14-22). Despite having to fight for 40 years in the wilderness, each person was responsible for keeping their encampment clean and tidy. The emphasis on cleanliness in this text implies that God places great importance on being clean.
The spiritual significance of cleanliness is also discussed throughout the Bible. In many passages, the act of bathing or washing is equated with forgiveness and washing away sin. John 2:6-10 is an example of this, when Jesus uses the act of ceremonially washing feet to teach the disciples the importance of humility in their relationships. Matthew 15:20 and Mark 7:1-4 discuss how physical hygiene rituals can often become meaningless if the hearts and minds of people have not been purified by God. These scriptures make it clear that although cleanliness is important, spiritual purity should come first.
When considering the connection between cleanliness and godliness in the Bible, it is therefore important to remember that although taking part in physical hygiene rituals is important, maintaining spiritual cleanliness should be a priority. Acts of physical cleanliness must reflect a spiritual cleanliness that comes from a personal connection to God. Thus, being spiritually clean and committed to living a godly life is far more important than any physical routine. Cleanliness, in that sense, is definitely next to godliness.
Is Hygiene Essential To Godliness?
It is not uncommon to come across advice and opinions linking personal hygiene with godliness in both religious literature and modern life. Such instructions reinforce the expectation that to be of good moral standing and follow God’s teachings, we must adhere to a certain level of physical cleanliness. Despite this, it is important to recognize that personal cleanliness does not equate to moral purity. It is essential to remember that at the core of Godliness is not external hygiene, but a commitment to leading a righteous life that follows God’s teachings and upholds the spiritual principles outlined in the Bible.
Maintaining a basic level of personal hygiene is of course important, as it helps keep us healthy and free from illness. It is also a sign of respect for ourselves, family and friends. However, we must not forget that our focus should ultimately be on our spiritual wellbeing rather than physical cleanliness. After all, while keeping physically clean is important, it is in no way an indication of one’s commitment to God.
The Value of Service
Another way to live godly lives discussed in the Bible is through the act of service. The scriptures emphasize how service is often more important than physical acts of cleanliness. For example, in James 2:15-17, James states that “If a brother or sister is ill-clad and in lack of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled’, without giving them the things needed for the body, what does it profit?” In this passage, the importance of service is highlighted, for it is those acts of service that are often a reflection of our spiritual commitment more so than any physical routines.
The book of Matthew is full of stories that emphasize the value of service. In chapter 25, Jesus tells the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, in which he explains that those who serve him will be given his salvation and eternal life, while those who do not, no matter how many times they have washed themselves, will not receive it. This implies that godliness is not dependent on how clean you are or how many physical hygiene rituals are performed, but rather the willingness to serve others in God’s name.
The Sacred Nature of Hygiene
The Bible also recognizes the spiritual and ritualistic importance of hygiene. Throughout the Bible, we find instructions for religious rituals and events, as well as instructions for keeping the body and clothing clean. For example, Leviticus 12:2-4, discuss the requirement for a mother to bathe and wait for a certain number of days before going to the temple. Such rituals suggest that personal hygiene can be a sign of reverence for God.
Furthermore, the New Testament mentions several examples of Jesus healing those who have physical ailments. This shows us not only the power of Christ to heal, but the importance of keeping physically clean. It demonstrates that cleanliness is not merely an act of vanity, but an act of sacred spiritual significance.
The Significance of Cleanliness in our Lives
When taken together, the Bible’s passages on cleanliness and godliness draw a clear connection between the two. It is clear that cleanliness is an important part of living a godly life, both in terms of physical hygiene and spiritual purity. We must however remain mindful of the fact that although cleanliness is important, it is ultimately our spiritual purity that dictates our commitment to God. Finally, we must also recognize the reverence that can come from taking part in spiritual hygiene rituals, for these too can be expressions of our devotion to God.
The Role of Hygiene in Spiritual Fitness
Although cleanliness is not essential to godliness, keeping physically clean is an important part of spiritual fitness. In his book The Practice of the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence states that “Cleanliness is a small thing but it brings much peace.” Physical cleanliness can promote mental and spiritual peace, allowing us to better appreciate the spiritual beauty around us and draw closer to God.
Physical cleanliness is also essential for a sense of peace in our home and communities. Keeping the home and body clean helps create a healthy and peaceful environment, which can in turn help foster a closer connection to God. A clean home is indicative of an organized mind and spiritual practice, and it can help bring tidiness to all aspects of life, from physical hygiene to theological insight.
Living A Clean Lifestyle
Ultimately then, the Bible does equate cleanliness with godliness. Taking care of our bodies and keeping them clean is a sign of respect for ourselves, family and friends, and it is an outward expression of our spiritual commitment to living a godly life.
We should however recognize that although cleanliness is important, it is our spiritual purity that matters the most. Keeping physically clean is not a guarantee of godliness, but it is an outward sign of our inner faith and spiritual commitment. Cleanliness can in turn also contribute to spiritual fitness, and in doing so, bring us one step closer to God.