What are Angels?
Angels are powerful, heavenly beings found in the Bible. They lie at the edge of the divine and human realms, mediating between God and humans as messengers, warriors, or protectors. Throughout the Bible, angels appear as a source of knowledge, comfort, and strength for regular people and prophets alike. Depending on the context, angels may appear as either male or female, though in most cases, the gender of the angel is not specified.
The Function of Angels
The Bible states that angels were created to be servants of God, doing His bidding no matter where He sends them. In many places throughout scripture, angels fulfill the role of messengers, bringing news from God to His people. Angels can also appear in the form of warriors, fighting battles on behalf of the Lord. In other instances, they function as angels of protection, sheltering those they are assigned to watch over.
Analyses of Angels in the Bible
The Bible contains numerous references to angels, along with numerous passages analyzing the role and abilities of angels. These passages range in complexity, some providing helpful metaphors or eloquent descriptions of angelic powers, while others provide a checklist of angelic abilities. Some of the most common abilities attributed to angels in the Bible include communication, guardianship, supernatural power, and combat skill.
References to Angels in the Bible
References to angels appear throughout the Bible. In the Old Testament, God often sends messengers in the form of angels to warn and instruct his chosen people. The book of Revelation provides some of the most detailed descriptions of heavenly warriors, detailing their roles in the Last Judgment. The New Testament tells stories of angels being sent to save a young Mary from danger, and later to announce the birth of Jesus.
The Nature of Angels
The Bible does not explicitly state how angels were created, but many believers take the book of Ezekiel to mean that angels are living creatures of light and fire, so bright that only God can look upon them. In some New Testament passages, angels are described as having wings, a symbol of their power to infect and protect. Ultimately, the Bible suggests that angels are imbued with a certain degree of independence, and are able to carry out God’s plans and bring comfort to humans with relative autonomy.
The Hierarchy of Angels
The Bible offers a few clues about the hierarchy of angels. In some places, angels are divided among three classes: principalities, authorities and powers. However, it’s not always clear which talents or responsibilities originate within each group. In other passages, it’s said that seven of the choirs of angels are responsible for administering messages from God and are ranked in order of importance, from the highest and the most powerful to the least.
Attitude Towards Angels
The Bible teaches that humans should not worship angels, but rather look to God alone as the ultimate object of worship and honor. A focus on angels can lead to idolatry and can take attention away from the one true God. The Bible also warns against tempting and attempting to control angels, as their power and authority come from God, and any attempt to deceive or command them can bring about severe consequences.
Getting to Know Angels
Angels are a powerful part of the Biblical narrative, and studying the Bible can give insight into the nature, hierarchy and roles of angels. To begin learning more, Christians can read passages from both the Old and New Testament that talk about angels. Additionally, people can reflect on their own individual experiences in which they may have felt a divine presence in their lives, and how that could relate to the role of angels in the Christian faith.
Angels and Other Religions
Although angels are most associated with the Christian version of the Bible, they appear in other religious texts as well. In Islam, the angel Jibraeel, also known as Gabriel, is thought to have visited Prophet Muhammad numerous times, bringing important messages and revelations. Additionally, Hindu scriptures such as the Mahabharata and Bhagavata Purana reference celestial beings, such as garudas, that share similar characteristics with biblical angels.
Role of Angels in Music and Art
Since ancient times, artists have been inspired by the idea of angels, and have tried to visualize the majestic figures that often appear in religion and scripture. Military coats of arms and religious symbols often depicted groupings of angels, and some museums contain elaborate artworks depicting saints and guardians surrounded by angels. Musicians have also composed hymns and songs about the angelic beings, often taking their inspiration from the descriptions found in the Bible.
Influence of Angels in Modern Culture
Today, the topic of angels continues to captivate people from around the world. A quick online search reveals thousands of books and articles devoted to angels, as well as countless websites with angel-related artwork and merchandise. Television shows and films also frequently feature supernatural characters that bear similarity to angels.
Explaining the Mysterious
For many people, the mystery surrounding angels is what draws them to the topic. While the Bible may not have all the answers, it provides believers with a better understanding of the power angels have, and how they may have been used by God to protect, assist and comfort people throughout the ages. This knowledge can help people of faith form deeper connections with the divine and sharpen their spiritual discernment as they seek to know the plan of God.