How to in-text cite the bible apa?

When writing a paper using the APA style, in-text citations of the Bible should include the book, chapter and verse. For example, (Genesis 1:1). If you are quoting a specific passage, you should also include the translation in your citation, such as (Genesis 1:1, NIV).

The Bible should be cited as follows in APA format:

“Scripture Reference,” Version, Book, Chapter: Verse.

How do you in-text cite the Bible in APA?

To cite the Bible in 7th edition APA Style, use the general book citation format, omitting the author element and listing the specific version used (not just “The Bible”) as the title. Include a URL if you accessed an online version.

The first time you reference a version of the Bible, in the in-text citations, give the name of the edition (italicized), followed by a comma and the abbreviated book (see back of handout), chapter, and verse Use a period, not a colon, between the chapter and verse: John 316.

How do you cite the NIV Bible in-text APA

When citing the Bible in your Works Cited, include the title of the Bible, the version, and the publication information. Here are some examples for citing print and online editions of the Bible:

Zondervan NIV Study Bible (K L Barker, Ed; Full rev

The English Standard Version Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments with Apocrypha

If you are writing a paper using MLA format, you will need to cite the Bible on the Works Cited page and in-text. MLA format does not require a specific citation format for the Bible, but simply lists it as a source. For in-text citations, you can provide the book, chapter, and verse, or just the book and chapter.

How do you in-text cite a religious text?

When quoting from the Bible, it is most common to use canonical numbering rather than page numbers. This ensures that everyone is referring to the same section of the text, regardless of which edition of the Bible they are using. In the above example, the person is quoting from Song of Solomon 8:6 in the King James Bible.

The APA format follows the author-date method of in-text citation. This means that the author’s last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text. For example, (Jones, 1998). Each source should have one complete reference in the reference list at the end of the paper.

How do you cite the Bible in text and work cited )?

When you are referencing the Bible in your paper, be sure to italicize the name of the book. Remember to include the specific edition of the Bible you are using, followed by an abbreviation of the book, chapter, and verse(s) in your parenthetical citation.

The Bible is a sacred text for many people and as such, it is often cited in scholarly work. When citing the Bible in APA style, you include the date of publication and “as cited in” followed by the citation information. For example: “Quote” (King James Version, 1604, as cited in Smith, 2020).

How do you cite the Bible in APA 6

There is no one definitive way to cite the Bible, but most style guides agree that it should be treated like any other book with no author. In your in-text citation, you should include the original year of publication, followed by a slash and the publication year of the current version or reprinting. When referring to specific verses or passages, include the Bible reference instead of page numbers.

When citing a passage of scripture, include the abbreviated name of the book, the chapter number, and the verse number—never a page number Chapter and verse are separated by a colon Example: 1 Cor 13:4, 15:12-19.

How do you cite in-text examples?

In-text citation in APA style uses the author’s last name and the year of publication, for example: (Field, 2005). For direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example: (Field, 2005, p. 14). For sources such as websites and e-books that have no page numbers, use a paragraph number.

The MLA in-text citation style uses the author’s last name and the page number from which the quotation or paraphrase is taken. For example, if you were quoting from page 163 of a book by Smith, you would include “(Smith 163)” at the end of the quotation. If the source does not use page numbers, you would simply include the author’s last name in the parentheses, like this: “(Smith)”.

Does APA 7 require in text citations

APA uses the author-date citation system for in-text citations. This allows the reader to locate the corresponding entry in the reference list at the end of the paper. Each work cited in the text must appear in the reference list, and each work in the reference list must be cited in the text.

When citing a work in the text of your paper, you will need to use the author’s last name and the date of publication. For example, you might write “According to Smith (2020),” or “Smith (2020) argues that.” If the work has no identified author, you will need to use the first few words of the article title instead. For example, you might write “According to ‘The Benefits of Exercise,'” or “‘The Benefits of Exercise’ argues that.”

How do you in text cite 7th edition in APA with 3 authors?

If you are citing a work with one or two authors, you should include the author name(s) in every citation. If you are citing a work with three or more authors, you should include the name of only the first author plus “et al” in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.

When you are writing a paper, it is important to cite your sources. This shows the reader that you have researched your topic and that you are knowledgeable about it. There are two ways to cite your sources: in-text citation and parenthetical citation.

In-text citation is when you include the author’s last name and the page number in parentheses after the quote or paraphrase. For example, “Smith says that ‘citing sources is important’” (Smith 3).

Parenthetical citation is when you include the author’s last name and the year of publication in parentheses after the quote or paraphrase. For example, “Smith says that ‘citing sources is important’” (Smith, 2016).

Footnotes and endnotes are also ways to cite your sources. Footnotes are notes that are placed at the bottom of the page. Endnotes are notes that are placed at the end of the paper.

What order do in-text citations go in APA

To highlight the work(s) most relevant to your point in a given sentence, place those citations first within parentheses in alphabetical order. Then insert a semicolon and a phrase, such as “see also,” before the remaining citations, which should also be in alphabetical order.

An in-text citation is a brief form of the reference that you include in the body of your work. It gives enough information to uniquely identify the source in your reference list. The brief form usually consists of: family name of the author(s), and year of publication.


In-text citation for the Bible would follow the standard format for a chapter and verse (or verses). For example, (John 3:16).

There are a few different ways to in-text cite the Bible in APA style. The most common way is to use the abbreviation ” Bible” followed by the book, chapter, and verse (e.g., Bible, Matthew 5:13-14). If you are quoting from a specific translation, you would include that after the verse (e.g., Bible, New International Version, Matthew 5:13-14).

Hilda Scott is an avid explorer of the Bible and inteprator of its gospel. She is passionate about researching and uncovering the mysteries that lie in this sacred book. She hopes to use her knowledge and expertise to bring faith and God closer to people all around the world.

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